Record Player (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /rek-ord-play-err/

Plural: Record Players

What does Record Player mean? What is a Record Player?

A device with a turntable to play back vinyl records.

A record player is a device with a turntable to play back vinyl records.

Record Player synonyms: Turntable

Example sentence: “Can you ask the DJ to bring his record player.”

Turntable (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /turn-tab-ull/

Plural: Turntables

What does Turntable mean? What is a Turntable?

A flat, circular, and revolving surface on a record player on which the record is played back.

A turntable is a flat, circular, and revolving surface on a record player on which the record is played back. A popular turntable is the Technics SL-1200.

Turntable synonyms: Record player

Example sentence: “We have a turntable we can use to play the record and listen.”

Buss (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /buss/

Also spelled or known as: Bus

What does Buss mean? What is a Buss?

A track that is assigned audio from multiple tracks in a DAW for group audio processing.

Buss is a an auxiliary track that is assigned audio from multiple tracks in a DAW for group audio processing. A bus may group vocals, piano, and synthesizers together after their individual processing. A drum buss can group a kick, snare, hats, rides, and other percussion recordings into one channel (after initial processing), this bus creates a group effect processing, like EQ, reverb, compression, etc.

Example sentence: “I put all the drums in a buss.”

Cable (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /kayb-ull/

Plural: Cables

What does Cable mean? What is a Cable?

A cord that can connect devices together by transmitting audio or some form of digital/analogue data.

A cable is a cord that can connect devices together by transmitting audio or some form of digital/analogue data.

Example sentence: “Can you pass me the cable on the right.”

Browser (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /brow-zer/

What does Browser mean? What is a Browser?

A feature on most DAWs for browsing files like samples, effects, plugins, presets, stock content, & more.

A browser is a feature on most DAWs for browsing files like samples, effects, plugins, presets, stock content, & more.

Example sentence: “Can you find a new 808 with the browser.”

Brickwall Filter (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /brick-wall-fil-ter/

What does Brickwall Filter mean? What is a Brickwall Filter?

An advanced type of low-pass or high-pass filter with a very steep slope (dB/oct), resembling a brick wall becuase of the rolloff.

A Brickwall Filter is an advanced type of low-pass or high-pass filter with a very steep slope (dB/oct), resembling a brick wall becuase of the rolloff. A Brickwall Filter is used to remove frequencies above and below the human hearing spectrum.

Example sentence: “I cleaned it up with the brickwall filter.”

Brass (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /brahs/

What does Brass mean? What is a Brass?

An acoustic brass instrument or a type of sound that resembles a brass instrument.

Brass is an acoustic brass instrument or a type of sound that resembles a brass instrument.

Example sentence: “Let’s add a brass in between.”

Boost (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /boost/

What does Boost mean?

An EQ adjustment that increases the gain of a frequency spectrum.

Boost is an EQ adjustment that increases the gain of a frequency spectrum.

Example sentence: “Let’s give it a boost.”

Bell (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /behl/

Plural: Bells

What does Bell mean? What is a Bell?

A idiophone percussion instrument that sounds like or resembles a real bell.

A bell is an idiophone percussion instrument that sounds like or resembles a real bell.

Example sentence: “Let’s try to add a bell there.”

Tape Recorder (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /tayp-re-kor-der/

Also spelled or known as: Tape-Recorder

Plural: Tape Recorders

What does Tape Recorder mean? What is a Tape Recorder?

An analog audio recording device that records audio by encoding electrical audio signals onto magnetic tape and plays it back.

A tape recorder is an analog audio recording device that records audio by encoding electrical audio signals onto magnetic tape and plays it back. The 2” Ampex tape recorder was used back in the day, most studios had a ¼” tape machine or a ½” machine.

Tape Recorder Synonyms: Tape Machine, Tape Deck, Tape Player, Audio Tape Recorder

Example sentence: “Let’s record it with the tape recorder.”