Eighth Note (noun)

Type: noun, music notation

Pronunciation: /ayth-note/

Also spelled or known as: Eighth-Note, EighthNote

Related: Eighth Rest

What does Eighth Note mean?

A note that lasts 1/8 the duration of a whole note.

An Eighth Note (used in music notation) is a note that lasts 1/8 the duration of a whole note.

More Notes: Half Note, Quarter Note, Whole Note, A (Note), B (Note), C (Note), D (Note), F (Note)

Example sentence: “The last one was an eighth note.”

Half Note (noun)

Type: noun, music notation

Pronunciation: /half-note/

Also spelled or known as: Half-Note, HalfNote

What does Half Note mean?

A note that in 4/4 time is worth 2 beats or half of a whole note.

More notes: Whole Note, Quarter Note, A note, B note, C note, D note, F note

A Half Note (used in music notation) is a note that in 4/4 time is worth 2 beats or half of a whole note.

Example sentence: “I’m pretty sure this one is a half note.”

Quarter Note (noun)

Type: noun, music notation

Pronunciation: /kor-ter-note/

Also spelled or known as: Quarter-Note, QuarterNote

What does Quarter Note mean?

A note that in 4/4 time is worth 1 beat or 1/4 of a whole note.

More notes: Whole Note, Half Note, A note, B note, C note, D note, F note

A Quarter Note (used in music notation) is a note that in 4/4 time is worth 1 beat or 1/4 of a whole note.

Example sentence: “Can you sing it in a quarter note?”