Lyre (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /lyer/

What does Lyre mean?

An ancient U-shaped harp-like string instrument.

Lyre is an ancient U-shaped harp-like string instrument.

Example sentence: “He owned a rare lyre.”

Instrument (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /in-stru-ment/

What does Instrument mean?

An object or tool used to make music.

An instrument is an object or tool used to make music. The three basic kinds of instruments are; wind instruments (which use air to make the sounds); percussion instruments (something being hit to make the sound); and instruments with strings that are either plucked or played with a bow.

3 basic kinds of instruments: wind instruments, percussion instruments, and instruments with strings that are either plucked or played with a bow.

Example sentence: “The piano is my favorite instrument.”

Musical notation (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /mew-sik-ull-no-tay-tion/

Also spelled or known as: Notation, Music notation, Musical-notation

Plural: Musical notations

What does Musical notation mean?

Symbols used to represent music to write it down.

Musical notation (also known as “notation” or “music notation”) are symbols used to represent music to write it down.

Example sentence: “The musical notations should help you understand.”

Music notation (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /mew-sik-ull-no-tay-tion/

Also spelled or known as: Notation, Musical notation, Music-notation

Plural: Music notations

What does Music notation mean?

Symbols used to represent music to write it down.

Music notation (also known as “notation” or “musical notation”) are symbols used to represent music to write it down.

Example sentence: “The music notation was very helpful to the students.”

Notation (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /no-tay-tion/

Also spelled or known as: Music notation, Musical notation

Plural: Notations

What does Notation mean?

Symbols used to represent music to write it down.

Notation (also known as “music notation” or “musical notation”) are symbols used to represent music to write it down.

Example sentence: “The notation helped me.”

Note (noun)

Type: noun, music notation

Pronunciation: /note/

Related: Rest

What does Note mean?

A musical sound or the symbol used for it.

A note is a musical sound or the symbol used for it.

Notes: Half Note, Quarter Note, Whole Note, Eighth Note, A note, B note, C note, D note, F note

Example sentence: “What note was that last part in?”

Eighth Note (noun)

Type: noun, music notation

Pronunciation: /ayth-note/

Also spelled or known as: Eighth-Note, EighthNote

Related: Eighth Rest

What does Eighth Note mean?

A note that lasts 1/8 the duration of a whole note.

An Eighth Note (used in music notation) is a note that lasts 1/8 the duration of a whole note.

More Notes: Half Note, Quarter Note, Whole Note, A (Note), B (Note), C (Note), D (Note), F (Note)

Example sentence: “The last one was an eighth note.”

Nonet (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /no-net/

What does Nonet mean?

A piece of music written for nine instruments or voices.

A nonet is a piece of music written for nine instruments or voices, a nonet has nine musicians playing it.

Example sentence: “They started the show with a nonet.”

Minstrel (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /min-strel/

Plural: Minstrel

What does Minstrel mean?

A musician back in the middle ages.

A minstrel is a musician back in the middle ages.

Example sentence: “We should make it sound like minstrel.”

Hymn (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /hym/

Plural: Hymns

What does Hymn mean?

A church song of praise.

A hymn is a church song of praise.

Example sentence: “We are singing a new hymn today folks.”