RAM (noun)

Type: noun, acronym

Pronunciation: /rahm/ or /r-a-m/

Also spelled or known as: R.A.M, R-A-M

What does RAM mean?

Random Access Memory (Computer Memory).

RAM (Random Access Memory) is a fast but short-term memory for your computer’s CPU. More RAM improves computer speed significantly.

Example sentence: “I need to buy more RAM, my computer is moving slow.”

DSP (noun)

Type: noun, acronym

Pronunciation: /D-S-P/

Also spelled or known as: DSP’s, D-S-P, D.S.P, D S P

Related: Digital Service Provider

What does DSP mean?

1. Digital Service Provider

2. Digital Streaming Platform

DSP stands for Digital Service Provider (most used) or Digital Streaming Platform. A Digital Service Provider or a Digital Streaming Platform is a service like iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Soundcloud, Napster, Pandora, etc.

Example sentence: “I sent the song to every DSP.”

CAPASSO (noun)

Type: noun, acronym

Pronunciation: /cap-ah-so/ or /c-a-p-a-s-s-o/

Also spelled or known as: C.A.P.A.S.S.O., C-A-P-A-S-S-O

What does CAPASSO mean?

Composers, Authors, and Publishers Association.

CAPASSO stands for Composers, Authors, and Publishers Association. CAPASSO is a South African organization that administers the mechanical right in the composition’s copyright and distributes the royalties to its members.

More South African Performing Rights Organizations: SAMPRA, RISA, SAMRO

Example sentence:CAPASSO helps South African artists.”

SAMPRA (noun)

Type: noun, acronym

Pronunciation: /sam-prah/ or /s-a-m-p-r-a/

Also spelled or known as: S.A.M.P.R.A., S-A-M-P-R-A

What does SAMPRA mean?

South African Music Performance Rights Association.

SAMPRA stands for the South African Music Performance Rights Association. SAMPRA (South African Music Performance Rights Association) is the organization that handles needletime rights and royalties for South African artists and collaborators.

More South African Performing Rights Organizations: SAMRO, RISA, CAPASSO

Example sentence:SAMPRA helped get the rest of the funds.”

SAMRO (noun)

Type: noun, acronym

Pronunciation: /sam-ro/ or /s-a-m-r-o/

Also spelled or known as: S.A.M.R.O., S-A-M-R-O

What does SAMRO mean?

South African Music Rights Organisation.

SAMRO stands for South African Music Rights Organisation. SAMRO (South African Music Rights Organisation) deals with performing rights and royalties and handles the collection payment of money owed to South African artists and collaborators whose music has been on radio, TV, film, or other media in the public space.

More South African Performing Rights Organizations: SAMPRA, RISA, CAPASSO

Example sentence:SAMRO helped his get some of his funds back.”

RISA (noun)

Type: noun, acronym

Pronunciation: /r-i-s-a/

Also spelled or known as: R.I.S.A., R-I-S-A

What does RISA mean?

Recording Industry of South Africa.

RISA stands for the Recording Industry of South Africa.

More South African Performing Rights Organizations: SAMPRA, SAMRO, CAPASSO

Example sentence: “He got an ISRC code from the RISA.”

RIAA (R.I.A.A) (noun)

Type: noun, acronym

Pronunciation: /r-i-double-a/

Also spelled or known as: R.I.A.A

What does RIAA mean?

Recording Industry Association of America.

RIAA (also known as R.I.A.A.) stands for The Recording Industry Association of America. RIAA certifies recordings of their achievements.

Example sentence: “The RIAA certified the album is now Gold.”

ISRC (noun)

Type: noun, acronym

Pronunciation: /I-S-R-C/

Also spelled or known as: I.S.R.C, I S R C, I-S-R-C

Related: ISRC Code

What does ISRC mean?

International Standard Recording Code; a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for commercial release.

An ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for commercial release.

Example sentence: “I need the ISRC to move the record.”

AAC (noun)

Type: noun, acronym

Pronunciation: /a-a-c/

Also spelled or known as: A.A.C, A-A-C

What does AAC mean?

A lossy audio file format created by Apple.

AAC is a lossy audio file format created by Apple with a slightly better compression algorithm than MP3 for quality.

More formats by Apple: AIFF

Example sentence: “We bounced it in AAC.”

ADSR (noun)

Type: noun, acronym

Pronunciation: /a-d-s-r/

Also spelled or known as: A.D.S.R., A-D-S-R

Related: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release

What does ADSR mean?

Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release; envelope commonly used to shape a wave form.

ADSR – Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release are the four stages of an envelope that describe the shape of a sound over time.

Example sentence: “I was teaching some music students about ADSR.”

Read: What is ADSR (attack, decay, sustain, and release)

ADSR Attack, Sustain, Decay, Release; envelope commonly used to shape a wave form.
ADSR – Attack, Sustain, Decay, Release