RIAA (R.I.A.A) (noun)

Type: noun, acronym

Pronunciation: /r-i-double-a/

Also spelled or known as: R.I.A.A

What does RIAA mean?

Recording Industry Association of America.

RIAA (also known as R.I.A.A.) stands for The Recording Industry Association of America. RIAA certifies recordings of their achievements.

Example sentence: “The RIAA certified the album is now Gold.”

SESAC (S.E.S.A.C.) (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /see-sak/

Also spelled or known as: S.E.S.A.C.

What does SESAC mean?

Society of European Stage Authors and Composers.

SESAC (also known as S.E.S.A.C.) stands for Society of European Stage Authors and Composers. SESAC is a European performing rights organization that protects its members’ musical copyrights. SESAC tracks performances of their music and collects (and distributes) the fees associated with those performances. SESAC is not a music publisher.

More Performing Rights Organizations: BMI, ASCAP, SoundExchange

Example sentence: “Yeah just let the label know your SESAC.”

ASCAP (A.S.C.A.P) (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /as-cap/

Also spelled or known as: A.S.C.A.P

What does ASCAP mean?

The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers.

ASCAP (also known as A.S.C.A.P) stands for The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. ASCAP is an American performing rights organization that protects its members’ musical copyrights. ASCAP tracks performances of their music and collects (and distributes) the fees associated with those performances. ASCAP is not a music publisher.

More Performing Rights Organizations: BMI, SESAC, SoundExchange

Example sentence: “Send your ASCAP to my manager.”

Stanza (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /stan-zah/

What does Stanza mean?

A verse of a song.

A stanza is a verse of a song.

Stanza Synonyms: Verse

Example sentence: “I’m thinking differently, wiring a good stanza.”

Outro (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /ou-tro/

Related: Intro

What does Outro mean?

1. Closing section of a song or piece.

2. The last song on an album.

The outro has two meanings. 1. Closing section of a song or piece. 2. The last song on an album.

Example sentence: “We are still trying to decide what song to make the outro.”

Ensemble (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /en-sam-bull/

Also known as: Musical Ensemble

Related: Duo

What does Ensemble mean?

A group of musicians.

An ensemble is a group of musicians.

Ensemble Synonyms: Musical ensemble, Duo

Example sentence: “I brought an ensemble in to play some stuff.”

License (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /lie-sens/

Related: Licensor, Licensee, Blanket License

What does License mean?

1. A legal permit.

2. To authorize a legal permit.

A license is a legal permit or to authorize by legal permit. A license grants permission for one person or company to use or perform someone else’s song or instrumental track.

License Synonyms: Blanket License

Example sentence: “We got a license to use it in our movie.”

Pianist (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /pian-ist/

Related: Piano

What does Pianist mean?

Someone who plays the piano; a piano player.

A pianist is someone who plays the piano. A piano player is known as a pianist.

Example sentence: “John Legend is a good pianist.”

ISRC Code (noun)

Type: noun, acronym

Pronunciation: /I-S-R-C-kode/

Also spelled or known as: ISRC-Code

Related: ISRC

What does ISRC Code mean?

International Standard Recording Code; a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for commercial release.

An ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for commercial release.

Example sentence: “Do you still have the old ISRC Code?”

Violinist (noun)

Type: noun

Pronunciation: /vio-lin-tist/

Related: Violin

What does Violinist mean?

Someone who plays the violin; a violin player.

A violinist is someone who plays the violin. A violin player is known as a violinist.

Example sentence: “Sarah is a really good violinist.”