Arpeggiator (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /ar-peg-gia-tor/
What does Arpeggiator mean?
A MIDI effect that turns a static chord into an arpeggio.
Arpeggiator is a MIDI effect that turns a static chord into an arpeggio.
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /ar-peg-gia-tor/
What does Arpeggiator mean?
Arpeggiator is a MIDI effect that turns a static chord into an arpeggio.
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /jit-err/
What does Jitter mean?
Jitter is the modulation effect that creates randomness to the modulated parameter. For example, an LFO might have a jitter control that allows it to drift off its current value to add more of a human feel.
Example sentence: “I used a jitter on it.”