Hey Studio Owner,
You own a recording (professional or home), podcast, rehearsal, or mobile studio?
List it on the Stufinder App today!
Stufinder is an app for managing your recording studios
Stufinder allows studio owners, studio managers, and studio operators to manage their business efficientl
Have a recording studio?
Professional Recording Studio, Home Studio, Project Studio, Podcast Studio, Mobile Studio, Rehearsal Studio
Studio owners receive 6 requests per month on average
Professional Recording Studios
Browse through our list of professional recording studios. Everything professions. Professional mixers. Professional speakers.
Home Recording Studios
Browse through our list of home recording studios and get real cozy during your session.
Podcast Studios
Browse through our list of podcast studios and start that podcast you’ve been thinking about.
Rehearsal Studios
Browse through our list of rehearsal studios. Rehearsal studios are great for live sounds and playing live instruments (drums, guitar, etc).
Mobile Studios
Browse through our list of mobile studios. Mobile studios are great for mobility and convenience.

Get notified when your studio receives a booking!
Stufinder App send sends a notification to your phone when you receive a new booking.

Get paid!
Stufinder App makes it easy to earn and get paid from your recording studio. The app tells you how much you are owed from bookings and funds are available (7 days) a week after the session(s).
Listing on Stufinder is 100% free.
Stufinder only takes a 10% fee from Studeurs after the session is complete.
Set your cancellation policy
Stufinder allows you to set your cancelation policy on your studio.
Choose between Chill, Moderate, or Strict depending on your preferences..

Listing your studio is easy!
Listing your studio on the Stufinder app is easy, you input your studio name, studio address, city, state, zip code, country then your cancelation policy and studios hours. After adding your studio you will be able to add a room inside the studio.

Benefits of being a Stufinder early adopter

* Faster adoption & understanding
* Studio verification
* Prime positioning in search algorithm
* Build bookings count faster
* Stufinder Gifts & special promotions
Stufinder is a recording studio rentals app that allows creatives to book studio time
Stufinder is a recording studio rental marketplace connecting those in need of studio time to studio owners. Our mission to make it quicker, easier and safer for artists, producers, managers, podcasters, or record labels to book studio time with Studio owners, which we call Studeurs.