To Those Who Love Music (Ad)

Today on World Music Day, we release a new ad titled “To Those Who Love Music” directed by Israel Learsi.
Not one studio was shown in this ad.
World Music Day goes all the way back to 1982. Maurice Fleuret, French composer, music journalist, and Jack Lang, the director of music and dance in the Ministry of Culture, promoted the creation of various music events. Their vision was to create a new kind of musical holiday – a day where anyone can freely play their instrument or live music everywhere.
Maurice Fleuret chose the summer solstice, June 21, to be the day when the musical holiday is celebrated and he called it “Fête De La Musique”, which in French means “festival of music.” “Fête De La Musique” is also a homophone of “Faites de la musique” (“make music”). The latter became the slogan of the festival, which is which World Music Day is sometimes known as “Make Music Day”.
Traditionally music is played outside in parks, public squares, and other public spaces. We created this commercial to reflect music both made outside and the ones in the studio straight to your digital streaming platforms.