An Official Music Production Glossary: Recording Studio Terminology

Music production is a beautiful art that involves a wide range of creativity, technical skills and expertise. From recording and mixing to mastering and distribution, the music production process might be overwhelming for some who are just starting out. So to help you understand some of the jargon in the music production/industry world, we’ve compiled an official music production glossary that includes common recording studio terminology. Understanding these and other terms in our music production glossary can help you navigate the complex world of music production.
These terms are from our Recording Studio Dictionary.
- 4/4
4/4 (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /4-4/
Also spelled or known as: 4-4, Common time
What does 4/4 mean?
A time signature that determines that there are 4 beats in 1 bar.
4/4 (also known as or called "Common time") is a time signature that determines that there are 4 beats in 1 bar.
Example sentence: "The time signature on this is 4/4 i think."
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- 4-Track
4-Track (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /4-track/
Also spelled or known as: 4-Track Recorder, Four-Track Recorder
Plural: 4-Tracks, Four-Tracks
What does 4-Track mean?
4-Track is a recording device with 4 channels. An old form of recording audio.
A 4-Track (also known as a 4-Track recorder) is a recording device with 4 channels. An old form of recording audio. The(...) Read More
- 4-Track Recorder
4-Track Recorder (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /4-track-re-kor-dur/
Also spelled or known as: 4-Track, Four-Track Recorder
Plural: 4-Track Recorders, Four-Track Recorders
What does 4-Track Recorder mean?
4-Track Recorder is a recording device with 4 channels. An old form of recording audio.
A 4-Track Recorder (also known as a 4-Track) is a recording device with 4(...) Read More
- 707
707 (noun)
Type: noun, drum
Pronunciation: /7-0-7/
Plural: 707s
Also spelled or known as: 7-0-7, 7.0.7, 7 0 7
What does 707 mean?
A Roland TR-707 drum machine.
A 707 is a drum machine by Roland. A 707 if often used in disco and house music.
707 Synonyms: TR-707, Roland TR-707
More drum machines by Roland: 808, 909
Example sentence: "Put a 707 on it."
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- 808
808 (noun)
Type: noun, drum
Pronunciation: /8-0-8/
Plural: 808s
Also spelled or known as: 8-0-8, 8.0.8, 8 0 8
What does 808 mean?
A Roland TR-808 drum machine; bass drum.
An 808 is a Roland TR-808 drum machine; bass drum. An 808 if often used in Hip-Hop/Rap music.
808 Synonyms: TR-808, Roland TR-808
More drum machines by Roland: 707, 909
Example sentence:(...) Read More
- 909
909 (noun)
Type: noun, drum
Pronunciation: /9-0-9/
Plural: 909s
Also spelled or known as: 9-0-9, 9.0.9, 9 0 9
What does 909 mean?
A Roland TR-909 drum machine.
A 909 is a Roland TR-909 drum machine. A 909 if often used in house and techno music.
909 Synonyms: TR-909, Roland TR-909
More drum machines by Roland: 707, 808
Example sentence: "We use the 909 to make(...) Read More
- A/D
A/D (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /a-d/
What does A/D mean?
Analogue to Digital Converter.
A/D stands for Analogue to Digital Converter. A/D is typically found in most audio interfaces.
Example sentence: "Does that interface have an A/D."
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- A.D.S.R.
A.D.S.R. (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /a-d-s-r/
Also spelled or known as: ADSR, A-D-S-R
Related: Attack, Sustain, Decay, Release
What does A.D.S.R. mean?
Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release; envelope commonly used to shape a wave form.
ADSR – Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release are the four stages of an envelope that describe the shape of a sound over(...) Read More
- A (Note)
A (Note) (noun)
Type: noun, Musical note
Pronunciation: /A-Note/
Also spelled or known as: A, A-note, A note
What does A (Note) mean?
A musical note.
More musical notes: D (Note), B (Note), C (Note), E (Note), F (Note)
Example sentence: "Can you sing it more towards an A note."
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AAC (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /a-a-c/
Also spelled or known as: A.A.C, A-A-C
What does AAC mean?
A lossy audio file format created by Apple.
AAC is a lossy audio file format created by Apple with a slightly better compression algorithm than MP3 for quality.
More formats by Apple: AIFF
Example sentence: "We bounced it in AAC."
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AAX (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /a-a-x/
Also spelled or known as: A.A.X, A-A-X
What does AAX mean?
Avid Audio eXtension.
AAX (Avid Audio eXtension) is a plugin format popular among engineers and native to Avid Pro Tools only.
Example sentence: "Have you ever used a AAX file?"
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- Ableton Live
Ableton Live (noun)
Type: noun, DAW
Pronunciation: /abe-ull-tin-live/
Also spelled or known as: Ableton, AbletonLive, Ableton-Live
Related: Logic Pro, FL Studio, GarageBand, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, Audacity
What does Ableton Live mean?
A popular DAW created by Ableton.
Ableton Live is great for live experiences and scenarios.
Example sentence: "I used to use(...) Read More
- AC
AC (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /a-c/
Also spelled or known as: A.C, A-C
Related: Alternating Current
What does AC mean?
Alternating Current; an analog electrical current used to power hardware.
AC (also known and stands for "Alternating Current") is an analog electrical current used to power hardware. ‘Alternating’ refers to the sine wave shape of the(...) Read More
- Acapella
Acapella (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ah-ka-pell-ah/
Plural: Acapellas
What does Acapella mean?
A vocal, just vocals without a beat or instrumental.
Acapella is a vocal, just vocals without a beat or instrumental. Acapellas are used in remixes, bootlegs, sampled in originals, DJ sets, etc.
Example sentence: "I'll sing you a good song acapella right now."
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- Acoustic Instrument
Acoustic Instrument (noun)
Type: noun, equipment
Pronunciation: /ah-cous-tik-in-stru-ment/
Also spelled or known as: Acoustic-Instrument
Related: Acoustic, Acoustically Treated, Acoustic Treatment
What does Acoustic Instrument mean?
An instrument that produces sound in real life without digital or analog technology.
Acoustic Instrument is an instrument that produces(...) Read More
- Acoustic Treatment
Acoustic Treatment (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ah-cous-tik-treat-ment/
Also spelled or known as: Acoustic-Treatment
Related: Acoustic, Acoustically Treated, Acoustic Instrument
What does Acoustic Treatment mean?
The process of using foam, bass traps, and other dampening materials to make acoustic more accurate in specific areas of recording spaces.
Acoustic(...) Read More
- Acoustics
Acoustics (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ah-kous-stiks/
Singular: Acoustic
What does Acoustics mean?
The sonic properties of any space that alters the quality of a sound being played.
Acoustics is the sonic properties of any space that alters the quality of a sound being played.
Example sentence: "What are the acoustics of this room?"
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- Active
Active (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /act-tive/
Opposite: Passive
What does Active mean?
A device with its own built-in power amplifier.
Active is a device with its own built-in power amplifier. The opposite of a passive device.
Most recording studios monitors are active.
Example sentence: "The monitor is active."
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- Additive Synthesis
Additive Synthesis (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ad-e-tive-sin-tha-sis/
Also spelled or known as: Additive-Synthesis
What does Additive Synthesis mean?
A form of audio synthesis that outputs sound by mathematically combining harmonics (sine waves) with independently variable frequencies and amplitudes.
Additive Synthesis is a form of audio synthesis that outputs sound(...) Read More
ADSR (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /a-d-s-r/
Also spelled or known as: A.D.S.R., A-D-S-R
Related: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release
What does ADSR mean?
Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release; envelope commonly used to shape a wave form.
ADSR – Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release are the four stages of an envelope that describe the shape of a sound over(...) Read More
ADT (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /A-D-T/
Also spelled or known as: A-D-T, A.D.T, A D T
Related: Automatic double-tracking
What does ADT mean?
Automatic double-tracking; ADT imitates the effect of doubling voices or instruments using double tracking, without the need for the musician to overdub.
ADT stands for Automatic double-tracking.
Example sentence:(...) Read More
- Advance
Advance (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ad-vans/
What does Advance mean?
Money paid to an artist or songwriter before the recording or release of a song or recorded work.
An advance is a record deal is money paid to an artist or songwriter before the recording or release of a song or recorded work.
Example sentence: "His advance was $50k."
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- Aftertouch
Aftertouch (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /aff-ter-tawch/
Also spelled or known as: After-Touch, After Touch
What does Aftertouch mean?
A MIDI parameter on most keyboards.
Aftertouch is a MIDI parameter on most keyboards.
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AIFF (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /a-i-f-f/
Also spelled or known as: A.I.F.F., A-I-F-F
Related: WAV, Mp3
What does AIFF mean?
Audio Interchange File Format.
AIFF is a high-quality audio file format created by Apple.
Example sentence: "We bounced it in AIFF."
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- Aircheck
Aircheck (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /air-check/
Also spelled or known as: Air-Check, Air Check
Related: On Air
What does Aircheck mean?
A recording made of a radio broadcast or TV show.
Air Check is a recording made of a radio broadcast or TV show.
Aircheck synonyms: Track
Example sentence: "Do you have yesterday's aircheck?"
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- Aliasing
Aliasing (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /a-lia-sion/
What does Aliasing mean?
A subtle distortion that occurs in the digital realm when the input frequency is higher than the sample rate.
Aliasing is a subtle distortion that occurs in the digital realm when the input frequency is higher than the sample rate.
Example sentence: "I added some aliasing."
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- Alternating Current
Alternating Current (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /alt-er-nate-in-caw-rent/
Also spelled or known as: Alternating-Current
Related: AC
What does Alternating Current mean?
An analog electrical current used to power hardware.
Alternating Current (also known as "AC") is an analog electrical current used to power hardware. ‘Alternating’ refers to the sine wave shape of(...) Read More
- Alto
Alto (adjective)
Type: adjective
Pronunciation: /al-toe/
Related: Tenor, Baritone, Countertenor
What does Alto mean?
High; the highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice.
Alto means high; the highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice.
Example sentence: "Can you sing it alto."
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- Ambiance
Ambiance (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /am-bians/
Also spelled or known as: Ambience
Related: Ambient
What does Ambiance mean?
1. A sound creating a sense of space or atmosphere.
2. The mood, character and atmosphere of a place or sound.
Ambiance is a sound creating a sense of space or atmosphere. Ambience can also mean the mood, character and atmosphere of a(...) Read More
- Ambient
Ambient (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /am-bient/
Related: Ambiance
What does Ambient mean?
A genre of music typically with no drums but includes drawn-out drones and pads.
Ambient is a genre of music typically with no drums but includes drawn-out drones and pads.
Example sentence: "Please play some Ambient music."
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- Amen Break
Amen Break (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ay-men-break/
Also spelled or known as: Amen-Break
What does Amen Break mean?
One of the most sampled drum breaks of all time originating from Amen, Brother by The Winstons.
Amen Break is one of the most sampled drum breaks/patterns of all time originating from Amen, Brother by The Winstons in 1969. Amen, Brother was on their(...) Read More
- Amp
Amp (noun)
Type: noun, equipment
Pronunciation: /amp/
Also spelled or known as: Amplifier
Related: Amplifier
What does Amp mean?
A device that makes an electronic signal stronger, most often used to increase the volume or power of musical instruments.
Amp Synonyms: Amplifier
Example sentence: "I just connected my guitar to the Amp."
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- Amplifier
Amplifier (noun)
Type: noun, equipment
Pronunciation: /amp-lee-fy-err/
Also spelled or known as: Amp
Related: Amp
What does Amplifier mean?
A device that makes an electronic signal stronger, most often used to increase the volume or power of musical instruments.
Amplifier Synonyms: Amp
Example sentence: "Just make sure i'm plugged into the Amplifier."
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- Amplitude
Amplitude (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /amp-lee-tude/
What does Amplitude mean?
The loudness or height of a waveform.
Amplitude is the loudness or height of a waveform. The higher the hight of the waveform, the louder it is, the lower the quieter it is. An amplitude of 0 (or -∞dB) means silence.
Amplitude Synonyms: dB
Example sentence: "What is the Amplitude of the(...) Read More
- Analog
Analog (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /ana-log/
Also spelled or known as: Analogue
What does Analog mean?
Audio technology that doesn't use any digital components.
Example sentence: "We recorded one of the songs analog."
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- Analogue
Analog (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /ana-log/
Also spelled or known as: Analogue
What does Analog mean?
Audio technology that doesn't use any digital components.
Example sentence: "We recorded one of the songs analog."
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- Arp
Arp (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /arp/
Related: Arpeggio
What does Arp mean?
A chord played in a series of repeating steps instead of simultaneously.
Arp (also known as "Arpeggio") is a chord played in a series of repeating steps instead of simultaneously.
Example sentence: "I want to put an arp on it."
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- Arpeggiator
Arpeggiator (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /ar-peg-gia-tor/
What does Arpeggiator mean?
A MIDI effect that turns a static chord into an arpeggio.
Arpeggiator is a MIDI effect that turns a static chord into an arpeggio.
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- Arpeggio
Arpeggio (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ar-peh-geo/
Related: Arp
What does Arpeggio mean?
A chord played in a series of repeating steps instead of simultaneously.
Arpeggio (also known as "Arp") is a chord played in a series of repeating steps instead of simultaneously.
Example sentence: "He used an Arpeggio in the song."
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- Arrangement
Arrangement (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ah-range-ment/
What does Arrangement mean?
The way a song is arranged, the way sections and instruments are laid out in a track/song.
Arrangement is the way a song is arranged, the way sections and instruments are laid out in a track/song. Arrangement is usually referred to as Structure and Instrumentation.
Arrangement(...) Read More
- Artist
Artist (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /art-ist/
Related: Recording Artist
What does Artist mean?
Someone who creates music and releases it.
An artist is someone who creates music and releases it. An artist can be a musician, rapper, songwriter, vocalist, or more.
Artist synonyms: Recording Artist, Musician, Rapper, Songwriter, Vocalist, Lyricists
Example sentence:(...) Read More
- Arturia
Arturia (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ar-tu-ria/
What does Arturia mean?
A hardware and software manufacturer that created a lot of analog and analog-modeled equipment.
Arturia is a hardware and software manufacturer that created a lot of analog and analog-modeled equipment. Arturia created the V Collection, a collection of synths modeling famous analog synthesizers.
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ASCAP (A.S.C.A.P) (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /as-cap/
Also spelled or known as: A.S.C.A.P
What does ASCAP mean?
The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers.
ASCAP (also known as A.S.C.A.P) stands for The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. ASCAP is an American performing rights organization that protects its members' musical(...) Read More
- Assignment
Assignment (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /as-ain-ment/
What does Assignment mean?
The transfer of the rights of a song or catalog from one copyright holder to another.
An assignment is the transfer of the rights of a song or catalog from one copyright holder to another.
Example sentence: "The deal had an assignment."
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- Atmosphere
Atmosphere (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /at-mos-fair/
Related: Atmospheric
What does Atmosphere mean?
A sonic effect created by adding reverb.
Atmosphere is a sonic effect created by adding reverb. Atmosphere is typically known as the background of a record and creates a feeling.
Example sentence: "I like the atmosphere of this song."
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- Attack
Attack (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ah-tak/
Plural: Attacks
Related: A.D.S.R., ADSR
What does Attack mean?
1. The very beginning of a sound.
2. The amount of time it takes after a sound begins for a sound processor to begin working. Typically measured in milliseconds (ms).
Example sentence: "Can you make the attack a bit faster."
ADSR – Attack, Sustain,(...) Read More
- Attenuation
Attenuation (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ah-ten-nu-ation/
What does Attenuation mean?
The lowering of the loudness of a signal.
Attenuation is the lowering of the loudness of a signal, attenuation is measured in decibels (dB). The attenuation knob on a device or a plugin is used to reduce increased loudness that can be created by other effects, such as distortion or(...) Read More
- AU
AU (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /a-u/
Also spelled or known as: A.U., A-U
What does AU mean?
Audio Unit, a plugin format created by Apple.
Audio Unit is compatible with macOS only.
Example sentence: "Send me the AU file."
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- Audacity
Audacity (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /aw-daah-sit-e/
What does Audacity mean?
Audacity is an audio editor used to edit audio.
Audacity is an audio editor used to edit audio. Audacity is used to create music but doesn't have to functionalities of a DAW like Ableton, FL Studio or Logic Pro. Audacity is available on Windows and macOS.
Example sentence: "Remember we used(...) Read More
- Audio
Audio (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /aw-deo/
What does Audio mean?
Sounds heard in the range of human hearing (~20Hz-20000Hz) or a recording of a sound.
Audio is sounds heard in the range of human hearing (~20Hz-20000Hz). Audio is a recording of a sound.
Audio Synonyms: Track
Example sentence: "Can you please send me the audio from tonight."
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- Audio Effect
Audio Effect (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /aww-deo-e-fekt/
Also spelled or known as: Audio-Effect
Plural: Audio Effects
What does Audio Effect mean?
Any effect, plugin, processor, or gear that alters the sonic properties of a sound.
Audio Effect is any effect, plugin, processor, or gear that alters the sonic properties of a sound. An audio effect can refer to EQ,(...) Read More
- Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /aww-dio-en-jin-neer/
Related: Sound Engineer, Recording Engineer, Engineer, Audio Engineering
Plural: Audio Engineers
What does Audio Engineer mean?
Someone who records, mixes, or masters audio.
An audio engineer records, mixes, or masters audio, they usually work in a recording studio or live concert setting.
Audio(...) Read More
- Audio Engineering
Audio Engineering (noun)
Type: noun, verb
Pronunciation: /aww-dio-en-jin-neer-ing/
Also spelled or known as: Audio-Engineering
Related: Sound Engineering, Recording Engineering, Engineering
What does Audio Engineering mean?
To be recording, mixing, or mastering audio.
To be audio engineering is to be to be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. An audio engineer(...) Read More
- Audio Interface
Audio Interface (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /aww-dio-in-ter-face/
Related: Interface
What does Audio Interface mean?
A hardware that can receive and output audio.
An Audio Interface (also known as "Interface") is a piece of hardware that can receive audio as an input and also output audio. An interface helps a human interact with a computer or other electronics. A(...) Read More
- Audio Track
Audio Track (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /aww-dio-trak/
Related: Tracking, Track
What does Audio Track mean?
1. A single audio channel.
2. A full song or recorded sound.
3. A track that stores and plays audio.
An audio track can either mean a singular audio channel in the production process, a track that stores and plays audio, or a a full song or recorded(...) Read More
- Author
Author (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /awth-or/
Plural: Authors
Related: Authorship
What does Author mean?
The creator of a work that can be copyrighted.
An author is the creator of a work that can be copyrighted.
Author synonyms: Composer, Writer, Singer
Example sentence: "Who is the author of this?"
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- Automation
Automation (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /aww-to-mae-tion/
What does Automation mean?
The modulation of a parameter over time.
Automation is the modulation of a parameter over time, like a filter sweep or volume change.
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- Aux Channel
Aux Channel (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ox-chan-nel/
Also spelled or known as: Aux-Channel
Plural: Aux Channels
What does Aux Channel mean?
A send or return channel for additional parallel processing of multiple sources at once.
Aux Channel is a send or return channel for additional parallel processing of multiple sources at once.
Example sentence: "I ran it(...) Read More
- Avid
Avid (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ah-vid/
Also spelled or known as: Avid Audio
Related: Pro Tools
What does Avid mean?
The creators of Pro Tools.
Avid is the name of the company that created and is behind the DAW Pro Tools.
Avid Creations: Pro Tools
Example sentence: "Avid created Pro Tools."
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- B (Note)
B (Note) (noun)
Type: noun, Musical note
Pronunciation: /B-Note/
Also spelled or known as: B, B-note, B note
What does B (Note) mean?
A musical note.
More musical notes: A (Note), C (Note), D (Note), E (Note), F (Note)
Example sentence: "Can you please do that again in a B note."
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- Balance
Balance (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /bal-ans/
Also spelled or known as: Tonal balance
What does Balance mean?
The relative level of two or more sounds, voices, instruments, etc.
Balance is the relative level of two or more sounds, voices, instruments, etc. Balance is important in audio because it levels out the different volumes in music so that they do not interfere(...) Read More
- Band Pass Filter
Band Pass Filter (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /band-pass-fil-ter/
Also spelled or known as: BandPassFilter, Band-Pass-Filter
What does Band Pass Filter mean?
A type of filter that acts as both a low-pass and a high-pass, and only allows a narrow range of frequencies through.
Band Pass Filter is a type of filter that acts as both a low-pass and a high-pass, and only(...) Read More
- Band Reject Filter
Band Reject Filter (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /band-ree-jekt-fil-ter/
Also spelled or known as: Band-Reject Filter, BandReject Filter
Related: Notch Filter, Band Stop Filter
What does Band Reject Filter mean?
A filter that removes frequencies in a specified band within the overall frequency spectrum.
A Band Reject Filter (also known as a Notch Filter or Band Stop(...) Read More
- Band Stop Filter
Band Stop Filter (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /band-stop-fil-ter/
Also spelled or known as: Band-Stop Filter, BandStop Filter
Related: Notch Filter, Band Reject Filter
What does Band Stop Filter mean?
A filter that removes frequencies in a specified band within the overall frequency spectrum.
A Band Stop Filter (also known as a Notch Filter or Band Reject Filter) is(...) Read More
- Bandwidth
Bandwidth (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /band-with/
Also spelled or known as: Band-Width
What does Bandwidth mean?
The range of frequencies in an audio signal.
Bandwidth is the range of frequencies in an audio signal.
Example sentence: "I think the call dropped because of the bandwidth."
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- Bank
Bank (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /baink/
Also spelled or known as: Soundbank
What does Bank mean?
A group of presets that can be loaded onto a synth.
A Bank (also known as a "Soundbank") is a group of presets that can be loaded onto a synth.
Bank Synonyms: Soundbank
Example sentence: "I have it on a bank."
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- Bar
Bar (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /bar/
Plural: Bars
What does Bar mean?
A line in a song.
A bar is a line in a song, a bar can also be used as slang for lines that are really clever. Multiple clever lines on a rap song are usually referred to as "bars".
Example sentence: "I'm trying to find a new bar to add to this song."
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- Bass
Bass (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /bace/
Opposite: Treble
What does Bass mean?
The lower range of audio frequencies between 60Hz-250Hz. A reference value.
Bass is the lower frequencies in a sound – typically from ~60Hz to ~250Hz.
Bass Synonyms: Lows, Low end, Sub-bass
Example sentence: "Let's add some bass to the last record."
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- Bass Music
Bass Music (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /bass-mu-sik/
Also spelled or known as: Bass-Music
Related: Bass
What does Bass Music mean?
A category of EDM music that features low and deep sound.
Bass Music is a category of EDM music that features low and deep sound. Bass Music genre includes dubstep, trap, bass house, drum and bass and many more
Example sentence: "I(...) Read More
- Bassline
Bassline (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /bass-line/
Also spelled or known as: Bass-line, Bass line
Related: Bass
What does Bassline mean?
The notes pattern filling up the bass/low frequency area of the frequency spectrum.
Bassline is the notes pattern filling up the bass/low frequency area of the frequency spectrum. The bass has a low frequency. A bassline can be(...) Read More
- Beat
Beat (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /beet/
What does Beat mean?
1. The rhythm of music.
2. A single stroke of a rhythmic accent.
3. An instrumental or a combination of instruments without words.
A beat can mean the rhythm of music, a single stroke of a rhythmic accent, or an instrumental/a combination of instruments without words.
Beat Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Beat drop
Beat drop (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /beet-drahp/
Also spelled or known as: Beat-drop
What does Beat drop mean?
A point in a song where a sudden change of rhythm or bass line occurs.
Beat drop (also known as a "Drop") is a point in a song where a sudden change of rhythm or bass line occurs. In a drop, the tension is built up and then released on the "drop".
Beat(...) Read More
- Beat Machine
Beat Machine (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /beat-mash-een/
Also spelled or known as: Beat-Machine
Plural: Beat Machines
What does Beat Machine mean?
A programmable electronic musical instrument that creates percussion sounds, drum beats, and patterns.
A beat machine (also known as a drum machine) is a programmable electronic musical instrument that creates percussion(...) Read More
- Beat Repeat
Beat Repeat (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /beat-re-peat/
Also spelled or known as: Beat-Repeat
Related: Beat
What does Beat Repeat mean?
An effect that takes audio as an input and repeats the audio back at timed intervals to create a glitch effect.
Beat Repeat is an effect that takes audio as an input and repeats the audio back at timed intervals to create a glitch(...) Read More
- Beatmatch
Beatmatch (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /beat-match/
Also spelled or known as: Beat-match, Beat match
Related: Beatmatching
What does Beatmatch mean?
A DJing process where two or more tracks are matched in tempo and key for a seamless transition between them.
A DJing process where two or more tracks are matched in tempo and key for a seamless transition between them.(...) Read More
- Beatmatching
Beatmatching (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /beat-match-in/
Also spelled or known as: Beatmatchin', Beat matching, Beat-matching
Related: Beatmatching
What does Beatmatching mean?
To be matching two or more tracks in tempo and key for a seamless transition between them.
Beatmatching is matching two or more tracks in tempo and key for a seamless transition between(...) Read More
- Beats
Beats (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /beets/
Singular: Beat
What does Beats mean?
1. Instrumentals or a combination of instruments without words.
2. Strokes of a rhythmic accent.
Beats are instrumentals or a combination of instruments without words. Beats can also mean Strokes of a rhythmic accent.
Beats Synonyms: Instrumentals
Example sentence: "Do you have(...) Read More
- Beats Per Minute
Beats Per Minute (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /beats-per-min-it/
Also spelled or known as: BPM
Related: BPM
What does Beats Per Minute mean?
The number of steady even pulses occurring in one (1) minute in music.
Beats Per Minute (also known as BPM) is the number of steady even pulses occurring in one (1) minute in music.
Beats Per Minute Synonyms: Tempo,(...) Read More
- Bell
Bell (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /behl/
Plural: Bells
What does Bell mean? What is a Bell?
A idiophone percussion instrument that sounds like or resembles a real bell.
A bell is an idiophone percussion instrument that sounds like or resembles a real bell.
Example sentence: "Let's try to add a bell there."
Read More
- Bell Curve
Bell Curve (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /bell-kurve/
Also spelled or known as: Bell-Curve
What does Bell Curve mean?
The most common curve on a parametric EQ, used to boost or cut a band of frequencies naturally.
Bell Curve is the most common curve on a parametric EQ, used to boost or cut a band of frequencies naturally.
Read More
- Bi-Directional
Bi-Directional (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /by-dy-rek-tion-al/
Also spelled or known as: Bi Directional, Bidirectional
Related: Directional
What does Bi-Directional mean?
A type of microphone pattern that picks up sound from the front and back, but not the sides.
A Bi-Directional microphone picks up sound from the front and back, but not the(...) Read More
- Bit Depth
Bit Depth (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /bit-dept/
Also spelled or known as: Bit-Depth
What does Bit Depth mean?
The number of bits allowed for the dynamic range of an audio recording.
Bit Depth is the number of bits allowed for the dynamic range of an audio recording. Most music recording today is formatted to 16-bit or 24-bit. A larger bit depth means a wider dynamic(...) Read More
- Bitrate
Bitrate (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /bit-rate/
Also spelled or known as: Bit-rate, Bit rate
What does Bitrate mean?
The number of bits that are in an audio file every second, measured in kbps.
Bitrate is the number of bits that are in an audio file every second, measured in kbps. Can be CBR (constant) or VBR (variable), an MP3 can store 320kbps compared to a WAV which(...) Read More
- Bitwig Studio
Bitwig Studio (noun)
Type: noun, DAW
Pronunciation: /bit-wig-stu-dio/
Also spelled or known as: Bitwig-Studio, Bitwig, BitwigStudio
Related: Logic Pro, Ableton Live (Ableton), GarageBand, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, FL Studio, Reaper
What does Bitwig Studio mean?
A DAW created by Bitwig.
Bitwig Studio is a DAW created by Bitwig. The DAW is available for macOS, Windows,(...) Read More
- Blanket License
Blanket License (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /blank-et-lie-sens/
Related: Licensor, Licensee, License
What does Blanket License mean?
A license that allows unlimited access to use an entire library of songs during the term of a license for a single fee.
A Blanket License is a type of license that allows the licensee (like a Radio station) unlimited access to use an(...) Read More
BMI (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /B-M-I/
Also spelled or known as: B M I, B.M.I.
What does BMI mean?
Broadcast Music Incorporated.
BMI stands for Broadcast Music Incorporated. BMI is an American performing rights organization that protects its members' musical copyrights. BMI tracks performances of their music and collects (and distributes) the fees associated with(...) Read More
- Boom
Boom (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /boom/
Related: Boom Stand, Boom Arm
What does Boom mean?
An arm that attaches to a stand and extends the microphone out horizontally.
A microphone "boom" (also known as "boom arm") is an arm that attaches to the stand and extends the microphone out horizontally. A "boom arm" attaches to the top of the stand so the microphone can move(...) Read More
- Boom Arm
Boom Arm (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /boo-arm/
Related: Boom Stand, Boom
Plural: Boom Arms
What does Boom Arm mean?
An arm that attaches to a stand and extends the microphone out horizontally.
A "boom arm" (also known as "boom") is an arm that attaches to the stand and extends the microphone out horizontally. A "boom arm" attaches to the top of the stand so the(...) Read More
- Boom Stand
Boom Stand (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /boom-stand/
Also spelled or known as: Boomstand, Boom-Stand
Related: Boom, Boom Arm
What does Boom Stand mean?
A microphone stand with a "boom arm", an arm that attaches to the stand and extends the microphone out horizontally.
A microphone stand with a "boom arm", an arm that attaches to the stand and extends the microphone(...) Read More
- Boost
Boost (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /boost/
What does Boost mean?
An EQ adjustment that increases the gain of a frequency spectrum.
Boost is an EQ adjustment that increases the gain of a frequency spectrum.
Example sentence: "Let's give it a boost."
Read More
- Booth
Booth (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /booth/
Also spelled or known as: Vocal booth
Related: Vox, Vocals, Vocal booth
Plural: Booths
What does Booth mean?
An enclosed space with soundproofing and isolation designed to record vocals in.
Booths (also known as "the booth") are usually acoustically treated and inside of a recording studio room.
Booth Synonyms: Vocal(...) Read More
- Bootleg
Bootleg (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /boot-leg/
What does Bootleg mean?
1. A remix of a song without permission or to remix without permission.
2. An unofficial copy of something.
Bootleg is a remix of a song without permission or an unofficial copy of something.
Bootleg synonyms: Remix
Example sentence: "This song is a bootleg version."
Read More
- Bounce
Bounce (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /bowns/
Related: Bounced, Bouncing
What does Bounce mean?
1. An audio that is exported within a DAW to a format like WAV or MP3.
2. To export an audio.
Example sentence: "I'm going to send you the bounce when its done bouncing."
Read More
- Bouncing
Bouncing (verb)
Type: verb
Pronunciation: /bounce-in/
Also spelled or known as: Bouncin'
Related: Bounce, Bounced
What does Bouncing mean?
To be exporting a track in an MP3, WAV or other format.
Example sentence: "I'm bouncing the record right now broski."
Read More
BPM (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /B-P-M/
Also spelled or known as: B-P-M, B.P.M, B P M, Beats Per Minute
Related: Beats Per Minute
What does BPM mean?
Beats Per Minute.
BPM stands for Beats Per Minute; BPM is the number of steady even pulses occurring in one (1) minute in music.
BPM Synonyms: Tempo, Beats Per Minute
Example sentence: "What's the BPM(...) Read More
- Brass
Brass (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /brahs/
What does Brass mean? What is a Brass?
An acoustic brass instrument or a type of sound that resembles a brass instrument.
Brass is an acoustic brass instrument or a type of sound that resembles a brass instrument.
Example sentence: "Let's add a brass in between."
Read More
- Break
Break (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /brayk/
Related: Breakdown, Breakbeat, Breaks, Breakbeats
Also spelled or known as: The break
Plural: Breaks, Breakbeats
What does Break mean?
A simplified section of a track.
The break is a simplified section of a track. The break is typically where the track is simplified to just drums and/or percussions. Some breaks don't(...) Read More
- The Breakdown
Break (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /brayk/
Related: Breakdown, Breakbeat, Breaks, Breakbeats
Also spelled or known as: The break
Plural: Breaks, Breakbeats
What does Break mean?
A simplified section of a track.
The break is a simplified section of a track. The break is typically where the track is simplified to just drums and/or percussions. Some breaks don't(...) Read More
- Break down
Break (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /brayk/
Related: Breakdown, Breakbeat, Breaks, Breakbeats
Also spelled or known as: The break
Plural: Breaks, Breakbeats
What does Break mean?
A simplified section of a track.
The break is a simplified section of a track. The break is typically where the track is simplified to just drums and/or percussions. Some breaks don't(...) Read More
- Breakbeat
Breakbeat (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /brayk-beat/
Also spelled or known as: Break-beat, Break beat
Related: Break, Breakdown, Breaks, Breakbeats
Plural: Breakbeats
What does Breakbeat mean?
A repeated drum beat pattern.
The breakbeat is a repeated drum beat pattern in a track.
Breakbeat Synonyms: Break, Breakdown
Example sentence: "I'm gonna use this(...) Read More
- Breakdown
Breakdown (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /brayk-down/
Also spelled or known as: The breakdown, Break-down, Break down
Related: Break, Breakbeat, Breaks, Breakbeats
Plural: Breaks, Breakbeats
What does Breakdown mean?
A simplified section of a track.
The breakdown is a simplified section of a track. The Breakdown is typically where the track is simplified to just(...) Read More
- Break
Breakdown (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /brayk-down/
Also spelled or known as: The breakdown, Break-down, Break down
Related: Break, Breakbeat, Breaks, Breakbeats
Plural: Breaks, Breakbeats
What does Breakdown mean?
A simplified section of a track.
The breakdown is a simplified section of a track. The Breakdown is typically where the track is simplified to just(...) Read More
- Breakbeat
Breakdown (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /brayk-down/
Also spelled or known as: The breakdown, Break-down, Break down
Related: Break, Breakbeat, Breaks, Breakbeats
Plural: Breaks, Breakbeats
What does Breakdown mean?
A simplified section of a track.
The breakdown is a simplified section of a track. The Breakdown is typically where the track is simplified to just(...) Read More
- Breaks
Breaks (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /brayks/
Related: Breakdown, Breakbeat, Break, Breakbeats
Also spelled or known as: The breaks
Singular: Break, Breakbeat
What does Breaks mean?
Simplified sections of a track.
Breaks are simplified sections of a track(s). The break is typically where the track is simplified to just drums and/or percussions. Some breaks don't(...) Read More
- Breakbeats
Breaks (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /brayks/
Related: Breakdown, Breakbeat, Break, Breakbeats
Also spelled or known as: The breaks
Singular: Break, Breakbeat
What does Breaks mean?
Simplified sections of a track.
Breaks are simplified sections of a track(s). The break is typically where the track is simplified to just drums and/or percussions. Some breaks don't(...) Read More
- Brickwall Filter
Brickwall Filter (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /brick-wall-fil-ter/
What does Brickwall Filter mean? What is a Brickwall Filter?
An advanced type of low-pass or high-pass filter with a very steep slope (dB/oct), resembling a brick wall becuase of the rolloff.
A Brickwall Filter is an advanced type of low-pass or high-pass filter with a very steep slope (dB/oct), resembling(...) Read More
- Bridge
Bridge (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /bridge/
What does Bridge mean?
A section that connects two parts of a song.
A bridge musically and lyrically is a section that connects two parts of a song. A bridge can be used to combat repetitiveness.
Example sentence: "Im going to re-rewite the bridge today."
Read More
- Brown Noise
Brown Noise (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /brown-noise/
Also spelled or known as: Brown-Noise, Brownnoise
What does Brown Noise mean?
A type of noise that is denser in the low end and has less high-frequencies than both pink and white noise.
Brown Noise is a type of noise that is denser in the low end and has less high-frequencies than both pink and white(...) Read More
- Browser
Browser (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /brow-zer/
What does Browser mean? What is a Browser?
A feature on most DAWs for browsing files like samples, effects, plugins, presets, stock content, & more.
A browser is a feature on most DAWs for browsing files like samples, effects, plugins, presets, stock content, & more.
Example sentence: "Can you find a new 808 with the browser."
Read More
- Build
Build (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /bild/
Related: Build up
What does Build mean?
A section of a track that leads into a drop.
A build (sometimes known as build up) is a section of a track that leads into a drop. A build creates excitement and anticipation for the drop.
Build Synonyms: Build up
Example sentence: "I like the first build better, it's louder and a(...) Read More
- Build up
Build up (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /bild-up/
Also spelled or known as: Build-up, Buildup
Related: Build
What does Build up mean?
A section of a track that leads into a drop.
A Build up (sometimes spelled build-up or buildup) is a section of a track that leads into a drop. A build up creates excitement and anticipation for the drop.
Build up Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Bus
Bus (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /bus/
Also spelled or known as: Buss
What does Bus mean?
An auxiliary track that is assigned audio from multiple tracks in a DAW for group audio processing.
Bus is a an auxiliary track that is assigned audio from multiple tracks in a DAW for group audio processing. A bus may group vocals, piano, and synthesizers together after their(...) Read More
- Buss
Buss (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /buss/
Also spelled or known as: Bus
What does Buss mean? What is a Buss?
A track that is assigned audio from multiple tracks in a DAW for group audio processing.
Buss is a an auxiliary track that is assigned audio from multiple tracks in a DAW for group audio processing. A bus may group vocals, piano, and synthesizers together after(...) Read More
- C (Note)
C (Note) (noun)
Type: noun, Musical note
Pronunciation: /C-Note/
Also spelled or known as: C, C-note, C note
What does C (Note) mean?
A musical note.
More musical notes: A (Note), B (Note), D (Note), E (Note), F (Note)
Example sentence: "Make that more like a C note."
Read More
- Cable
Cable (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kayb-ull/
Plural: Cables
What does Cable mean? What is a Cable?
A cord that can connect devices together by transmitting audio or some form of digital/analogue data.
A cable is a cord that can connect devices together by transmitting audio or some form of digital/analogue data.
Example sentence: "Can you pass me the cable on the(...) Read More
CAPASSO (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /cap-ah-so/ or /c-a-p-a-s-s-o/
Also spelled or known as: C.A.P.A.S.S.O., C-A-P-A-S-S-O
What does CAPASSO mean?
Composers, Authors, and Publishers Association.
CAPASSO stands for Composers, Authors, and Publishers Association. CAPASSO is a South African organization that administers the mechanical right in the composition’s(...) Read More
- Cardioid
Cardioid (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kar-diod/
Also spelled or known as: Cardioid Microphone, Cardioid Pattern, Unidirectional Microphone, Unidirectional Pattern
Related: Unidirectional
What does Cardioid mean?
A type of microphone with a heart-shaped pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it.
A Unidirectional (also known as "Cardioid")(...) Read More
- Cardioid Microphone
Cardioid Microphone (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kar-diod-micro-fone/
Also spelled or known as: Cardioid, Unidirectional Microphone, Unidirectional Pattern
Related: Unidirectional Cardioid Microphone, Cardioid
What does Cardioid Microphone mean?
A type of microphone with a heart-shaped pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it.
A(...) Read More
- Cardioid Pattern
Cardioid Pattern (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kar-diod-pat-ern/
Also spelled or known as: Cardioid, Cardioid Pattern, Unidirectional Microphone, Unidirectional Pattern
Related: Cardioid, Unidirectional Pattern
What does Cardioid Pattern mean?
A heart-shaped microphone pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it.
A Cardioid pattern (also(...) Read More
- Catalog
Catalog (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cat-ah-log/
Related: Music Catalog
What does Catalog mean?
A collection of musical works by an artist.
A Catalog is a collection of musical works by an artist.
Catalog Synonyms: Discography, Music Catalog, Demos, Works
Example sentence: "Drake has a great catalog."
Read More
CBR (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /C-B-R/
Also spelled or known as: C-B-R, C.B.R., C B R
What does CBR mean?
Constant Bit Rate.
CBR stands for Constant Bit Rate.
Opposite of VBR (Variable Bit Rate), CBR (Constant Bit Rate) refers to the encoding of an MP3 at a consistent bitrate over the entire duration of the file.
Read More
- CD
CD (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /C-D/
Also spelled or known as: C-D, C.D., C D
Related: CD player
What does CD mean?
Compact Disc. A physical disk for audio.
CD stands for Compact Disc.
Example sentence: "My friend has a CD signed by Alice."
Read More
- Channel
Channel (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /chan-nell/
Plural: Channels
What does Channel mean?
An audio path going from one source (input) to another source (output).
A channel is an audio path from input to output, similar to a bus.
Channel Synonyms: Bus
Example sentence: "Can you please see if I have the cord in the right channel."
Read More
- Chorus
Chorus (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /ko-rus/
Related: Hook
What does Chorus mean?
1. A time-based effect that adds multiple delays.
2. The part of a song that is repeated throughout the song.
3. A musical singing group with many singers.
Chorus can mean multiple things, a chorus can be a time-based effect that adds multiple delays creating a "detuning"(...) Read More
- Codec
Codec (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ko-dek/
Plural: Codecs
What does Codec mean?
An algorithm standard that compresses audio into a particular format for the purposes of reducing file size.
Codec is an algorithm standard that compresses audio into a particular format for the purposes of reducing file size (e.g. MP3, Windows Media Audio (WMA), Dolby Digital and(...) Read More
- Collab
Collab (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /koal-ab/
Plural: Collabs
Related: Collaborate, Collabing, Collaboration, Collabed
What does Collab mean?
1. A collaboration; work made by two or more artists.
2. Collaborate; to work together with someone or multiple people.
A collab (short for collaboration or collaborate) is a work made by two or more artists or to work(...) Read More
- Collabing
Collabing (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /koal-ab-in/
Related: Collaborate, Collab, Collabed, Collaborator
What does Collabing mean?
To be working together with one or more artists.
Collabing (also known as collaborating) is to be working together with one or more artists.
Collabing synonyms: Collaborating
Example sentence: "We've been collabing for 5 years now."
Read More
- Collaboration
Collaboration (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /koal-ab-o-ray-tion/
Plural: Collaborations
Related: Collaborate, Collabing, Collab, Collabed
What does Collaboration mean?
Work made by two or more artists.
A collaboration (also known as a collab) is a work made by two or more artists.
Collaboration synonyms: Partnership, Alliance
Example sentence: "we made a(...) Read More
- Collaborator
Collaborator (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /koal-ab-ah-rate-or/
Related: Collaborate, Collab, Collabed, Collabing
Plural: Collaborators
What does Collaborator mean?
Someone in a collab. An artist who worked or is working with another artist to create a work.
A collaborator is someone in a collab. An artist who worked or is working with another artist to create a(...) Read More
- Commission
Commission (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /com-e-tion/
What does Commission mean?
Percentage of income paid by musical artists to their representatives.
Commission is the percentage of income paid by musical artists to their representatives.
Commission Synonyms: Cut
Example sentence: "His manager is getting his commission this month."
Read More
- Common Time
Common Time (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kom-on-time/
Also spelled or known as: 4/4, Common-Time
What does Common Time mean?
A time signature that determines that there are 4 beats in 1 bar.
Common Time (also known as or called "4/4") is a time signature that determines that there are 4 beats in 1 bar.
Example sentence: "Yup i just confirmed it's common time."
Read More
- Compander
Compander (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kom-pan-der/
What does Compander mean?
A compressor and expander combined.
A compander is a compressor and expander combined into one.
Example sentence: "We used the compander on it."
Read More
- Comping
Comping (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kom-in/
What does Comping mean?
A recording process where multiple takes are recorded and the best parts of each take are made into a solid take.
Comping is a vocal recording process where multiple takes are recorded and the best parts of each take are made into a solid take.
Example sentence: "We were comping the audio."
Read More
- Composer
Composer (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /com-po-ser/
Plural: Composers
What does Composer mean?
Someone who composes or writes music.
A composer is someone who composes or writes music. Composers write lyrics for songs or for an instrumental track, etc.
Example sentence: "I sent the instrumental to the composer."
Read More
- Composition
Composition (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /com-po-si-tion/
Related: Musical Composition, Original Composition
What does Composition mean?
A musical work.
A composition is a musical work.
Composition Synonyms: Writing, Lyrics, Musical Composition, Original Composition
Example sentence: "I really like the composition."
Read More
- Compression
Compression (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /com-preh-sion/
Related: Compress
What does Compression mean?
A technique to control the dynamic range of a track.
Example sentence: "Can you add some compression to the vocals."
Read: What is Compression? What does Compression do?
Read More
- Compressor
Compressor (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /com-press-err/
Related: Compression
What does Compressor mean?
An audio processor that reduces the dynamic range of an audio signal.
Compressor is an audio processor that reduces the dynamic range of an audio signal.
Example sentence: "I just opened up the compressor."
Read More
- Console
Console (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /con-sole/
Plural: Consoles
Related: Mixing desk, Mixer, Sound board
What does Console mean?
A device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, balance, process, and combine sounds.
A console is the in person studio version of a DAW.
Console Synonyms: Mixing desk, Mixer, Sound board
Example(...) Read More
- Control Room
Control Room (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kon-troll-room/
Also spelled or known as: Control-Room, Control Booth
Related: Live Room
What does Control Room mean?
A room where audio engineers, music producers, and technicians sit, work, or "control" the session.
A control room in a recording studio is usually the main room where audio engineers, music producers,(...) Read More
- Controller
Controller (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kon-troll-err/
Plural: Controllers
What does Controller mean?
A MIDI hardware device that controls the parameters of a piece of software or another device.
The controller is a MIDI hardware device that controls the parameters of a piece of software or another device. An example of a controller is a MIDI keyboard.
Example(...) Read More
- Copyright
Copyright (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cop-e-rite/
Related: Copyright Infringement
What does Copyright mean?
The exclusive rights granted to authors or original creator/s of a song or work.
Copyright is the exclusive rights granted to authors or original creator/s of a song or work.
Example sentence: "We own to copyright to a lot of his music."
Read More
- Copyright Infringement
Copyright Infringement (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cop-e-rite-in-fring-ment/
Related: Copyright
What does Copyright Infringement mean?
The unauthorized use of a copyrighted work.
Copyright Infringement is the unauthorized use of a copyrighted work.
Example sentence: "Trust me you don't want to get sued for Copyright Infringement."
Read More
- Countertenor
Countertenor (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kount-err-ten-orr/
Also spelled or known as: Counter tenor, Counter-tenor
Related: Tenor, Baritone, Alto
What does Countertenor mean?
The highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice.
Countertenor is the highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. A Countertenor is(...) Read More
- Cover
Cover (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cov-err/
Related: Covers, Cover Song
Plural: Covers
What does Cover mean?
An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
A cover is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
Cover Synonyms: Cover version, Cover song, Remake, Revival, Remix
Example(...) Read More
- Cover version
Cover (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cov-err/
Related: Covers, Cover Song
Plural: Covers
What does Cover mean?
An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
A cover is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
Cover Synonyms: Cover version, Cover song, Remake, Revival, Remix
Example(...) Read More
- Cover song
Cover (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cov-err/
Related: Covers, Cover Song
Plural: Covers
What does Cover mean?
An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
A cover is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
Cover Synonyms: Cover version, Cover song, Remake, Revival, Remix
Example(...) Read More
- Remake
Cover (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cov-err/
Related: Covers, Cover Song
Plural: Covers
What does Cover mean?
An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
A cover is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
Cover Synonyms: Cover version, Cover song, Remake, Revival, Remix
Example(...) Read More
- Revival
Cover (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cov-err/
Related: Covers, Cover Song
Plural: Covers
What does Cover mean?
An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
A cover is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
Cover Synonyms: Cover version, Cover song, Remake, Revival, Remix
Example(...) Read More
- Remix
Cover (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cov-err/
Related: Covers, Cover Song
Plural: Covers
What does Cover mean?
An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
A cover is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
Cover Synonyms: Cover version, Cover song, Remake, Revival, Remix
Example(...) Read More
- Cover Song
Cover Song (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/
Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong
Related: Cover, Song
Plural: Cover Songs
What does Cover Song mean?
An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
- Cover version
Cover Song (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/
Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong
Related: Cover, Song
Plural: Cover Songs
What does Cover Song mean?
An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
- Cover
Cover Song (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/
Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong
Related: Cover, Song
Plural: Cover Songs
What does Cover Song mean?
An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
- Remake
Cover Song (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/
Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong
Related: Cover, Song
Plural: Cover Songs
What does Cover Song mean?
An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
- Revival
Cover Song (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/
Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong
Related: Cover, Song
Plural: Cover Songs
What does Cover Song mean?
An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
- Remix
Cover Song (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/
Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong
Related: Cover, Song
Plural: Cover Songs
What does Cover Song mean?
An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
- Rework
Cover Song (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/
Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong
Related: Cover, Song
Plural: Cover Songs
What does Cover Song mean?
An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist.
A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
CPU (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /c-p-u/
Also spelled or known as: C.P.U., C-P-U
What does CPU mean?
The "brain" of a computer that processes all information.
CPU (also known as Central Processing Unit) is the "brain" of a computer that processes all information.
Example sentence: "I had to replace my CPU."
Read More
- Cycle
Cycle (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /cy-cull/
What does Cycle mean?
A complete playthrough of a waveform.
Cycle is a complete playthrough of a waveform. Cycles occur in one second is measured in Hertz (Hz).
Cycle synonyms: Playback
Example sentence: "Lets have a cycle of that."
Read More
- D (Note)
D (Note) (noun)
Type: noun, musical note
Pronunciation: /D-Note/
Also spelled or known as: D, D-note, D note
What does D (Note) mean?
A musical note.
More musical notes: A (Note), B (Note), C (Note), E (Note), F (Note)
Example sentence: "I love the way you did the D note."
Read More
DAW (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /daw/
Plural: DAWs
Also spelled or known as: D.A.W, D A W, Digital Audio Workstation
Popular DAWS: Logic Pro, FL Studio, GarageBand, Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo
What does DAW mean?
Digital Audio Workstation.
DAW stands for Digital Audio Workstation. A DAW is a software program that(...) Read More
- dB
dB (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /des-e-bull/
Also spelled or known as: Decibel
Plural: dBs
Related: Decibel
What does dB mean?
The main unit of volume measurement. A dB is relative, as there are several different “scales” of dB’s that are used in audio (most popular dB-FS, along with dB-VU, dB-RMS, & dB-LUFS).
Each and every dB scale has a certain function in(...) Read More
- De-esser
De-esser (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /de-ess-err/
What does De-esser mean?
A processor that reduces sibilance (the "S" sound).
Sibilance is the sound of an "s" in words and de-esser reduces it.
Example sentence: "We used de-esser on it."
Read More
- Decay
Decay (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /de-kay/
Plural: Decays
What does Decay mean?
Decay is the time it takes for a sound to reach sustain level from the attack peak. How fast a sound fades from a certain loudness.
Decay is the time from the initial falling off to the sustain level.
Example sentence: "I like the decay you have on the song."
Read: What is ADSR(...) Read More
- Decibel
Decibel (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /des-e-bull/
Also spelled or known as: dB
Plural: Decibels
Related: dB
What does Decibel mean?
The main unit of volume measurement. A dB is relative, as there are several different “scales” of dB’s that are used in audio (most popular dB-FS, along with dB-VU, dB-RMS, & dB-LUFS).
Each and every dB scale has a certain function(...) Read More
- Delay
Delay (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /dee-lay/
Related: Echo
What does Delay mean?
A technique that takes recorded audio and plays back delayed duplicated to create echoes.
Example sentence: "We added a bit of delay to the song."
Read: What is Delay? What does Delay do?
Read More
- Demo
Demo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dem-oh/
What does Demo mean?
An example, early, or rough recording of music; may not be mixed, mastered or completed.
A demo is usually made to prepare for a proper full recording.
Example sentence: "We sent in our demo to a new label last night."
Read More
- Digital Audio
Digital Audio (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dig-e-tal-aww-dio/
Also spelled or known as: Digital-Audio
What does Digital Audio mean?
Technology that records, stores, and reproduces sound by encoding an audio signal in digital form instead of analog form.
Digital Audio is a technology that records, stores, and reproduces sound by encoding an audio signal in digital(...) Read More
- Digital Audio Workstation
Digital Audio Workstation (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dee-jee-tal-aww-deo-work-stay-tion/
Plural: Digital Audio Workstations
Also spelled or known as: DAW
Popular Digital Audio Workstations: Logic Pro, FL Studio, GarageBand, Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, Bitwig Studio
What does Digital Audio Workstation mean?
A software program that allows artists,(...) Read More
- Discography
Discography (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dis-kog-ah-free/
What does Discography mean?
A collection of musical works by an artist.
A Discography is a collection of musical works by an artist.
Discography Synonyms: Music Catalog, Catalog, Demos, Works
Example sentence: "I love Lil Wayne's discography."
Read More
- Distortion
Distortion (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /dis-tor-tion/
Related: Distorted
What does Distortion mean?
A technique used to alter or deform recorded audio.
Example sentence: "I like rock music with a lot of distortion."
Read: What is Distortion? What does Distortion do?
Read More
- Distribution
Distribution (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dis-tree-bew-tion/
Related: Distro
What does Distribution mean?
The process of distributing your music to stores and streaming platforms (DSP's).
Distribution is the process of distributing your music to stores and streaming platforms (DSP's). Distribution can be done by a label, distribution company, or(...) Read More
- Distro
Distro (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dis-tro/
Related: Distribution
What does Distro mean?
Distribution; the process of distributing your music to stores and streaming platforms (DSP's).
Distro (also known as distribution) is the process of distributing your music to stores and streaming platforms (DSP's). Distribution can be done by a label, distribution company, or(...) Read More
- Distribution
Distro (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dis-tro/
Related: Distribution
What does Distro mean?
Distribution; the process of distributing your music to stores and streaming platforms (DSP's).
Distro (also known as distribution) is the process of distributing your music to stores and streaming platforms (DSP's). Distribution can be done by a label, distribution company, or(...) Read More
- DJ
DJ (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /D-J/
Also spelled or known as: D-J, D.J., D J
What does DJ mean?
1. Disc Jockey.
A DJ is someone who plays/"spins" recorded music in a live scenario and blends them together by mixing.
DJ stands for Disc Jockey.
2. To play/"spins" recorded music in a live scenario and blend them together by mixing.
DJ Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Doubling
Doubling (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dub-ling/
Also spelled or known as: Doublin
What does Doubling mean?
Recording sounds or vocals multiple times to get a “thicker” sound.
Example sentence: "We might need to do some doubling on that song."
Read More
- Drop
Drop (noun)
Type: noun, verb
Pronunciation: /drahp/
Related: Dropped
What does Drop mean?
1. A point in a song where a sudden change of rhythm or bass line occurs.
2. A release or to release.
Drop (also known as a "beat drop") is a point in a song where a sudden change of rhythm or bass line occurs. In a drop, the tension is built up and then released on the "drop". A(...) Read More
- Drum Machine
Drum Machine (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /drum-mash-een/
Also spelled or known as: Drum-Machine
Plural: Drum Machines
What does Drum Machine mean?
A programmable electronic musical instrument that creates percussion sounds, drum beats, and patterns.
An analog drum machine is a programmable electronic musical instrument that creates percussion sounds, drum beats,(...) Read More
- Dry
Dry (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dry/
Also spelled or known as: Dry sound, Dry-sound
Opposite: Wet
What does Dry mean?
Unprocessed sound; a sound with no effects on it.
Dry sound is vocals or sounds recorded as is.
Example sentence: "The vocals sounded a bit dry. You haven't started a mix have you?"
Read More
- Dry sound
Dry sound (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dry-sund/
Also spelled or known as: Dry, Drysound, Dry-sound
Opposite: Wet sound
What does Dry sound mean?
Unprocessed sound; a sound with no effects on it.
Dry sound is vocals or sounds recorded as is.
Example sentence: "The album right now is all dry sound."
Read More
DSP (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /D-S-P/
Also spelled or known as: DSP's, D-S-P, D.S.P, D S P
Related: Digital Service Provider
What does DSP mean?
1. Digital Service Provider
2. Digital Streaming Platform
DSP stands for Digital Service Provider (most used) or Digital Streaming Platform. A Digital Service Provider or a Digital Streaming Platform is a(...) Read More
- Dub
Dub (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dawb/
What does Dub mean?
1. A version or copy of a track, sometimes with effects and changes applied.
Dub synonyms: Record, Track
2. An electronic style of music formed from reggae in the 1960s, or Dubstep.
Dub synonyms: Dubstep
Dub is a version or copy of a track, sometimes with effects and changes applied. Dub can also be used(...) Read More
- Dubstep
Dub (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dawb/
What does Dub mean?
1. A version or copy of a track, sometimes with effects and changes applied.
Dub synonyms: Record, Track
2. An electronic style of music formed from reggae in the 1960s, or Dubstep.
Dub synonyms: Dubstep
Dub is a version or copy of a track, sometimes with effects and changes applied. Dub can also be used(...) Read More
- Dubstep
Dubstep (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dawb-step/
What does Dubstep mean?
An electronic style of music formed from reggae in the 1960s, or Dubstep.
Dubstep synonyms: Dub
Dubstep (also known as "dub") is an electronic style of music formed from reggae in the 1960s.
Example sentence: "I used to really love dubstep music."
Read More
- Duet
Duet (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /do-ett/
Related: Duo
What does Duet mean?
A musical performance by two people.
A duet is a musical performance by two people. Duet stems from the term duo; two voices or instruments together.
Example sentence: "They ended the show with a duet."
Read More
- Duo
Duo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /do-oo/
Related: Duet
What does Duo mean?
1. Two voices or instruments together.
2. A musical group of two people.
A duo is two voices or instruments together. A duo can also mean a musical group of two(2) people.
Example sentence: "Rae Sremmurd is my favorite duo."
Read More
- Dynamic Range
Dynamic Range (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dy-nah-mik-raing/
Also spelled or known as: Dynamic-Range
Related: Dynamics
What does Dynamic Range mean?
The number of decibels (dB) between the highest and the lowest point in a track's amplitude.
Dynamic Range is the number of decibels (dB) between the highest point in the tracks’ amplitude and the lowest point. Low(...) Read More
- Dynamics
Dynamics (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dy-nah-miks/
Also spelled or known as: Dynamics Processors
Related: Dynamics Processors
What does Dynamics mean?
1. The number of decibels (dB) between the highest and the lowest point in a track's amplitude.
2. Volume of music; how loud or quiet a piece of music is
3. A processor to adjust the dynamic range of individual(...) Read More
- Dynamics Processors
Dynamics Processors (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /dy-nah-miks-praw-cess-awws/
Also spelled or known as: Dynamics
Related: Dynamics
What does Dynamics Processors mean?
Processors to adjust the dynamic range of individual audio files, tracks, or an overall project.
Dynamics Processors are made to adjust the dynamic range of individual audio files, tracks, or an(...) Read More
- E (Note)
E (Note) (noun)
Type: noun, Musical note
Pronunciation: /E-Note/
Also spelled or known as: E, E-note, E note
What does E (Note) mean?
A musical note.
More musical notes: A (Note), B (Note), C (Note), D (Note), F (Note)
Example sentence: "I can try and play it in an E note."
Read More
- E-Piano
E-Piano (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /e-piano/
Also spelled or known as: E Piano
What does E-Piano mean?
Electronic Piano.
E-Piano stands for an Electronic Piano. An electronic piano instrument is common and used in electronic music and Hip-Hop.
Example sentence: "I love the sound the E-piano created."
Read More
- Early Reflections
Early Reflections (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /earl-e-re-fleck-tions/
Also spelled or known as: Early-Reflections
What does Early Reflections mean?
A continuation of a reverb tail, the initial sound heard when there is natural or algorithmic reverberation.
Early Reflections is a continuation of a reverb tail, the initial sound heard when there is natural or(...) Read More
EDM (noun)
Type: noun, acronym, genre
Pronunciation: /E-D-M/
Also spelled or known as: E-D-M, E.D.M., E D M
What does EDM mean?
Electronic Dance Music.
EDM (electronic dance music) is the combined term for all genres within the dance music space such as; House, Techno, Trance, Dubstep, Drum & Bass, Garage, Grime, Trap, Ambient, & more.
Example sentence: "We went to an(...) Read More
- Effect
Effect (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /e-fekt/
Plural: Effects
What does Effect mean?
Any processing unit (digital or analogue) that can be applied to an audio signal to alter the outcome.
An effect is any processing unit (digital or analogue) that can be applied to an audio signal to alter the outcome. When you send an audio signal through an effect, the effect can(...) Read More
- Eighth Note
Eighth Note (noun)
Type: noun, music notation
Pronunciation: /ayth-note/
Also spelled or known as: Eighth-Note, EighthNote
Related: Eighth Rest
What does Eighth Note mean?
A note that lasts 1/8 the duration of a whole note.
An Eighth Note (used in music notation) is a note that lasts 1/8 the duration of a whole note.
More Notes: Half Note, Quarter Note, Whole Note, A(...) Read More
- Engineer
Engineer (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /en-jin-neer/
Related: Sound Engineer, Audio Engineer, Recording Engineer, Engineering
Plural: Engineers
What does Engineer mean?
A recording engineer; someone who records, mixes, or masters audio.
An engineer records, mixes, or masters audio, they usually work in a recording studio or live concert setting.
Engineer(...) Read More
- Engineering
Engineering (noun)
Type: noun, verb
Pronunciation: /en-jin-neer-ing/
Related: Audio Engineering, Sound Engineering, Recording Engineering, Engineer
What does Engineering mean?
To be recording, mixing, or mastering audio.
Engineering is to be to be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. An engineer records, mixes, or masters audio, they usually work in a recording studio(...) Read More
- Ensemble
Ensemble (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /en-sam-bull/
Also known as: Musical Ensemble
Related: Duo
What does Ensemble mean?
A group of musicians.
An ensemble is a group of musicians.
Ensemble Synonyms: Musical ensemble, Duo
Example sentence: "I brought an ensemble in to play some stuff."
Read More
- Musical Ensemble
Ensemble (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /en-sam-bull/
Also known as: Musical Ensemble
Related: Duo
What does Ensemble mean?
A group of musicians.
An ensemble is a group of musicians.
Ensemble Synonyms: Musical ensemble, Duo
Example sentence: "I brought an ensemble in to play some stuff."
Read More
- EQ
EQ (noun)
Type: noun, acronym, effect
Pronunciation: /E-Q/
Also spelled or known as: E-Q, E.Q., E Q
Related: Equalization, Equalizer
What does EQ mean?
EQ stands for Equalization.
An equalizer can be used to add or remove frequency of sounds, groups, and entire tracks.
EQ allows you to adjust levels of certain frequencies in a sound without changing(...) Read More
- Erosion
Erosion (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /e-ro-sion/
What does Erosion mean?
An audio effect in Ableton Live that adds distortion by modulating the signal with a sine wave or noise.
Erosion is an audio effect in Ableton Live that adds distortion by modulating the signal with a sine wave or noise.
Example sentence: "I like the erosion on that record."
Read More
- Exclusive Publishing Agreement
Exclusive Publishing Agreement (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ex-clue-sive-pub-leesh-in-ag-ree-ment/
Also spelled or known as: Publishing Agreement
What does Exclusive Publishing Agreement mean?
A written agreement allowing a music publisher to publish some or all of a songwriter's or composer's work for a certain period of time.
An Exclusive Publishing Agreement (also(...) Read More
- F (Note)
What does F (Note) mean? A Musical note
F (Note) (noun)
Type: noun, musical note
Pronunciation: /F-Note/
Also spelled or known as: F, F-note, F note
What does F (Note) mean?
A musical note.
More musical notes: A (Note), B (Note), C (Note), D (Note), E (Note)
Example sentence: "Put that one in a F note."
Read More
- FabFilter
FabFilter (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /fab-fil-ter/
What does FabFilter mean?
A software company that makes both mixing and creative plugins like Pro-R, Pro-Q, Pro-L, Saturn & more.
FabFilter is a software company that makes both mixing and creative plugins like Pro-R, Pro-Q, Pro-L, Saturn & more.
Example sentence: "FabFilter made the Pro-R plugin."
Read More
- Fade
Fade (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /fade/
What does Fade mean?
The increase or decrease of volume over time.
Fade is usually used to bring sound or a song to a smooth silence or to open up a sound or song.
A fade is usually applied to the beginning or the ending of a song.
Example sentence: "Let's put a fade at the end of it."
Read More
- Fader
Fader (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /fade-err/
Related: Fade
What does Fader mean?
A part of the channel used to control volume.
Faders are always a straight line compared to knobs/pots, which are always circular.
Example sentence: "Can you please turn the fader down a bit."
Read More
- Far Field
Far Field (Far Field Monitors) (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /far-field/
Also spelled or known as: Farfield, Far-Field, Far Field Monitors
Similar to Far Field: Near Field, Mid Field
What does Far Field mean?
A type of studio monitors designed to be farther away from the listener's ear.
Far Field is a type of studio monitors designed to be farther away from the(...) Read More
- Feedback
Feedback (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /feed-back/
What does Feedback mean?
An effect that feeds the output signal back into the input signal.
Feedback is an effect that feeds the output signal back into the input signal, similar to a delay or distortion, to enhance the effect. The more feedback a delay has, the longer the effect will last. A delay or distortion(...) Read More
- Fiddle
Fiddle (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /fid-ull/
Related: Violinist, Violin
What does Fiddle mean?
A violin; A four-stringed instrument played with a bow.
A fiddle is another word for a violin. A fiddle (violin) is a four-stringed instrument played with a bow. A fiddle has a shallow body and is played with a bow by holding it under the chin and moving the bow over the(...) Read More
- Fidelity
Fidelity (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /fid-ell-lee-tee/
What does Fidelity mean?
The quality of the audio.
Fidelity refers to the quality of the audio. High fidelity (also known as Hi-Fi) means high quality, and low fidelity (also known as Lo-Fi) means low quality, in terms of bitrate/sample rate.
Fidelity synonyms: Hi-Fidelity, Hi-Fi, Lo-Fi
Example sentence: "What(...) Read More
- Filter
Filter (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /fil-ter/
Plural: Filters
What does Filter mean?
An effect that only allows a particular band of frequencies to pass through.
Filter is an effect that only allows a particular band of frequencies to pass through. Different filter types include low-pass filter, high-pass filter, band-pass filter and band-reject(...) Read More
- FL Studio
FL Studio (noun)
Type: noun, DAW
Pronunciation: /F-L-stu-dio/
Also spelled or known as: FL-Studio, FL, FLStudio
Related: Logic Pro, Ableton Live (Ableton), GarageBand, Pro Tools, Bitwig Studio, Cubase/Nuendo, Reaper
What does FL Studio mean?
A popular DAW created by Image-Line. FL Studio is popular especially among music producers.
Creator: Image-Line
Example(...) Read More
FLAC (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /F-L-A-C/
Also spelled or known as: F-L-A-C, F.L.A.C., F L A C
Related: AIFF, Wav, MP3
What does FLAC mean?
Free lossless audio codec.
FLAC stands for Free lossless audio codec.
FLAC files are compressed to nearly half the size of WAV files, with the same sample rate. FLAC maintains the same audio quality as the original(...) Read More
- Flip
Flip (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /flip/
What does Flip mean?
A remix or re-done version of a song.
Flip is a remix or re-done version of a song.
Flip Synonyms: Bootleg, Remix, Rework
Example sentence: "I made a flip of that song back in the day."
Read More
- Flutist
Flutist (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /flu-tist/
Related: Flute
What does Flutist mean?
Someone who plays the flute; a flute player.
A flutist is someone who plays the flute. A flute player is known as a flutist.
Example sentence: "We need a flutist for the show tomorrow."
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FOH (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /F-O-H/
Also spelled or known as: Front-of-House
Related: Front of House
What does FOH mean?
Front of House; An area in a live venue audio setting where live audio for the show is controlled and mixed.
FOH (also known as and stands for "Front of House") is an area in a live venue audio setting where live audio for the show(...) Read More
- Form
Form (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /form/
What does Form mean?
The pattern of a piece of music.
The form is the pattern of a piece of music.
Form synonyms: Structure, Arrangement
Example sentence: "I didn't like the form of the first song."
Read More
- Front of House
Front of House (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /front-of-house/
Also spelled or known as: Front-of-House
Related: FOH
What does Front of House mean?
An area in a live venue audio setting where live audio for the show is controlled and mixed.
Front of House (also known as FOH) is an area in a live venue audio setting where live audio for the show is controlled and(...) Read More
- FX
FX (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /F-X/
Also spelled or known as: F-X, F.X., F X
Related: SFX
What does FX mean?
Short for Effects.
FX stands for Effects.
Processes or devices used to alter a sound. Popular effects include delay, reverb, chorus, distortion, phaser, and flanger.
Example sentence: "Can you add some FX to that loop. It needs something."
Read More
- Gain
Gain (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /gayn/
What does Gain mean?
1. An increase or decrease in the amplitude of a signal.
Gain is generally a synonym for volume, though it’s often used as another word for distortion.
2. Initial sound level of a sound before it goes through an amplifier.
Gain can also mean the initial sound or signal level before it goes through an(...) Read More
- GarageBand
GarageBand (noun)
Type: noun, DAW
Pronunciation: /gah-raj-band/
Also spelled or known as: Garage-Band, Garage Band
Related: Logic Pro, FL Studio, Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo
What does GarageBand mean?
A popular DAW created by Apple.
Example sentence: "I learned how to make music by using GarageBand."
Other DAWS: Logic Pro, FL Studio, Ableton Live, Pro(...) Read More
- Gate
Gate (noun)
Type: noun, processor
Pronunciation: /gait/
Also spelled or known as: Noise Gate, Noise-Gate
Related: Noise Gate
What does Gate mean?
An audio processor that cuts off the volume of an audio once it passes below a certain volume threshold.
Gate (also known as "Noise Gate") is an audio processor that cuts off the volume of an audio once it passes below a(...) Read More
- Gating
Gating (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /gate-in/
Related: Gate
What does Gating mean?
A technique to cut out unwanted signals that fall below a specific threshold.
Gating is a technique to cut out unwanted signals that fall below a specific threshold.
Example sentence: "We used gating on the audio."
Read More
- Half Note
Half Note (noun)
Type: noun, music notation
Pronunciation: /half-note/
Also spelled or known as: Half-Note, HalfNote
What does Half Note mean?
A note that in 4/4 time is worth 2 beats or half of a whole note.
More notes: Whole Note, Quarter Note, A note, B note, C note, D note, F note
A Half Note (used in music notation) is a note that in 4/4 time is worth 2 beats or(...) Read More
- Headroom
Headroom (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /head-room/
Also spelled or known as: Head-Room, Head Room
What does Headroom mean?
The difference between the highest level a sound can reach and zero decibels on a master channel.
Headroom is the difference between the highest level a sound can reach and zero decibels on a master channel; having adequate headroom makes it easy(...) Read More
- Hertz
Hertz (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /hurtz/
Related: Hz, kHz, Kilohertz
What does Hertz mean?
The unit of measurement for frequencies.
After 1,000Hz, the unit is measured in Kilohertz (or kHz). 1 Kilohertz (kHz) = 1,000 Hertz (Hz).
Hertz Synonyms: Hz
Example sentence: "How many Hertz is there on that sound?"
Read More
- Hi-Fi
Hi-Fi (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /hi-fi/
Also spelled or known as: Hi Fi, HiFi
Related: Lo-Fi, Fidelity
What does Hi-Fi mean?
Hi-Fidelity; high quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate.
Hi-Fi (also known as High-Fidelity) means high quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate.
Hi-Fi synonyms: Hi-Fidelity
Example sentence: "We listened to the Hi-Fi(...) Read More
- High-End
High-End (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /high-end/
Also spelled or known as: High End, HighEnd
Opposite: Low-End
What does High End mean?
The higher range of audio frequencies above 6kHz. A reference value.
High-End (also known as highs) are the higher frequencies in a sound – typically above 6kHz.
High End Synonyms: Highs, Top-End, Treble, Air
Example sentence:(...) Read More
- Highs
Highs (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /highs/
Related: Mids, Lows, High-End, Top-End, Treble, Air
What does Highs mean?
The higher range of audio frequencies above 6kHz. A reference value.
Highs are the higher frequencies in a sound – typically above 6kHz. Usually meant in the context of “highs, mids and lows” in an audio signal.
Highs Synonyms: High-End, Top-End,(...) Read More
- Hook
Hook (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /hook/
What does Hook mean?
The part of a song that is repeated throughout the song.
The Hook is the part of a song that is repeated throughout the song.
Hook synonyms: Chorus
Example sentence: "Guess who wrote the hook on this."
Read More
- House
House (genre)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /hous/
What does House mean?
A popular genre of electronic/dance music (EDM) originating in the early ’70s in the US.
House is a popular genre of electronic/dance music (EDM) originating in the early ’70s in the US. There are many subgenres of house music, like tech house, jackin house, & more. House music features a four-on-the-floor(...) Read More
- Hymn
Hymn (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /hym/
Plural: Hymns
What does Hymn mean?
A church song of praise.
A hymn is a church song of praise.
Example sentence: "We are singing a new hymn today folks."
Read More
- Hz
Hz (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /hurtz/
Related: Hertz, kHz, Kilohertz
What does Hz mean?
Hertz; the unit of measurement for frequencies.
After 1,000Hz, the unit is measured in Kilohertz (or kHz). 1 Kilohertz (kHz) = 1,000 Hertz (Hz).
Hz Synonyms: Hertz
Read More
- I/O
I/O (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /I-O/
Also spelled or known as: I-O, I.O., I O, Input/output
Related: Input, Output
What does I/O mean?
I/O stands for Input/Output.
I/O is used in electronics.
Example sentence: "Does that device have a I/O?"
Read More
- ID3 Tags
ID3 Tags (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /I-D-3-Tags/
Also spelled or known as: ID3-Tags
What does ID3 Tags mean?
Tags on an MP3 or similar audio file that detail the artist name, song name, album name, genre, year, and more.
ID3 Tags are tags on an MP3 or similar audio file that detail the artist name, song name, album name, genre, year, and more. Some audio file(...) Read More
- Imaging
Imaging (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /im-age-in/
What does Imaging mean?
The process of adjusting the stereo image with panning, stereo width effects, and time-based effects.
Imaging is the process of adjusting the stereo image with panning, stereo width effects, and time-based effects.
Read More
- Input
Input (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /in-put/
Related: Input Gain, Input Impedance, Input Monitoring
What does Input mean?
1. The jack or physical spot where a device receives signal.
2. Audio signal that is fed into a channel or effect.
Input is the jack or physical spot where a device receives signal. It can also refer to audio signal that is fed into a channel or(...) Read More
- Input Gain
Input Gain (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /in-put-gain/
Also spelled or known as: Input-Gain
Related: Input, Input Impedance, Input Monitoring
What does Input Gain mean?
The amount of gain applied to audio before effects or processing.
Input Gain is the amount of gain applied to audio before effects or processing. Input gain may be applied to audio before it is(...) Read More
- Input Impedance
Input Impedance (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /in-put-im-pen-dense/
Related: Input Gain, Input Gain, Input Monitoring
What does Input Impedance mean?
The opposition to current flow by the first circuits of a device.
Input Impedance is the opposition to current flow by the first circuits of a device.
Read More
- Input Monitoring
Input Monitoring (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /in-put-mon-e-tor-ring/
Related: Input Gain, Input Impedance, Input
What does Input Monitoring mean?
A setting on a lot of DAWs to monitor the live input signal coming into the DAW.
Input Monitoring is a setting on a lot of DAWs to monitor the live input signal coming into the DAW (this is different than the recorded(...) Read More
- Instrument
Instrument (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /in-stru-ment/
What does Instrument mean?
An object or tool used to make music.
An instrument is an object or tool used to make music. The three basic kinds of instruments are; wind instruments (which use air to make the sounds); percussion instruments (something being hit to make the sound); and instruments with strings that are(...) Read More
- Instrumental
Instrumental (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /in-stru-ment-tal/
Related: Instrument, Instruments
Plural: Instrumentals
What does Instrumental mean?
A combination of instruments without words/vocals.
An instrumental is a combination of instruments without words/vocals.
Instrumental Synonyms: Beat
Example sentence: "Can you load the first instrumental you played."
Read More
- Intellectual property
Intellectual property (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /in-ter-lec-tual-prop-err-tee/
Also spelled or known as: IP, Intellectual-property
What does Intellectual property mean?
Intangible property resulting from creativity, such as patents, or copyright.
Intellectual property (also known as IP) is intangible property resulting from creativity, such as patents, or(...) Read More
- Interface
Interface (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /in-ter-face/
Related: Audio Interface
What does Interface mean?
A hardware that can receive and output audio.
An Interface (also known as "Audio interface") is a piece of hardware that can receive audio as an input and also output audio. An interface helps a human interact with a computer or other electronics. A MIDI (Musical(...) Read More
- Interlude
Interlude (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /in-ter-lood/
Related: Prelude, Postlude
What does Interlude mean?
An instrumental, song, or piece of music between other songs.
An interlude is an instrumental, song, or piece of music between other songs. An interlude is usually between songs on an album.
Example sentence: "I like the interlude Frank Ocean did for Kanye."
Read More
- Intro
Intro (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /in-tro/
Related: Outro
What does Intro mean?
1. Opening section of a song or piece.
2. The first song on an album.
The intro is short for introduction and has two meanings. 1. Opening section of a song or piece. 2. The first song on an album.
Example sentence: "Joe Trufant's album intro is so good."
Read More
- IP
IP (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /i-p/
Also spelled or known as: Intellectual property
What does IP mean?
Intangible property resulting from creativity, such as patents, or copyright.
IP (also known as Intellectual property) is intangible property resulting from creativity, such as patents, or copyright.
IP Synonyms: Intellectual property
Example(...) Read More
- IR
IR (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /i-r/
Also spelled or known as: I.R., I-R
Related: Impulse Response
What does IR mean?
Impulse Response; an audio file that can be loaded into a convolution reverb to apply a room or space’s natural reverb to any sound.
IR stands for Impulse Response, an audio file that can be loaded into a convolution reverb to apply a room(...) Read More
ISRC (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /I-S-R-C/
Also spelled or known as: I.S.R.C, I S R C, I-S-R-C
Related: ISRC Code
What does ISRC mean?
International Standard Recording Code; a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for commercial release.
An ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for(...) Read More
- ISRC Code
ISRC Code (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /I-S-R-C-kode/
Also spelled or known as: ISRC-Code
Related: ISRC
What does ISRC Code mean?
International Standard Recording Code; a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for commercial release.
An ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for(...) Read More
- iZotope
iZotope (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /i-zo-tope/
What does iZotope mean?
A plugin software company that created Ozone, Iris, RX, & more.
iZotope is a plugin software company that created Ozone, Iris, RX, & more.
Example sentence: "I got some of these sounds from iZotope."
Read More
- J-Pop
J-Pop (genre)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /jay-pop/
What does J-Pop mean?
Japenese Pop Music.
J-Pop is Japanese Pop Music, a genre of pop music from Japan characterized by influences such as EDM, R&B, Jazz, & traditional Korean music.
More Genres: Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop, EDM, House, Jazz, Rock, Alternative, K-Pop, Dance, Chill, RnB,
Example sentence: "I just started listening(...) Read More
- Jack
Jack (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /jak/
Related: Mini-jack
What does Jack mean?
A standard connector for studio monitors, audio interfaces and more.
A jack (also called or known as a "1/4” cable) is a connector. A jack is a standard connector for studio monitors, audio interfaces and more. They usually come in 6mm, 3.5mm mini jack and 2.5mm sizes.
Example sentence:(...) Read More
- Jackin House
Jackin House (genre)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /jack-in-house/
Also spelled or known as: Jackin-House
What does Jackin House mean?
A subgenre of house music similar to tech house.
Jackin House is a subgenre of house music similar to tech house but with an old-school influence.
More Genres: Rap, Hip-Hop, House, Pop, RnB, K-Pop, J-Pop, Jazz, Rock, Alternative, EDM(...) Read More
- Jitter
Jitter (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /jit-err/
What does Jitter mean?
The modulation effect that creates randomness to the modulated parameter.
Jitter is the modulation effect that creates randomness to the modulated parameter. For example, an LFO might have a jitter control that allows it to drift off its current value to add more of a human feel.
Example(...) Read More
- K-Metering
K-Metering (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /K-meet-err-ing/
Also spelled or known as: KMetering, K Metering
What does K-Metering mean?
An audio level metering format which must be used with a monitoring system to set up a calibrated acoustic reference level.
K-Metering is an audio level metering format which must be used with a monitoring system to set up a calibrated(...) Read More
- K-Pop
K-Pop (genre)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /k-pop/
What does K-Pop mean?
Korean Pop Music.
K-Pop is Korean Pop Music, a genre of pop music from Korea characterized by influences such as EDM, R&B, Jazz, & traditional Korean music.
More Genres: Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop, EDM, House, Jazz, Rock, Alternative, J-Pop, Dance
Example sentence: "I've been listening to K-Pop lately."
Read More
KBPS (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /K-B-P-S/
Also spelled or known as: K-B-P-S, K.B.P.S., K B P S
What does KBPS mean?
Kilobits per second (not kilobytes).
KBPS stands for Kilobits per second.
Kilobits per second is a data transfer rate or network speed. In music Kilobits is under bitrate. Bitrate is the amount of data processed over a certain amount of(...) Read More
- Key
Key (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kee/
Also spelled or known as: The Key
What does Key mean?
The notes that can be played in a piece of music.
The key is the notes that can be played in a piece of music. For example, in the key of C Major, the notes that can be played are C, D, E, F, G, A, and B.
Example sentence: "Do you know what key this is in?"
Read More
- Keyboard
Keyboard (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /key-board/
What does Keyboard mean?
1. A computer keyboard used for typing, also used for producing music in a DAW.
2. A MIDI Keyboard that connects to a DAW to create music.
A keyboard is a computer keyboard used for typing, and also used for producing music in a DAW. A keyboard can also mean a MIDI Keyboard that connects to a(...) Read More
- kHz
kHz (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kelo-hurtz/
Related: Hertz, Hz, Kilohertz
What does kHz mean?
Kilohertz; 1000x the unit of measurement for frequencies.
1 Kilohertz (kHz) = 1,000 Hertz (Hz).
kHz Synonyms: Kilohertz
Read More
- Kilohertz
Kilohertz (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kelo-hurtz/
Related: Hertz, Hz, kHz
What does Kilohertz mean?
1000x the unit of measurement for frequencies.
1 Kilohertz (kHz) = 1,000 Hertz (Hz).
Kilohertz Synonyms: kHz
Example sentence: "He measured the song in Kilohertz."
Read More
- Knee
Knee (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /nee/
What does Knee mean?
A control on a compressor that determines how hard the compressor performs when hitting the threshold.
Knee is a control on a compressor that determines how hard the compressor performs when hitting the threshold. A hard knee will make the compressor work instantly at the determined ratio, whereas soft knee(...) Read More
- Kontakt
Kontakt (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kon-takt/
What does Kontakt mean?
A multi-sample plugin created by Native Instruments.
Kontakt is a multi-sample plugin created by Native Instruments.
Kontakt is an industry standard for multi-samples of traditional instruments, such as guitars, pianos, etc.
Created by: Native Instruments
Example sentence: "I used Kontakt for(...) Read More
- Korg
Korg (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /korg/
What does Korg mean?
A Japanese instrument, synth, and drum machine manufacturer.
Korg is a Japanese instrument, synth, and drum machine manufacturer. Korg has created a lot of vintage hardware synths.
Example sentence: "Korg made this synth."
Read More
- Lab
Lab (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lab/
Also spelled or known as: The Lab
Related: The Lab
What does Lab mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Yo
Lab (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lab/
Also spelled or known as: The Lab
Related: The Lab
What does Lab mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Stu
Lab (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lab/
Also spelled or known as: The Lab
Related: The Lab
What does Lab mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Studio
Lab (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lab/
Also spelled or known as: The Lab
Related: The Lab
What does Lab mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- The Yo
Lab (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lab/
Also spelled or known as: The Lab
Related: The Lab
What does Lab mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Recording Studio
Lab (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lab/
Also spelled or known as: The Lab
Related: The Lab
What does Lab mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- The Lab
Lab (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lab/
Also spelled or known as: The Lab
Related: The Lab
What does Lab mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Booth
Lab (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lab/
Also spelled or known as: The Lab
Related: The Lab
What does Lab mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Largo
Largo (adverb)
Type: adverb
Pronunciation: /larg-oh/
Opposite: Presto
What does Largo mean?
To play or be playing music or an instrument very slowly or at a slow tempo.
Largo is to play or be playing music or an instrument very slowly or at a slow tempo.
Example sentence: "He played us the piano largo."
Read More
- Latency
Latency (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /late-en-see/
What does Latency mean?
An audio delay between input and output of a signal.
Latency is a delay between input from a sound source and output in headphones.
Example sentence: "The studio is nice because the latency is all low."
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- Lazer
Lazer (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /laze-err/
What does Lazer mean?
A sound made by a synth using fast-moving pitch envelopes to create a ‘pew pew’ effect.
Lazer is a sound made by a synth using fast-moving pitch envelopes to create a ‘pew pew’ effect.
Example sentence: "I just applied a lazer on it."
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- Lead
Lead (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /leed/
What does Lead mean?
A synth or sound used to carry the main melody in a track.
The lead is a synth or sound used to carry the main melody in a track.
Read More
- Legato
Legato (adverb)
Type: adverb
Pronunciation: /leg-ah-toe/
What does Legato mean?
To play notes smoothly, without stopping in between notes.
Legato is to play notes smoothly, without stopping in between notes.
Example sentence: "He played the instrumental legato."
Read More
- Level
Level (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lev-ull/
What does Level mean?
The measurement of the loudness of a sound in decibels (dB).
Level is the measurement of the loudness of a sound in decibels (dB). A sound can have different types of levels to it including peak level (actual loudness), RMS (average loudness) and perceived loudness.
Example sentence: "What level is it(...) Read More
LFO (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /L-F-O/
Also spelled or known as: L.F.O.
What does LFO mean?
Low-Frequency Oscillator.
LFO stands for Low-Frequency Oscillator, an LFO is an oscillator typically below the range of human hearing, used as a modulation source to add vibrato, tremolo and other effects to sounds. LFO’s are mostly on synths.
Read More
- Library
Library (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /libe-rare-ree/
What does Library mean?
A feature on DAWs with all of the stock sounds and processors. A collection of stock sounds and processors.
A library is a feature on DAWs with all of the stock sounds and processors. A library can also collection of stock sounds and processors.
Read More
- License
License (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lie-sens/
Related: Licensor, Licensee, Blanket License
What does License mean?
1. A legal permit.
2. To authorize a legal permit.
A license is a legal permit or to authorize by legal permit. A license grants permission for one person or company to use or perform someone else's song or instrumental track.
License Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Licensee
Licensee (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lie-sen-see/
Related: License, Licensor
What does Licensee mean?
The person or entity to whom the work is licensed.
A licensee is the person or entity to whom the work is licensed. The person or entity who wants the license, such as a TV show or feature film that licenses a song or composition is a licensee because they have(...) Read More
- Licensor
Licensor (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lie-sen-sor/
Related: License, Licensee
What does Licensor mean?
The owner of the licensed work.
Licensor is the owner of the licensed work. The songwriter or composer who created the song or track is usually the licensor. A publisher or entity who has acquired the rights to the song or composition can also be the(...) Read More
- Limiter
Limiter (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /lim-it-err/
What does Limiter mean?
An effect that acts as a compressor at a ratio of ∞:1, no audio can pass the threshold.
Limiter is an audio effect that compresses at a ratio of ∞:1, no audio can pass the threshold. The threshold is typically set to 0dB allowing no audio to clip and allowing maximum loudness when gain is(...) Read More
- Line
Line (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /line/
What does Line mean?
1. Any physical channel that audio can pass through.
2. A line/sentence of lyric.
Line is any physical channel that audio can pass through. For example, A line might refer to a microphone being used for recording. A line can also be used to refer to a "line" or sentence of lyric, especially in(...) Read More
- LinnDrum
LinnDrum (noun)
Type: noun, equipment
Pronunciation: /lin-drum/
Also spelled or known as: LM-2
What does LinnDrum mean?
A vintage drum machine from/in the 80s.
LinnDrum (also called and known as LM-2) is a vintage drum machine manufactured by Linn Electronics between 1982 and 1985. This Machine is responsible for the timbre of disco and related genres in the 80s.(...) Read More
- LM-2
LinnDrum (noun)
Type: noun, equipment
Pronunciation: /lin-drum/
Also spelled or known as: LM-2
What does LinnDrum mean?
A vintage drum machine from/in the 80s.
LinnDrum (also called and known as LM-2) is a vintage drum machine manufactured by Linn Electronics between 1982 and 1985. This Machine is responsible for the timbre of disco and related genres in the 80s.(...) Read More
- Liquid DNB
Liquid DNB (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lick-wid-d-n-b/
What does Liquid DNB mean?
A subgenre of DNB focused on pads and melodies.
Liquid DNB is a subgenre of DNB focused on pads and melodies.
Example sentence: "This sounds like liquid DNB."
Read More
- Live
Live (adjective)
Type: adjective
Pronunciation: /lie-iv/
Related: Live Recording, Live Session, Live Room
What does Live mean?
1. Happening in real time, opposite of previously recorded.
2. A term used to describe an act or performance in front of people in real time. Usually refers to when an artist plays a ‘live set’ instead of a DJ set.
3. A term used to describe a(...) Read More
- Live Recording
Live Recording (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /live-re-cord-in/
Also spelled or known as: Live-Recording
Related: Live, Live Room, Live Session
What does Live Recording mean?
A recording session with all musicians are playing simultaneously with no overdubbing.
A live recording is a recording session with all musicians are playing simultaneously with no(...) Read More
- Live Room
Live Room (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /live-room/
Also spelled or known as: Live-Room
Related: Live Recording
What does Live Room mean?
A large or main room in the recording studio where most of the instrumentalists and/or vocalists perform.
The Live Room is a large or main room in the recording studio where most of the instrumentalists and/or vocalists perform.(...) Read More
- Live Session
Live Session (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lie-iv-sesh-on/
Related: Live Recording, Live, Live Room
What does Live Session mean?
A musical jam or a recording session happening in real time, opposite of previously recorded.
A live session is a musical jam or a recording session happening in real time, opposite of previously recorded.
Example sentence: "We have a live(...) Read More
- LM-2
LM-2 (noun)
Type: noun, equipment
Pronunciation: /L-M-2/
Also spelled or known as: LinnDrum
What does LM-2 mean?
A vintage drum machine from/in the 80s.
LM-2 (also called and known as LinnDrum) is a vintage drum machine manufactured by Linn Electronics between 1982 and 1985. This Machine is responsible for the timbre of disco and related genres in the 80s.
LM-2(...) Read More
- Lo-Fi
Lo-Fi (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lo-fi/
Also spelled or known as: Lo Fi, LoFi, Low-Fi, LowFi
Related: Hi-Fi, Fidelity
What does Lo-Fi mean?
Low-Fidelity; low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate.
Lo-Fi (also known as Low Fidelity) means low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate.
Lo-Fi synonyms: Low-Fidelity
Example sentence: "Sometimes(...) Read More
- Lo Fi
Lo-Fi (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lo-fi/
Also spelled or known as: Lo Fi, LoFi, Low-Fi, LowFi
Related: Hi-Fi, Fidelity
What does Lo-Fi mean?
Low-Fidelity; low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate.
Lo-Fi (also known as Low Fidelity) means low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate.
Lo-Fi synonyms: Low-Fidelity
Example sentence: "Sometimes(...) Read More
- LoFi
Lo-Fi (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lo-fi/
Also spelled or known as: Lo Fi, LoFi, Low-Fi, LowFi
Related: Hi-Fi, Fidelity
What does Lo-Fi mean?
Low-Fidelity; low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate.
Lo-Fi (also known as Low Fidelity) means low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate.
Lo-Fi synonyms: Low-Fidelity
Example sentence: "Sometimes(...) Read More
- Low-Fi
Lo-Fi (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lo-fi/
Also spelled or known as: Lo Fi, LoFi, Low-Fi, LowFi
Related: Hi-Fi, Fidelity
What does Lo-Fi mean?
Low-Fidelity; low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate.
Lo-Fi (also known as Low Fidelity) means low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate.
Lo-Fi synonyms: Low-Fidelity
Example sentence: "Sometimes(...) Read More
- LowFi
Lo-Fi (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lo-fi/
Also spelled or known as: Lo Fi, LoFi, Low-Fi, LowFi
Related: Hi-Fi, Fidelity
What does Lo-Fi mean?
Low-Fidelity; low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate.
Lo-Fi (also known as Low Fidelity) means low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate.
Lo-Fi synonyms: Low-Fidelity
Example sentence: "Sometimes(...) Read More
- Logic Pro
Logic Pro (noun)
Type: noun, DAW
Pronunciation: /loj-ick-pro/
Also spelled or known as: Logic, LogicPro, Logic-Pro
Related: FL Studio, Ableton Live (Ableton), GarageBand, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo
What does Logic Pro mean?
A popular DAW by Apple.
Logic Pro is available on macOS only.
Example sentence: "We made this in 10 minutes on Logic Pro."
Other DAWS: FL(...) Read More
- Loop
Loop (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /loop/
Plural: Loops
Related: Looping
What does Loop mean?
1. A repeating sound or instrumental.
2. To repeat a sound or instrumental.
Loop Synonyms: Sample
Example sentence: "I just bounced the loop for you."
Read More
- Loop Pack
Loop Pack (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /loop-pack/
Related: Loop, Loops
What does Loop Pack mean?
A folder of loops and samples grouped together.
A Loop pack is a folder of loops and samples grouped together. They usually contain many different loops and different kinds of samples.
Loop Pack synonyms: Sample Pack
Example sentence: "I'm looking for the loop pack i(...) Read More
- Looper
Looper (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /loop-err/
Related: Loop, Looping, Loop Petal, Looper Petal
What does Looper mean?
A device for looping audio at a specific time interval.
Looper is a device for looping audio at a specific time interval and playing it back in real time. A looper can be used in a live performance.
Example sentence: "I used a looper for this one."
Read More
- Low-End
Low-End (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /low-end/
Also spelled or known as: Low End, LowEnd
Related: Lows
What does Low-End mean?
The lower range of audio frequencies between 60Hz-250Hz. A reference value.
Low-End is also known as the bass, the lower frequencies in a sound – typically from ~60Hz to ~250Hz. Usually meant in the context of “highs, mids and lows” in an(...) Read More
- Lows
Lows (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lows/
Related: Low-End
What does Lows mean?
The lower range of audio frequencies between 60Hz-250Hz. A reference value.
Lows are also known as the bass, the lower frequencies in a sound – typically from ~60Hz to ~250Hz. Usually meant in the context of “highs, mids and lows” in an audio signal.
Lows Synonyms: Low-End, Bass,(...) Read More
- Lyre
Lyre (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /lyer/
What does Lyre mean?
An ancient U-shaped harp-like string instrument.
Lyre is an ancient U-shaped harp-like string instrument.
Example sentence: "He owned a rare lyre."
Read More
- Mashup
Mashup (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mash-up/
Also spelled or known as: Mash-up, Mash up
What does Mashup mean?
A combination of two or more tracks blended together to create a new track.
A mashup is a combination of two or more tracks blended together to create a new track. A mashup usually has similar tempos and elements.
Example sentence: "I'm making a 2023 mashup."
Read More
- Master
Master (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mas-ter/
Related: Mastering, Masters
What does Master mean?
1. The original recording(s).
2. To prepare a recording for release and mass distribution, whether to be sold physically or digitally.
To master is to prepare a track for release and mass distribution by standardising the mixed track’s loudness, mastering makes sure the(...) Read More
- Mastering
Mastering (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mas-ter-rin/
Related: Master, Masters
What does Mastering mean?
The preparation of a recording for release and mass distribution, whether to be sold physically or digitally.
Mastering is the process of preparing a track for release and mass distribution by standardising the mixed track’s loudness, mastering makes sure the music(...) Read More
- Measure
Measure (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mesh-err/
What does Measure mean?
A specific length of time of a specific number of beats played at a particular tempo.
Measure is a specific length of time of a specific number of beats played at a particular tempo.
Measure Synonyms: Bar
Example sentence: "I'll give you a measure in a bit."
Read More
- Mechanical Rights
Mechanical Rights (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mek-ah-nik-all-rights/
Also spelled or known as: Mechanical-Rights
Related: Rights, Mechanical Royalties
What does Mechanical Rights mean?
Rights allowing a musical piece or work (song) to be legally reproduced onto different mediums like CDs, tapes, streaming, Mp3 players, etc.
Mechanical Rights are rights given,(...) Read More
- Mechanical Royalties
Mechanical Royalties (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mek-ah-nik-all-ro-yal-tees/
Related: Rights, Royalties, Mechanical Rights
Also spelled or known as: Mechanical-Royalties
What does Mechanical Royalties mean?
Income paid to an artist, songwriter, or publisher when their mechanical rights are used.
Mechanical Royalties are payments from a record company to a(...) Read More
- Metronome
Metronome (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /meh-tro-nin/
What does Metronome mean?
A device (usually found in DAWs) that audibly reproduces a set tempo, by playing a set of timed clicks.
A metronome is a device (usually found in DAWs) that audibly reproduces a set tempo, by playing a set of timed clicks.
Metronome Synonyms: Tempo
Example sentence: "I'm just gonna use(...) Read More
- Mic
Mic (noun)
Type: equipment, noun, abbreviation
Pronunciation: /mike/
Plural: Mics
Related: The stu
What does Mic mean?
Microphone. Mic is short for microphone.
Mic Synonyms: Wire, Recorder
Mic in a sentence: "Pass me the mic in the corner."
Read More
- Mid Field
Mid Field (Mid Field Monitors) (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mid-field/
Also spelled or known as: Midfield, Mid-Field, Mid Field Monitors
Similar to Mid Field: Near Field, Far Field
What does Mid Field mean?
A type of studio monitors designed to be a bit further away to the listener's ear.
Mid Field is a type of studio monitors designed to be a bit further away to(...) Read More
MIDI (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /MID-E or M-I-D-I/
What does MIDI mean?
Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface.
A MIDI is an industry-standard language that allows instruments to communicate with each other and able to be played back using DAWS/Digital Audio Workstations.
Example sentence: "Do you have a(...) Read More
- Midrange
Midrange (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mid-range/
Also spelled or known as: Mid-range, Mid range
Related: Mids, Lows, Highs
What does Midrange mean?
The mid range audio frequencies between 250Hz and 5,000Hz. A reference value.
Midrange (also known as mids) are the mid/central range frequencies in a sound – typically between 250Hz and 5,000Hz. Usually meant in the(...) Read More
- Mids
Mids (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mids/
Related: Midrange, Lows, Highs
What does Mids mean?
The mid range audio frequencies between 250Hz and 5,000Hz. A reference value.
Mids are the mid/central range frequencies in a sound – typically between 250Hz and 5,000Hz. Usually meant in the context of “highs, mids and lows” in an audio signal.
Mids Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Mini-jack
Mini-jack (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /min-e-jak/
Related: Jack
What does Mini-jack mean?
A smaller version of the 1/4” jack used as a headphone connector.
A Mini-jack (also called or known as a 3.5mm) is a smaller version of the 1/4” jack used as a headphone connector.
It's the standard jack you plug into your phone or laptop (maybe not anymore if you have new(...) Read More
- Minstrel
Minstrel (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /min-strel/
Plural: Minstrel
What does Minstrel mean?
A musician back in the middle ages.
A minstrel is a musician back in the middle ages.
Example sentence: "We should make it sound like minstrel."
Read More
- Mix
Mix (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mix/
Also spelled or known as: Mixdown
Related: Mixing, Mixes, Mixdown, Mixer
What does Mix mean?
The process of blending multiple tracks together to create a final audio track.
To Mix is to blend multiple tracks together to create a final audio product. This includes adjusting audio levels, eq, dynamics, panning, blending, and(...) Read More
- Mixdown
Mixdown (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mix-down/
Also spelled or known as: Mix, Mix Down, Mix-Down
Related: Mixing, Mixes, Mixdown, Mixer, Mix
What does Mixdown mean?
The process of blending multiple tracks together to create a final audio track.
The Mixdown is the process of blending multiple tracks together to create a final audio product. This includes adjusting(...) Read More
- Mixer
Mixer (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mix-err/
Plural: Mixers
Related: Console, Mixing desk, Sound board, Mix, Mixing, Mixdown
What does Mixer mean?
A device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, balance, process, and combine sounds.
A mixer is the in person studio version of a DAW.
Mixer Synonyms: Console, Mixing desk, Sound(...) Read More
- Mixer
Mixer (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mix-err/
Related: Mix, Mixing, Mixers, Mixdown
What does Mixer mean?
A physical or virtual device that allows multiple audio channels to have their own volume, dynamics and frequency content which can be adjusted.
A mixer is a physical or virtual device that allows multiple audio channels to have their own volume, dynamics and(...) Read More
- Mixing
Mixing (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mix-in/
Related: Mixing, Mixes, Mixdown, Mixer
What does Mixing mean?
1. To be blending multiple tracks together to create one final track.
2. The process of blending multiple tracks together to create one final track.
Mixing is the process of blending multiple tracks together to create a final audio product. This includes(...) Read More
- Mixing Console
Mixing Console (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mix-in-con-sole/
Also spelled or known as: Mixing-Console
Related: Mixing, Console
What does Mixing Console mean?
A device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, balance, process, and combine sounds.
A mixing console is a device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to(...) Read More
- Mixing desk
Mixing desk (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mix-in-desk/
Also spelled or known as: Mixing-desk
Plural: Mixing desks
Related: Console, Mixer, Sound board
What does Mixing desk mean?
A device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, balance, process, and combine sounds.
A mixing desk is the in person studio version of a DAW.
Mixing desk(...) Read More
- Mod Wheel
Mod Wheel (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mod-weel/
Also spelled or known as: Mod-Wheel
What does Mod Wheel mean?
A control on keyboards and synths that allow a particular parameter to be modulated in real time.
Mod Wheel is a control on keyboards and synths that allow a particular parameter to be modulated in real time.
Example sentence: "Use the mod wheel to create(...) Read More
- Modulate
Modulate (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mod-u-late/
What does Modulate mean?
To switch from one key to another during a song.
Modulate is to switch from one key to another during a song. To key change.
Example sentence: "I'll just modulate that part."
Read More
- Module
Module (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mod-ull/
What does Module mean?
A device (typically hardware but can be software) that creates or processes sound.
Module is a device (typically hardware but can be software) that creates or processes sound. Modules have a self-contained group of circuits and controls. Most people refer to modules as part of a modular synthesis system,(...) Read More
- Monitor
Monitor (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mon-e-tor/
Plural: Monitors
What does Monitor mean?
1. A loud speaker used for mixing.
2. The screen of a computer.
3. To quality check music & avoid peaks.
A monitor is a type of loudspeaker used in recording studios because of their ‘flat’ frequency response for audio to be recreated as accurately as possible.
Monitor(...) Read More
- Monitoring
Monitoring (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /moni-tor-rin/
Related: Monitor
What does Monitoring mean?
The process of listening to the audio being recorded or played back through speakers or headphones.
Monitoring is the process of listening to the audio being recorded or played back through speakers or headphones. It is important to monitor the sound accurately to avoid(...) Read More
- Monitors
Monitors (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mon-e-tors/
Singular: Monitor
Related: Studio Monitors, Loudspeakers
What does Monitors mean?
1. Loudspeakers used for mixing.
2. The screens of computers.
Monitors are a type of loudspeaker used in recording studios because of their ‘flat’ frequency response for audio to be recreated as accurately as possible.
Monitors(...) Read More
- Mono
Mono (noun)
Type: noun, abbreviation
Pronunciation: /mon-no/
Related: Stereo
What does Mono mean?
A sound that has one source instead of two. Opposite of stereo.
Example sentence: "The DJ had the mix on mono."
Read More
- Monophonic
Monophonic (noun)
Type: adjective
Pronunciation: /mon-o-foe-nik/
Related: Mono
What does Monophonic mean?
A word used to reference that only one note can be played at a time on an instrument, synthesizer, or sample.
Monophonic is a word used to reference that only one note can be played at a time on an instrument, synthesizer, or sample.
Example sentence: "This synth is(...) Read More
- Motif
Motif (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /moh-tif/
What does Motif mean?
The smallest thematically significant melody of a song.
Motif is the smallest thematically significant melody of a song.
Example sentence: "Can you please just play the motif."
Read More
- MP3
MP3 (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /m-p-3/
Plural: MP3s
What does MP3 mean?
MPEG Audio Layer III, a lossy audio file format that compresses the audio to save space.
MP3 stands for MPEG Audio Layer III
Similar to MP3: .WAV
Example sentence: "I just sent the MP3 file to the DJ."
Read More
- Mud
Mud (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mawd/
What does Mud mean?
Audio signals in the low mids making mixes sound "muddy" and unclean.
Mud is audio signals in the low mids making mixes sound "muddy" and unclean. Mud is typically found in the 200Hz-500Hz range.
Example sentence: "I think I can hear some mud in the mix."
Read More
- Multi-Sample
Multi-Sample (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mul-ti-samp-ull/
Also spelled or known as: Multi Sample
What does Multi-Sample mean?
An ampler that maps each keyboard note to a different sample.
Multi-sample is an ampler that maps each keyboard note to a different sample. This allows an instrument like a piano or guitar to be recorded and mapped to a digital sampler so(...) Read More
- Multitrack recording
Multitrack recording (noun, verb)
Type: noun, verb
Pronunciation: /mall-ty-track-in/
Also spelled or known as: Multitrack-recording
Related: Multitracking, Track, Tracks, Tracking
What does Multitrack recording mean?
Recording individual tracks or songs, on computer, recorder or tape.
Multitrack recording (also called tracking or multitracking) is the process of(...) Read More
- Multitracking
Multitracking (noun, verb)
Type: noun, verb
Pronunciation: /mal-ty-track-in/
Also spelled or known as: Multitrackin', Multi-tracking, Multi tracking, Multi-trackin'
Related: Track, Tracks, Multitrack Recording, Tracking
What does Multitracking mean?
Recording individual tracks or songs, on computer, recorder or tape.
Multitracking (also called multitrack(...) Read More
- Music Catalog
Music Catalog (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /muu-sik-cat-ah-log/
Also spelled or known as: Music-Catalog
Related: Catalog
What does Music Catalog mean?
A collection of musical works by an artist.
Music Catalog is a collection of musical works by an artist.
Music Catalog Synonyms: Discography, Catalog, Demos, Works
Example sentence: "Kanye West has an amazing(...) Read More
- Music notation
Music notation (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mew-sik-ull-no-tay-tion/
Also spelled or known as: Notation, Musical notation, Music-notation
Plural: Music notations
What does Music notation mean?
Symbols used to represent music to write it down.
Music notation (also known as "notation" or "musical notation") are symbols used to represent music to write it(...) Read More
- Musical Composition
Musical Composition (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mew-sik-all-kom-po-si-tion/
Related: Composition, Original Composition
What does Musical Composition mean?
A musical work.
A musical composition is a musical work.
Musical Composition Synonyms: Composition, Writing, Lyrics, Original Composition
Example sentence: "The choir played the musical composition."
Read More
- Musical Ensemble
Musical Ensemble (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mew-sik-ull-en-sam-bull/
Also spelled or known as: Musical-Ensemble, Ensemble, Music Group
Related: Duo
What does Musical Ensemble mean?
A group of musicians.
A music ensemble (also known as an ensemble) is a group of musicians.
Musical Ensemble Synonyms: Ensemble, Duo
Example sentence: "They just signed a new(...) Read More
- Musical notation
Musical notation (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mew-sik-ull-no-tay-tion/
Also spelled or known as: Notation, Music notation, Musical-notation
Plural: Musical notations
What does Musical notation mean?
Symbols used to represent music to write it down.
Musical notation (also known as "notation" or "music notation") are symbols used to represent music to write it(...) Read More
- Musician
Musician (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mu-zee-tian/
What does Musician mean?
Someone who creates music and releases it.
A musician is someone who creates music and releases it. A musician can be an artist, rapper, songwriter, vocalist, or more.
Musician synonyms: Artist, Rapper
Example sentence: "I told them I was a staring musician."
Read More
- Musicology
Musicology (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mu-sik-kaw-loj-e/
What does Musicology mean?
The study of music.
Musicology is the study of music.
Example sentence: "I was born with music in me, I don't need musicology."
Read More
- Mute
Mute (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /mewt/
What does Mute mean?
A control on a track in most DAWs that turns off or silents the audio.
The mute button stops the audio or sound of a channel from playing.
Transport controls: Record, Play, Pause, Stop, Mute, Rewind, Fast-Forward
Example sentence: "Can you please mute the instrumental."
Read More
- Native
Native (noun)
Type: noun, adjective
Pronunciation: /nate-ehv/
What does Native mean?
A device designed to be used in its current environment.
Native is a device that was designed to be used in its current environment.
Example sentence: "This machine is native to logic."
Read More
- Native Instruments
Native Instruments (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /nate-ive-in-stru-ments/
Also spelled or known as: Native-Instruments
What does Native Instruments mean?
A software and hardware company that created the Komplete, Maschine, and Traktor series.
Native Instruments is a software and hardware company that created the Komplete, Maschine, and Traktor series.
Example(...) Read More
- Near Field
Near Field (Near Field Monitors) (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /near-field/
Also spelled or known as: Nearfield, Near-Field, Near Field Monitors
Similar to Near Field: Far Field, Mid Field
What does Near Field mean?
A type of studio monitors designed to be closer to the listener's ear.
Near Field is a type of studio monitors designed to be closer to the listener's(...) Read More
- Needletime Rights
Needletime Rights (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /need-ull-time-rights/
Also spelled or known as: Needletime-Rights, Needle time Rights
Related: Rights, Mechanical Rights
What does Needletime Rights mean?
Recording companies and recording artists’ rights to receive royalties when their work is broadcasted in public.
Needletime Rights are recording labels and recording(...) Read More
- Noise Gate
Noise Gate (noun)
Type: noun, processor
Pronunciation: /noise-gait/
Also spelled or known as: Gate, Noise-Gate
Related: Noise, Gate
What does Noise Gate mean?
An audio processor that cuts off the volume of an audio once it passes below a certain volume threshold.
Noise Gate (also known as "Gate") is an audio processor that cuts off the volume of an audio once it passes(...) Read More
- Noise Reduction
Noise Reduction (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /noyz-re-duk-tion/
Also spelled or known as: Noise-Reduction
Related: Noise
What does Noise Reduction mean?
1. The process of removing noise from a signal.
2. A processor that removes noise from a signal.
Noise Reduction is the process of removing noise from a signal. There is also a processor called Noise Reductio(...) Read More
- Nondirectional
Nondirectional (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /non-dy-rek-tion-al/
Also spelled or known as: Omni, Omnidirectional Microphone, Omnidirectional Pattern
Related: Omnidirectional, Nondirectional Pattern
What does Nondirectional mean?
A type of microphone pattern that picks up audio from all directions.
Nondirectional (sometimes also known as "Omnidirectional")microphones(...) Read More
- Nondirectional Microphone
Nondirectional Microphone (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /non-dy-rek-tion-al-mik-row-phone/
Also spelled or known as: Nondirectional, Nondirectional pattern, Omni, Omnidirectional, Omnidirectional Pattern
Related: Nondirectional, Omnidirectional Pattern
Plural: Nondirectional Microphones
What does Nondirectional Microphone mean?
A type of microphone that picks up(...) Read More
- Nondirectional Pattern
Nondirectional Pattern (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /non-dy-rek-tion-pat-ern/
Also spelled or known as: Omni, Omnidirectional, Omnidirectional Microphone
Related: Omnidirectional Pattern
What does Nondirectional Pattern mean?
1. A microphone pattern that picks up audio from all directions.
2. A speaker pattern that sends out signals evenly in all(...) Read More
- Nonet
Nonet (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /no-net/
What does Nonet mean?
A piece of music written for nine instruments or voices.
A nonet is a piece of music written for nine instruments or voices, a nonet has nine musicians playing it.
Example sentence: "They started the show with a nonet."
Read More
- Normalization
Normalization (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /nor-mah-li-zay-tion/
What does Normalization mean?
The process of increasing or decreasing the amplitude of a sound so the highest peak hits 0dB, or a specified target level.
Normalization is the process of increasing or decreasing the amplitude of a sound so the highest peak hits 0dB, or a specified target(...) Read More
- Notation
Notation (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /no-tay-tion/
Also spelled or known as: Music notation, Musical notation
Plural: Notations
What does Notation mean?
Symbols used to represent music to write it down.
Notation (also known as "music notation" or "musical notation") are symbols used to represent music to write it down.
Example sentence: "The notation helped me."
Read More
- Notch Filter
Notch Filter (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /notch-fil-ter/
Also spelled or known as: Notch-Filter
What does Notch Filter mean?
A filter used to remove an entire band of frequencies out of the spectrum in a certain range.
Notch Filter Synonyms: Band Stop Filter, Band Reject Filter
Notch Filter is a type of filter used to remove an entire band of frequencies out of the(...) Read More
- Note
Note (noun)
Type: noun, music notation
Pronunciation: /note/
Related: Rest
What does Note mean?
A musical sound or the symbol used for it.
A note is a musical sound or the symbol used for it.
Notes: Half Note, Quarter Note, Whole Note, Eighth Note, A note, B note, C note, D note, F note
Example sentence: "What note was that last part in?"
Read More
- Octave
Octave (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ok-tive/
Plural: Octaves
What does Octave mean?
A note interval that indicates the same note at a higher pitch.
Octave is an interval or difference of pitch of 12 half-steps. Octave is a note interval that indicates the same note at a higher pitch. Octaves are always multiples of the same frequency. If A4 = 440Hz, then A5 =(...) Read More
- Octet
Octet (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /awk-tet/
What does Octet mean?
A piece of music written for eight instruments or voices.
An octet is a piece of music written for eight instruments or voices, a quartet has eight musicians playing it.
Example sentence: "I like the octet they played."
Read More
- Omni
Omni (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /om-nee/
Also spelled or known as: Omnidirectional
What does Omni mean?
A type of microphone pattern that picks up audio from all directions.
Omnidirectional microphones are great for ambiance, especially field recordings.
Example sentence: "Yeah I have an omni mic plugged in right now."
Read: What is an Omnidirectional Microphone?
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- Omnidirectional
Omnidirectional (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /om-nee-die-rek-tion-al/
Also spelled or known as: Omni, Omnidirectional Microphone, Omnidirectional Pattern
Related: Nondirectional, Omnidirectional Pattern
What does Omnidirectional mean?
A type of microphone pattern that picks up audio from all directions.
Omnidirectional microphones are great for ambiance, especially(...) Read More
- Omnidirectional Microphone
Omnidirectional Microphone (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /om-nee-dy-rek-tion-al-mik-row-phone/
Also spelled or known as: Omni, Omnidirectional, Omnidirectional Pattern
Related: Omnidirectional Pattern
Plural: Omnidirectional Microphones
What does Omnidirectional Microphone mean?
A type of microphone that picks up audio from all directions.
Omnidirectional(...) Read More
- Omnidirectional Pattern
Omnidirectional Pattern (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /om-nee-dy-rek-tion-al-pat-ern/
Also spelled or known as: Omni, Omnidirectional, Omnidirectional Microphone
Related: Nondirectional Pattern
What does Omnidirectional Pattern mean?
1. A microphone pattern that picks up audio from all directions.
2. A speaker pattern that sends out signals evenly in all(...) Read More
- Omnisphere
Omnisphere (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /om-nis-fair/
What does Omnisphere mean?
A hybrid synth and sampler created by Spectrasonics.
Omnisphere is a hybrid synth and sampler created by Spectrasonics. Omnisphere is a very powerful and allows you to tweak sounds and samples.
Creator: Spectrasonics
Example sentence: "I love using Omnisphere with FL Studio."
Read More
- On Air
On Air (adjective)
Type: adjective
Pronunciation: /on-air/
Also spelled or known as: On-Air
Related: Aircheck
What does On Air mean?
To be live on a radio or television broadcast.
On Air is a phrase said and shown when a radio or television broadcast is live or being recorded live.
On Air synonyms: Live
Example sentence: "We're going on air in 10 minutes."
Read More
- One Take
One Take (noun)
Type: noun, verb
Pronunciation: /one-tayk/
Also spelled or known as: One Take
What does One Take mean?
1. Something recorded one time.
2. To record something one time.
One Take is something that was recorded one time. It was recorded in "One Take".
Example sentence: "I recorded the song in one take."
Read More
- Original Composition
Original Composition (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /aww-rig-e-nal-com-po-si-tion/
Also spelled or known as: Original-composition
Related: Composition
What does Original Composition mean?
A composition made, written, and created from scratch.
An original composition is a composition made, written, and created from scratch.
Example sentence: "We sampled the original(...) Read More
- Oscillator
Oscillator (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /osc-ill-a-tor/
What does Oscillator mean?
The part of a synth that generates a particular waveform (typically a sine, sawtooth, square or triangle).
Oscillator is the part of a synth that generates a particular waveform (typically a sine, sawtooth, square or triangle). An oscillator’s pitch can be changed based on notes or(...) Read More
- Outboard
Outboard (noun)
Type: noun, equipment
Pronunciation: /out-board/
Also spelled or known as: Out-board
What does Outboard mean?
Any piece of physical equipment or gear that isn't part of a laptop or computer.
Outboard is any piece of physical equipment or gear that isn't part of a laptop or computer.
Read More
- Outro
Outro (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ou-tro/
Related: Intro
What does Outro mean?
1. Closing section of a song or piece.
2. The last song on an album.
The outro has two meanings. 1. Closing section of a song or piece. 2. The last song on an album.
Example sentence: "We are still trying to decide what song to make the outro."
Read More
- Ozone
Ozone (noun)
Type: noun, plugin
Pronunciation: /o-zone/
What does Ozone mean?
A mastering suite plugin created by iZotope.
Ozone is a mastering suite plugin created by iZotope. It features all-in-one mastering tools, including EQ, multiband compression, stereo widening, saturation, and a lot more.
Creator: iZotope
Example sentence: "I like using Ozone to master."
Read More
- Pan
Pan (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pan/
Related: Pan Knob, Pan Pot, Panning
What does Pan mean?
The process of placing a sound in either the left or right speakers.
Pan is the process of placing a sound in the stereo field to the left or right speakers. When you pan you place a sound in either the left or right speakers.
Example sentence: "Can we pan this record more."
Read More
- Pan Knob
Pan Knob (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pan-nawb/
Also spelled or known as: Pan-Knob
Related: Pan, Pan Pot, Panning
What does Pan Knob mean?
A control knob used to pan sounds left or right.
A Pan Knob (also known as Pan Pot) is a knob in the channel strip used to control the panning of the audio signal in the stereo to the left speaker, the right speaker,(...) Read More
- Pan Pot
Pan Pot (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pan-pot/
Also spelled or known as: Pan-Pot, Panpot
What does Pan Pot mean?
A control knob used to pan sounds left or right.
Pan Pot is short for “Panoramic Potentiometer,” a Pan Pot is a knob in the channel strip used to control the panning of the audio signal in the stereo to the left speaker, the right speaker, or somewhere in(...) Read More
- Panning
Panning (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pan-in/
Also spelled or known as: Pannin'
Related: Pan, Pan Knob, Pan Pot
What does Panning mean?
To place a sound in either the left or right speaker.
Panning is to place a sound in the stereo field in either the left or right speakers.
Example sentence: "I was panning early to see what it would sound like."
Read More
- Parallel
Parallel (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /peh-rah-lel/
What does Parallel mean?
Any process that occurs cooperatively with the original unprocessed signal.
Parallel is any process that occurs cooperatively with the original unprocessed signal. Both the processed and original unprocessed signal play at the same time, which makes the sound more subtle and smooth.
Read More
- Parallel Compression
Parallel Compression (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /para-lel-kom-preh-sion/
Also spelled or known as: Parallel-Compression
What does Parallel Compression mean?
Compression that is applied in parallel to the original sound.
Parallel Compression (also known as or called "New York Compression") is a type of multi-band compression that is applied in parallel to the original(...) Read More
- Passive
Passive (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pass-tive/
Opposite: Active
What does Passive mean?
A device with its own built-in power amplifier.
Passive is a device that requires a separate power amplifier to power them. The opposite of active.
Example sentence: "It's an old device so its passive."
Read More
- Patch
Patch (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /patch/
What does Patch mean?
A saved combination of settings that can be loaded into a device.
Patch is a saved combination of settings that can be loaded into a device (synths, effects, etc).
Patch synonyms: Preset
Example sentence: "I have a patch for that effect."
Read More
- Peak Filter
Peak Filter (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /peak-fil-ter/
What does Peak Filter mean?
A type of filter that acts as a narrow bell curve, it boosts or cuts the middle/center frequencies in an audio signal.
Peak Filter is a type of filter that acts as a narrow bell curve, it boosts or cuts the middle/center frequencies in an audio signal, as opposed to high-pass or low-pass(...) Read More
- Peak Meter
Peak Meter (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /peak-meet-err/
Also spelled or known as: Peak-Meter, PeakMeter
What does Peak Meter mean?
A meter that measures the peak level of audio or sound.
A peak meter measures the peak level of audio or sound.
Example sentence: "Can you please tell me where it's at on the peak meter."
Read More
- Performance Royalties
Performance Royalties (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /per-for-mance-ro-yal-tees/
Related: Rights, Royalties
Also spelled or known as: Performance-Royalties
What does Performance Royalties mean?
Income earned from a song on radio, television, concerts, and other public performances or broadcast of music.
Performance Royalties are income earned from a song on radio,(...) Read More
- Phantom power
Phantom power (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /fan-tom-pow-err/
Also spelled or known as: Phantom-power, Phantompower
What does Phantom power mean?
A setting on most interfaces or mixers that sends +48V of power to input if required.
Phantom power is a setting on audio interfaces and mixers that powers condenser microphones with +48V of power to input if required.(...) Read More
- Phase
Phase (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /fase/
Related: Phase Distortion
What does Phase mean?
The sound waves or vibration of air caused by the position of the signal and generated sound at a given time.
Phase is the sound waves or vibration of air caused by the position of the signal and generated sound at a given time. Phase is measured in degrees from 0 to 360, where(...) Read More
- Phaser
Phaser (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /faze-err/
Related: Phase
What does Phaser mean?
A time-based effect/proccessor that filters a signal creating a series of peaks and troughs in the frequency spectrum.
Phaser is a time-based effect/proccessor that filters a signal creating a series of peaks and troughs in the frequency spectrum. It copies a source and then(...) Read More
- Phono
Phono (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pho-no/
What does Phono mean?
RCA inputs/outputs.
Phono is another name for RCA inputs/outputs. Phono plugs can be found on plenty of audio devices like turntables, cassette decks, mixers, & more.
Example sentence: "Do you know if that one in the corner is phono?"
Read More
- Pianist
Pianist (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pian-ist/
Related: Piano
What does Pianist mean?
Someone who plays the piano; a piano player.
A pianist is someone who plays the piano. A piano player is known as a pianist.
Example sentence: "John Legend is a good pianist."
Read More
- Piano Roll
Piano Roll (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pia-no-roll/
Also spelled or known as: Piano-Roll
What does Piano Roll mean?
A MIDI sequencer with all of the possible notes on the left-hand side of the screen.
Piano Roll is a MIDI sequencer with all of the possible notes on the left-hand side of the screen, arranged exactly like a piano.
Example sentence: "FL Studio has a(...) Read More
- Ping-Pong
Ping-Pong (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /ping-pong/
Also spelled or known as: PingPong
What does Ping-Pong mean?
A delay alternating between the left and right speakers.
Example sentence: "I heard some ping-pong on it."
Read More
- Pink Noise
Pink Noise (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pink-noise/
Also spelled or known as: Pink-Noise, Pinknoise
Other Noises: White Noise, Brown Noise, Quantization Noise
What does Pink Noise mean?
A type of noise similar to white noise, except the high frequencies are slightly wet.
Pink Noise is a type of noise similar to white noise, except the high frequencies are slightly(...) Read More
- Pitch
Pitch (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /p-itch/
Related: Frequency
What does Pitch mean?
The frequency of a note in Hertz.
The frequency - A higher or lower tone of music.
Pitch Synonyms: Frequency
Example sentence: "You have perfect pitch when you sing Mariah."
Read More
- Pitch shifter
Pitch shifter (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pitch-shift-err/
Also spelled or known as: Pitch-shifter, Pitchshifter
Related: Frequency shifter
What does Pitch shifter mean?
A sound processor that changes the pitch of a sound.
Pitch shifter is used to change pitch.
Example sentence: "Maybe the pitch shifter will fix it."
Read More
- Play
Play (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /play/
Related: Playback
What does Play mean?
A control that resembles a triangular button and plays audio and reproduces it in real time.
Play synonyms: Playback
Transport controls: Record, Play, Pause, Stop, Mute, Rewind, Fast-Forward
Example sentence: "Hit the play button up top."
Read More
- Playback
Playback (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /play-back/
Also spelled or known as: Play-back, Play back
Related: Play
What does Playback mean?
1. A control that resembles a triangular button and plays audio and reproduces it in real time.
Playback synonyms: Play
Playback Controls: Record, Play, Pause, Stop, Rewind, Fast-Forward
2. The reproduction of previously(...) Read More
- Playback Controls
Playback Controls (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /play-back-kon-trolls/
Also spelled or known as: Playback-Controls
Singular: Playback Control
Playback Controls: Record, Play, Pause, Mute, Stop, Rewind, Fast-Forward
What does Playback Controls mean?
A section of a DAW that contains the record, play, pause, stop, and other buttons.
Playback Controls (also known as(...) Read More
- Plosives
Plosives (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /plow-sives/
What does Plosives mean?
Sounds that are created by stopping air flow out of the mouth and suddenly releasing it.
Common examples of Plosives are words with P’s, B’s, T’s, K’s, and D’s.
Example sentence: "The pop filter helps block plosives."
Read More
- Pluck
Pluck (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /plawk/
What does Pluck mean?
A synth sound with fast attack and decay.
Pluck is a synth sound with fast attack and decay. Pluck emulates a guitar or string.
Example sentence: "I added a pluck to the song."
Read More
- Plugin
Plugin (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /plug-in/
Also spelled or known as: Plug-in, Audio Plugin, Audio Plug-in
Plural: Plugins
What does Plugin mean?
A piece of software that can be used with a DAW to expand its functionality.
A plugin is a piece of software that can be used with a DAW to expand its functionality. Plugins usually expand the capabilities of a DAW.(...) Read More
- Points
Points (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /points/
What does Points mean?
Percentage points; income producers and artists earn on their percentage of a record.
Points are percentage points; income producers and artists earn on their percentage of a record. If a producer has five points then they have 5% of sales) on that record.
Points Synonyms: Royalty
Example sentence:(...) Read More
- Polyphonic
Polyphonic (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /poll-e-foe-nik/
What does Polyphonic mean?
The ability for an electronic instrument to play more than one note at once.
Polyphonic is the ability for an electronic instrument to play more than one note at once or at a time.
Example sentence: "I love that everything is polyphonic."
Read More
- Pop filter
Pop filter (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pop-fil-ter/
Also spelled or known as: Pop-filter, Popfilter
What does Pop filter mean?
A filter placed in front of a microphone to reduce the sound of plosives/"pop" sounds.
A pop filter is not a filter in your DAW.
A pop filter is placed in front of a microphone or between the microphone and vocalist to prevent loud “pop”(...) Read More
- Port
Port (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /port/
What does Port mean?
An input a USB or other device can get plugged into.
A port is an input a USB or other device can get plugged into. You might have a hard drive with loops which will go into a USB port.
Example sentence: "Is there a USB port on it?"
Read More
- Post
Post (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pohst/
Opposite: Pre
Related: Post-production
What does Post mean?
Work added to the production after the recording process.
Post is the opposite of pre. Post (short for post-production) means work added to the production after the recording process. Things like overdubbing, editing, mixing, and mastering are done in(...) Read More
- Post-production
Post-production (adjective)
Type: adjective
Pronunciation: /post-pro-duk-tion/
Also spelled or known as: Post-production, Post production
Opposite: Pre-production
Related: Post
What does Post-production mean?
Work added to the production after the recording process.
Post-production (also known as post) means work added to the production after the recording process.(...) Read More
- Postlude
Postlude (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /post-lood/
Related: Interlude, Prelude
What does Postlude mean?
A concluding or ending piece of music.
A postlude is a concluding or ending piece of music. A postlude is usually at the end of an album.
Example sentence: "We really loved the postlude."
Read More
- Pre
Pre (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pree/
Opposite: Post
What does Pre mean?
Anything before some sort of recording or processing.
Pre is the opposite of post.
Example sentence: "Let's plan it pre recording."
Read More
- Pre-Chorus
Pre-Chorus (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pre-ko-rus/
Also spelled or known as: Bridge, Pre Chorus
Related: Chorus
What does Pre-Chorus mean?
A section that connects the verse and the chorus.
Pre-Chorus is (very similar to a Bridge and all songs dont necessarily have this) the section that connects the verse and the chorus in a song.
Pre-Chorus synonyms:(...) Read More
- Preamp
Preamp (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pre-amp/
Also spelled or known as: Preamplifier, Pre-amp, Pre amp
Related: Pre, Preamplifier
What does Preamp mean?
An amplifier that boosts the incoming signal from a microphone.
A preamp is a low-noise amplifier device that boosts the gain of a signal before being recorded, processed, or amplified.
A preamp is used a lot(...) Read More
- Preamplifier
Preamplifier (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pre-amp-lee-fy-err/
Also spelled or known as: Preamp, Pre-amp, Pre amp
Related: Pre, Preamp
What does Preamplifier mean?
An amplifier that boosts the incoming signal from a microphone.
A Preamplifier is a low-noise amplifier device that boosts the gain of a signal before being recorded, processed, or amplified.
A(...) Read More
- Prelude
Prelude (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pre-lood/
Related: Interlude, Postlude
What does Prelude mean?
An introductory or preliminary piece of music; a preface.
A prelude is an introductory or preliminary piece of music; a preface. A prelude is most commonly played by an orchestra.
Prelude Synonyms: Intro
Example sentence: "The album started with a prelude."
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- Preset
Preset (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pre-set/
What does Preset mean?
A combination of settings set in advance to create a certain sound.
Preset is a combination of settings set in advance to create a certain sound. A preset usually comes with a synth and is a combination of settings that can be loaded to recreate a certain synth sound.
Example sentence: "Do you have an(...) Read More
- Presto
Presto (adverb)
Type: adverb
Pronunciation: /pres-toe/
Opposite: Largo
What does Presto mean?
To play or be playing an instrument very fast or at a quick tempo.
Presto is to play or be playing an instrument very fast or at a quick tempo.
Example sentence: "Can you play Flashing Lights presto."
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- Prima Donna
Prima Donna (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pre-mah-don-ah/
Also spelled or known as: Prima-Donna
What does Prima Donna mean?
The leading female singer in an opera company.
A Prima Donna is the leading female singer in an opera company.
Example sentence: "She can sing like a prima donna."
Read More
- Principal
Principal (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /prin-cee-pal/
What does Principal mean?
The best player in a section of the orchestra.
The principal is the best player in a section of the orchestra. Examples of a principal would be a principal pianist, a principal violinist, or a principal flutist.
Principal Synonyms: Virtuoso
Example sentence: "We are going to have James(...) Read More
- Pro Tools
Pro Tools (noun)
Type: noun, DAW
Pronunciation: /pro-tools/
Also spelled or known as: Pro-tools
Related: Logic Pro, FL Studio, GarageBand, Ableton Live, Cubase/Nuendo
What does Pro Tools mean?
A popular DAW created by Avid.
Pro Tools is very popular among audio engineers and mixing professionals.
Example sentence: "It was all mixed on Pro Tools in a day."
Other(...) Read More
- Processor
Processor (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pro-cess-err/
Plural: Processors
What does Processor mean?
A device designed to manipulate an audio signal by changing its dynamics or frequency content.
A Processor is a device designed to manipulate an audio signal by changing its dynamics or frequency content. Examples of processors include compressors, gates and(...) Read More
- Producer
Producer (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pro-due-serr
Related: Record producer, Audio producer, Sound producer, Song producer
Plural: Producers
What does Producer mean?
Someone who engages in music production.
A producer is someone who someone who engages in music production. A producer can be used to refer to someone who is in charge of the entire music creation(...) Read More
- Program
Program (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pro-gram/
What does Program mean?
1. A Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) or Software.
Program synonyms: DAW
2. A setting on a synth that can be changed to recall a patch/preset.
A program is known as a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) or a recording software. A program can also mean a setting on a synth that can be changed to(...) Read More
- Program Music
Program Music (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pro-gram-mew-sik/
Also spelled or known as: Program-Music
What does Program Music mean?
Any piece of instrumental music based on a book or story.
Program Music is any piece of instrumental music based on a book or story.
Program Music Synonyms: Soundtrack
Example sentence: "The director didn't like the program music."
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- Public Domain
Public Domain (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pub-lik-doh-main/
Also spelled or known as: Public-Domain
What does Public Domain mean?
Works that are available to the public and not subject to copyright.
Public Domain works are available to the public and are not subject to copyright.
Example sentence: "I took a couple of loops from the public domain."
Read More
- Publishing Agreement
Publishing Agreement (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pub-leesh-in-ag-ree-ment/
Also spelled or known as: Exclusive Publishing Agreement
What does Publishing Agreement mean?
A written agreement allowing a music publisher to publish some or all of a songwriter's or composer's work for a certain period of time.
A Publishing Agreement (also known as an "Exclusive Publishing(...) Read More
- Pulse Width Modulation
Pulse Width Modulation (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /pals-with-mod-oo-lay-tion/
Also spelled or known as: PWM
What does Pulse Width Modulation mean?
A synthesis process that changes a square wave into a pulse wave.
Pulse Width Modulation is a synthesis process that changes a square wave into a pulse wave by adding silence in the wave cycle, which thins out the square wave.
Read More
PWM (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /P-W-M/
Also spelled or known as: P-W-M, P.W.M
Related: Pulse Width Modulation
What does PWM mean?
Pulse Width Modulation.
PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation. A synthesis process that changes a square wave into a pulse wave by adding silence in the wave cycle, which thins out the square wave.
Read More
- Q
Q (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kew/
Also spelled or known as: Q Factor
What does Q mean?
1. The ratio of the frequency width to the central frequency.
2. The width of a curve in a parametric EQ.
Q (also known as “Q Factor”) stands for Quality Factor, the ratio of the frequency width to the central frequency. The higher the Q, the more resonant the filter and the(...) Read More
- Q Factor
Q Factor (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kew-fak-tor/
Also spelled or known as: Q Factor, Q-Factor, Quality Factor
What does Q Factor mean?
1. The ratio of the frequency width to the central frequency.
2. The width of a curve in a parametric EQ.
Q Factor (also known as “Q”) stands for Quality Factor, the ratio of the frequency width to the central frequency. The(...) Read More
- Quality Factor
Quality Factor (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kwa-lee-tee-fak-tor/
Also spelled or known as: Q Factor, Q-Factor, Quality-Factor
What does Quality Factor mean?
1. The ratio of the frequency width to the central frequency.
2. The width of a curve in a parametric EQ.
Quality Factor (also known as “Q”) stands for Quality Factor, the ratio of the frequency width to the(...) Read More
- Quantization Noise
Quantization Noise (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /quan-ti-za-tion-noise/
Also spelled or known as: Quantization-Noise, Quantizationnoise
Other Noises: White Noise, Brown Noise, Pink Noise
What does Quantization Noise mean?
A noise created by quantization error.
Quantization Noise is a type of noise created by quantization error in the ADC.
Other Noises: White(...) Read More
- Quantize
Quantize (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kwan-ties/
Related: Quantizer
What does Quantize mean?
The process of taking MIDI/audio and shifting it so it's "on the grid" and on time.
Quantize is the process of taking MIDI/audio and shifting it so it's ‘on the grid’ and on time. This is very helpful when MIDI or audio has been recorded with improper timing.
Example(...) Read More
- Quarter Note
Quarter Note (noun)
Type: noun, music notation
Pronunciation: /kor-ter-note/
Also spelled or known as: Quarter-Note, QuarterNote
What does Quarter Note mean?
A note that in 4/4 time is worth 1 beat or 1/4 of a whole note.
More notes: Whole Note, Half Note, A note, B note, C note, D note, F note
A Quarter Note (used in music notation) is a note that in 4/4 time is worth(...) Read More
- Quartet
Quartet (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kor-tet/
What does Quartet mean?
A piece of music written for four instruments or voices.
A Quartet is a piece of music written for four instruments or voices, a quartet has four musicians playing it.
Example sentence: "The group performed the quartet."
Read More
- Quintet
Quintet (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /kwin-tet/
What does Quintet mean?
A piece of music written for five instruments or voices.
A quintet is a piece of music written for five instruments or voices, a quintet has five musicians playing it.
Example sentence: "They ended the show with a quintet."
Read More
- Radio
Radio (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /rae-dio/
Related: Radio edit
What does Radio mean?
A platform for broadcasting music to the public.
Radio is a platform for broadcasting music to the public by sending out signals from a transmitter. Radio Stations usually work in a recording studio or live concert setting.
Example sentence: "I heard that new Joe Trufant on the radio."
Read More
- Radio edit
Radio edit (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /rae-dio-ed-it/
Also spelled or known as: Radio-edit
Related: Radio
What does Radio edit mean?
A clean version of a song for radio.
A radio edit is an edited version of a song that is more friendly for radio. Explicit lyrics are removed from radio edits.
Example sentence: "Let's get the radio edit ready for the single today."
Read More
RAM (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /rahm/ or /r-a-m/
Also spelled or known as: R.A.M, R-A-M
What does RAM mean?
Random Access Memory (Computer Memory).
RAM (Random Access Memory) is a fast but short-term memory for your computer's CPU. More RAM improves computer speed significantly.
Example sentence: "I need to buy more RAM, my computer is moving slow."
Read More
- Rapido
Rapido (adjective)
Type: adjective
Pronunciation: /rap-e-doe/
What does Rapido mean?
Fast or quick.
Rapido means fast or quick.
Example sentence: "Rapido, rapido, it's too slow right now."
Read More
- Ratio
Ratio (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /rae-tio/
What does Ratio mean?
A control on a compressor determining how much the gain will be reduced after the audio hits the threshold.
Ratio is a control on a compressor determining how much the gain will be reduced after the audio hits the threshold.
I.E. if a signal surpasses the threshold by 8dB and the ratio is set at 2:1,(...) Read More
RCA (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /R-C-A/
Also spelled or known as: R-C-A
What does RCA mean?
A standard connector with a white left connector and red right connector.
RCA is a standard connector with a white left connector and red right connector.
RCA is on most stereo systems and plugs into a photo socket.
Read More
- Reaper
Reaper (noun)
Type: noun, DAW
Pronunciation: /reap-err/
Related: Logic Pro, Ableton Live (Ableton), GarageBand, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, FL Studio
What does Reaper mean?
A DAW created by Cockos.
Reaper is a DAW create by Cockos.
Creator: Cockos
Example sentence: "I just downloaded Reaper, time to see."
Other DAWS: Logic Pro, Ableton Live (Ableton), GarageBand,(...) Read More
- Record Player
Record Player (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /rek-ord-play-err/
Plural: Record Players
What does Record Player mean? What is a Record Player?
A device with a turntable to play back vinyl records.
A record player is a device with a turntable to play back vinyl records.
Record Player synonyms: Turntable
Example sentence: "Can you ask the DJ to bring his record player."
Read More
- Record Producer
Record Producer (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /rek-ord-pro-duees--err/
Related: Producer
What does Record Producer mean?
Someone who engages in music production.
A Record Producer is someone who engages in music production. A producer can be used to refer to someone who is in charge of the entire music creation process and more. The Record Producer can also be involved(...) Read More
- Recording Artist
Recording Artist (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /re-kord-in-art-ist/
Related: Artist
What does Recording Artist mean?
Someone who creates music in a studio setting and releases it.
A Recording Artist is someone who creates music in a studio setting and releases it. An artist can be a musician, rapper, songwriter, vocalist, or more.
Recording Artist synonyms: Artist,(...) Read More
- Recording Engineer
Recording Engineer (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ri-kord-ding-en-jin-neer/
Related: Sound Engineer, Audio Engineer, Engineer, Engineering
Plural: Recording Engineers
What does Recording Engineer mean?
Someone who records, mixes, or masters audio.
A recording engineer records, mixes, or masters audio, they usually work in a recording studio or live concert(...) Read More
- Recording Engineering
Recording Engineering (noun)
Type: noun, verb
Pronunciation: /re-cord-in-en-jin-neer-ing/
Also spelled or known as: Recording-Engineering
Related: Sound Engineering, Recording Engineering, Audio Engineering
What does Recording Engineering mean?
To be recording, mixing, or mastering audio.
Recording Engineering is to be to be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. A(...) Read More
- Recording Studio
Recording Studio (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ree-kord-in-stu-dio/
Plural: Recording Studios
Related: Studeur, The Stu, Studio Time, Recording Studio
What does Recording Studio mean?
A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
A recording studio is a specially designed for audio recording,(...) Read More
- Recording Studios
Recording Studios (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ree-kord-in-stu-dios/
Sinngular: Recording Studio
Related: Studeur, The Stu, Studio Time, Recording Studio
What does Recording Studios mean?
Specially designed spaces for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
Recording studios are specialized spaces for audio recording,(...) Read More
- Reference
Reference (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ref-rens/
Related: Reference Track
Plural: References
What does Reference mean?
A track that is used as a reference point for a new recording.
A Reference (also known as "Reference Track") is a track that is used as a reference point for a new recording. A reference track can help with structure, melodies, composition, sound(...) Read More
- Reference Track
Reference Track (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ref-rens-trak/
Also spelled or known as: Reference-Track, ReferenceTrack
Related: Reference
Plural: Reference Tracks
What does Reference Track mean?
A track that is used as a reference point for a new recording.
A Reference Track (also known as "Reference") is a track that is used as a reference point for a new(...) Read More
- Release
Release (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /re-lease/
Related: A.D.S.R., ADSR, Attack, Sustain, Decay
What does Release mean?
1. How long it takes a sound to fade to silence.
Release is the final state of the ADSR envelope. It is how long it takes a sound processor to stop processing the sound. (See the visuals below other definitions)
2. An album or song available for(...) Read More
- Reprise
Reprise (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /re-prise/
What does Reprise mean?
The repetition of a phrase or verse.
Reprise is the repetition of a phrase or verse.
Example sentence: "I like the reprise on this."
Read More
- Resampling
Resampling (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /re-samp-ling/
Also spelled or known as: Re-sampling
Related: Resample, Sampling, Sample
What does Resampling mean?
The process of sampling your own work and sounds.
Resampling is process of sampling your own work and sounds for more processing and use again.
Resampling Synonyms: Reworking
Example sentence: "I'm(...) Read More
- Reso
Reso (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /rae-so/
Related: Reso
What does Reso mean?
1. Loud, clear, & deep sound.
2. A control on a filter determining the level of accentuation on the current cutoff filter.
Reso is 1. Loud, clear, & deep sound. 2. A control on a filter determining the level of accentuation on the current cutoff filter.
Reso Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Resonance
Resonance (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /reh-so-nance/
Related: Reso
What does Resonance mean?
1. Loud, clear, & deep sound.
2. A control on a filter determining the level of accentuation on the current cutoff filter.
Resonance is 1. Loud, clear, & deep sound. 2. A control on a filter determining the level of accentuation on the current cutoff filter.
Resonance(...) Read More
- Return
Return (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /re-turn/
What does Return mean?
A track where other tracks are sent, to be grouped and processed in parallel to the original.
Return is a track where other tracks are sent, to be grouped and processed in parallel to the original.
Example sentence: "I like the return it's creating."
Read More
- Reverb
Reverb (effect)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /re-verb/
Also spelled or known as: Reverberation
Related: Reverberation
What does Reverb mean?
A technique that simulates the natural echo and ambiance of physical space.
Reverb Synonyms: Reverberation
Example sentence: "Can you please add some reverb to my voice."
Read: What is Reverb? What does Reverb do?
Read More
- Reverberation
Reverberation (effect)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /re-verb-eh-ray-tion/
Also spelled or known as: Reverb
Related: Reverb
What does Reverberation mean?
A technique that simulates the natural echo and ambiance of physical space.
Reverberation (short for and also known as Reverb) is a technique that simulates the natural echo and ambiance of physical(...) Read More
RIAA (R.I.A.A) (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /r-i-double-a/
Also spelled or known as: R.I.A.A
What does RIAA mean?
Recording Industry Association of America.
RIAA (also known as R.I.A.A.) stands for The Recording Industry Association of America. RIAA certifies recordings of their achievements.
Example sentence: "The RIAA certified the album is now Gold."
Read More
- Riff
Riff (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /riff/
What does Riff mean?
A melodic phrase. A musical section of a melody.
Riff is a melodic phrase. A musical section of a melody.
Example sentence: "I love that riff in the song."
Read More
RISA (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /r-i-s-a/
Also spelled or known as: R.I.S.A., R-I-S-A
What does RISA mean?
Recording Industry of South Africa.
RISA stands for the Recording Industry of South Africa.
More South African Performing Rights Organizations: SAMPRA, SAMRO, CAPASSO
Example sentence: "He got an ISRC code from the RISA."
Read More
- Rolloff
Rolloff (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /roll-off/
Also spelled or known as: Roll off, Roll-off
What does Rolloff mean?
A filter’s cutoff.
Rolloff is a filter’s cutoff.
Example sentence: "The rolloff was clean."
Read More
- Room
Room (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /room/
What does Room mean?
1. A studio room.
2. A type of reverb sounding like a smaller space.
Room has two meanings in music, Room can mean a studio room or a type of reverb sounding like a smaller space.
Example sentence: "What room are you in tonight?"
Read More
- Room Tone
Room Tone (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /room-tone/
Related: Tone, Reverb
What does Room Tone mean?
The natural sound of reverb in a room.
Room Tone is the natural sound of reverb in a room without music playing or people speaking.
Example sentence: "I don't like the room tone in this studio."
Read More
- Royalties
Royalties (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ro-yal-tees/
Singular: Royalty
What does Royalties mean?
Income earned from the sales of the record or song.
Royalties are income earned from the sales of the record or song.
Example sentence: "I got rich because of my royalties."
Read More
- Royalty
Royalty (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ro-yal-tee/
Plural: Royalties
What does Royalty mean?
Income earned from the sales of the record or song.
Royalty is income earned from the sales of the record or song.
Royalty synonym: Point
Example sentence: "I just entered the royalty details."
Read More
- Rumble
Rumble (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /rum-bull/
What does Rumble mean?
A low frequency effect caused by random frequencies in the low end.
Rumble is a low frequency effect caused by random frequencies in the low end.
Example sentence: "I used the rumble effect."
Read More
- Sample
Sample (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /samp-ull/
Plural: Samples
What does Sample mean?
A piece of pre-made or pre-existing audio used as a sound in a new composition.
A sample is a piece of pre-made or pre-existing audio used as a sound in a new composition. Samples can be any recorded material that is used, repurposed, or sequenced as new. Samples can be kicks, snares,(...) Read More
- Sample Pack
Sample Pack (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /samp-ull-pack/
Related: Sample, Samples
What does Sample Pack mean?
A folder of samples and loops grouped together.
A Sample pack is a folder of samples and loops grouped together. They usually contain many different samples and different kinds of loops.
Sample Pack synonyms: Loop Pack
Example sentence: "I'm gonna send(...) Read More
- Sample Rate
Sample Rate (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /samp-ull-rate/
Related: Sample, Samples
What does Sample Rate mean?
How often a signal is encoded into a digital file, represented by the Nyquist Frequency.
Sample Rate is how often a signal is encoded into a digital file, represented by the Nyquist Frequency. The standard Sample Rate for music is 44.1kHz, which is about(...) Read More
- Sampler
Sampler (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /samp-ler/
Related: Sample, Samples, Sampling, Sampled
What does Sampler mean?
A sampler is an analogue/virtual electronic instrument that can record or load different samples for their processing and playback.
A sampler is an analogue/virtual electronic instrument that can record or load lots of different samples for their(...) Read More
SAMPRA (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /sam-prah/ or /s-a-m-p-r-a/
Also spelled or known as: S.A.M.P.R.A., S-A-M-P-R-A
What does SAMPRA mean?
South African Music Performance Rights Association.
SAMPRA stands for the South African Music Performance Rights Association. SAMPRA (South African Music Performance Rights Association) is the organization that handles(...) Read More
SAMRO (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /sam-ro/ or /s-a-m-r-o/
Also spelled or known as: S.A.M.R.O., S-A-M-R-O
What does SAMRO mean?
South African Music Rights Organisation.
SAMRO stands for South African Music Rights Organisation. SAMRO (South African Music Rights Organisation) deals with performing rights and royalties and handles the collection payment of money(...) Read More
- Saturation
Saturation (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /sat-chu-rae-tion/
What does Saturation mean?
Distortion used in a subtle way to add harmonic content to audio.
Saturation is distortion that is used in a subtle way to add harmonic content to audio.
Example sentence: "I kinda want some saturation on this."
Read More
- Scratch Track
Scratch Track (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /skratch-track/
Also spelled or known as: Scratch-Track
Related: Track
What does Scratch Track mean?
A demo of sorts, the recording of a single element of a song, for example: the bass line or vocal.
A Scratch Track is a demo of sorts, the recording of a single element of a song, for example: the bass line or vocal.(...) Read More
- Second Engineer
Second Engineer (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /sek-kond-en-jin-neer/
Also spelled or known as: Second- Engineer
Related: Engineer, Sound Engineer, Audio Engineer, Engineering
What does Second Engineer mean?
An assistant recording engineer.
Second Engineer synonyms: Assistant
Example sentence: "Can you please bring in the second engineer."
Read More
SESAC (S.E.S.A.C.) (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /see-sak/
Also spelled or known as: S.E.S.A.C.
What does SESAC mean?
Society of European Stage Authors and Composers.
SESAC (also known as S.E.S.A.C.) stands for Society of European Stage Authors and Composers. SESAC is a European performing rights organization that protects its members' musical copyrights. SESAC tracks(...) Read More
SFX (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /S-F-X/
Also spelled or known as: S-F-X, S.F.X., S F X
Related: FX
What does SFX mean?
Short for Sound Effects.
SFX stands for Sound Effects.
Example sentence: "I like the SFX you have on the album."
Read More
- Sibilance
Sibilance (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /sib-e-lins/
What does Sibilance mean?
The “s” sound in a word.
Sibilance is the of “sss” sound in a vocalist’s recording.
For example, some, sit, stoned, masks, etc.
Microphones usually pick up the sibilance sounds more than the rest of the frequency spectrum which can be problematic for some. A de-esser is one of the most(...) Read More
- Sidechaining
Sidechaining (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /side-chain-in/
Also spelled or known as: Side-chaining
What does Sidechaining mean?
Using one sound to manipulate another sound.
Sidechaining is taking one sound and using it to manipulate another sound. Sidechaining is found on compressors, gates, limiters, expanders, etc. It can also be found on vocoders, synthesizers, and(...) Read More
- Sine
Sine (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /siine/
What does Sine mean?
A basic wave in synthesis, the fundamental wave shape that makes up all sounds.
Sine is a basic wave in synthesis, the fundamental wave shape that makes up all sounds. Sine sounds like a pure tone-a sound vibrating at a single frequency. A sine wave is a smooth, oscillating curve and it sounds mellow and deep.
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- Slapback
Slapback (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /slap-back/
Also spelled or known as: Slap back, Slap-back
Related: Delay
What does Slapback mean?
A quick delay (30-200ms) with small to no repetitions.
A slapback is a delay (30-200ms) with small to no repetitions, it is a type of delay that includes one loud feedback echo at a short delay time.
Example sentence: "Let's add(...) Read More
- Snare
Snare (noun)
Type: noun, drum
Pronunciation: /snaar/
Related: Snare
Plural: Snares
What does Snare mean?
A common type of drum, characterized by a peak around ~150Hz-200Hz & some high-end noise.
The snare (or side drum) is a common type of drum characterized by a peak around ~150Hz-200Hz and some high-end noise.
Example sentence: "We need a new snare on the(...) Read More
SNR (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /S-N-R/
Also spelled or known as: S-N-R, S.N.R., S N R
What does SNR mean?
Signal to noise ratio.
SNR stands for signal to noise ratio..
SNR compares the power of a signal to the undesired power of background noise.
A ratio higher than 1:1 is a good signal-to-noise ratio as it indicates more signal than noise.
Example(...) Read More
- Soft Synth
Soft Synth (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /soft-sinth/
What does Soft Synth mean?
A synthesizer that exists inside a computer.
Soft Synth is a synthesizer that exists inside a computer, example Serum or Massive.
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- Solo
Solo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /so-low/
What does Solo mean?
A control that temporarily silences or turns off all channels besides the selected one.
Solo is a control that temporarily silences or turns off all channels besides the selected one. During this process only the soloed sound is heard.
Example sentence: "Can you solo the instrumental please."
Read More
- Songwriter
Songwriter (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /song-rite-er/
Also spelled or known as: Song-writer, Song writer
Related: Songwriting
Plural: Songwriters
What does Songwriter mean?
Someone who writes songs and creates music.
A songwriter is someone who writes songs and creates music. A songwriter can be an artist, musician, rapper, vocalist, or more.
Songwriter(...) Read More
- Songwriting
Songwriting (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /song-rite-ing/
Also spelled or known as: Song-writing, Song writing
Related: Songwriter
What does Songwriting mean?
To be writing songs and creating music.
Songwriting is writing songs and creating music. A songwriter can be an artist, musician, rapper, vocalist, or more.
Example sentence: "I just started getting into(...) Read More
- Sound board
Sound board (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /sound-board/
Also spelled or known as: Sound-board, Soundboard
Plural: Sound boards
Related: Console, Mixer, Mixing desk
What does Sound board mean?
A device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, balance, process, and combine sounds.
A sound board is the in person studio version of a(...) Read More
- Sound Engineer
Sound Engineer (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /sound-en-jin-neer/
Related: Engineer, Audio Engineer, Recording Engineer, Sound Engineering
Also spelled or known as: Sound-Engineer, SoundEngineer
Plural: Sound Engineers
What does Sound Engineer mean?
Someone who records, mixes, or masters audio.
A sound engineer records, mixes, or masters audio, they usually work(...) Read More
- Sound Engineering
Sound Engineering (noun)
Type: noun, verb
Pronunciation: /sound-en-jin-neer-ing/
Also spelled or known as: Sound-Engineering
Related: Audio Engineering, Recording Engineering, Sound Engineer
What does Sound Engineering mean?
To be recording, mixing, or mastering audio.
Sound Engineering is to be to be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. An audio engineer records,(...) Read More
- Sound source
Sound source (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /sound-sors/
What does Sound source mean?
The origin of a sound or audio; any place audio or sound originates from.
Sound source Synonyms: Source
Example sentence: "We figured out all the sound source for the mix."
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- Sound waves
Sound waves (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /sound-waves/
Also spelled or known as: Sound-Waves, Soundwaves
Singular: Sound wave
Related: Waveform
What does Sound waves mean?
Audio signals shown visually as waves.
Sound waves are audio signals shown visually as waves
Sound waves Synonyms: Waveforms
Example sentence: "I like the sound waves going on."
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- Soundbank
Soundbank (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /sound-baink/
Also spelled or known as: Sound Bank, Sound-Bank
What does Soundbank mean?
A group of presets that can be loaded onto a synth.
A Soundbank (also known as a "Bank") is a group of presets that can be loaded onto a synth.
Soundbank Synonyms: Bank
Example sentence: "I'll have to look in my soundbank."
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- Soundtrack
Soundtrack (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /sound-track/
Also spelled or known as: Sound-track, Sound track
What does Soundtrack mean?
The sounds or music of a film, or a separate recording to accompany the film.
A Soundtrack is the sounds or music of a film, or a separate recording to accompany the film.
Soundtrack Synonyms: Program Music
Example sentence: "I(...) Read More
- Source
Source (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /sors/
What does Source mean?
The origin of a sound or audio; any place audio or sound originates from.
Source Synonyms: Sound source
Example sentence: "What is the source for that ring?"
Read More
- Stanza
Stanza (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /stan-zah/
What does Stanza mean?
A verse of a song.
A stanza is a verse of a song.
Stanza Synonyms: Verse
Example sentence: "I'm thinking differently, wiring a good stanza."
Read More
- Stems
Stems (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /stems/
Singular: Stem
What does Stems mean?
Separate and individual audio tracks rendered from a finished track.
Stems are separate and individual audio tracks rendered from a finished track. Stems are usually used for remix or resampling purposes.
Stems Synonyms: Tracks
Example sentence: "I'll email the stems tonight."
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- Stereo
Stereo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /steh-rio/
Related: Mono
What does Stereo mean?
A sound that has two source instead of one. Opposite of mono.
Opposite of Stereo: Mono
Example sentence: "Change the source to stereo real quick."
Read More
- Stop
Stop (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /stawp/
Related: Transport
What does Stop mean?
A control that stops or turns off playback.
Transport controls: Record, Play, Pause, Stop, Mute, Rewind, Fast-Forward
Example sentence: "Can you please hit the stop button."
Read More
- Structure
Structure (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /struk-ture/
What does Structure mean?
The way a song is built and arranged, the way sections and instruments are laid out in a track/song.
Structure is the way a song is built and arranged, the way sections and instruments are laid out in a track/song. Structure is usually referred to as Arrangement and Instrumentation.
Structure(...) Read More
- Stu
Stu (noun)
Type: noun, abbreviation
Pronunciation: /stu/
Also spelled or known as: Stu'
Related: The stu
What does Stu mean?
Studio. Stu is short for studio.
Stu Synonyms: Lab, Yo, The lab, The Yo, Studio, Booth
Example sentence: "What time are you going to the stu?"
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- Stu.
Stu (noun)
Type: noun, abbreviation
Pronunciation: /stu/
Also spelled or known as: Stu'
Related: The stu
What does Stu mean?
Studio. Stu is short for studio.
Stu Synonyms: Lab, Yo, The lab, The Yo, Studio, Booth
Example sentence: "What time are you going to the stu?"
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- Studeur
Studeur (noun)
Type: noun, abbreviation
Pronunciation: /stu-deer/
Plural: Studeurs
Also spelled or known as: Studier
Related: The stu, Stu
What does Studeur mean?
A person who owns, operates, or manages a recording studio.
Studeur Synonyms: Host
Example sentence: "I'm a studeur at Pacific studios."
Read: What does Studeur mean?
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- Studio
Studio (noun)
Type: noun, abbreviation
Pronunciation: /stu-dio/
Plural: Studios
Also spelled or known as: Stu'
Related: Studeur, The Stu, Studio Time, Recording Studio
What does Studio mean?
A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
A studio is a specially designed space for audio recording,(...) Read More
- Studio Monitors
Studio Monitors (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /stu-dio-mon-e-tors/
Singular: Studio Monitor
Related: Studio-Monitors, Monitors, Loudspeakers
What does Studio Monitors mean?
1. Loud speakers used for mixing.
2. The screens of computers.
Studio Monitors (also known as just "Monitors") are a type of loudspeaker used in recording studios because of their ‘flat’(...) Read More
- Stufinder
Stufinder (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /stu-find-err/
Also spelled or known as: Stu finder, Studiofinder, Studio finder
Related: Stu, Studeur
What does Stufinder mean?
An app to find and book recording studios.
Stufinder (sometimes referred to as Stu finder, Studiofinder, Studio finder) is an app to find & book recording studios. Stufinder's innovative technology(...) Read More
- Sub-Bass
Sub-Bass (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /sub-bace/
Also spelled or known as: Sub Bass, SubBass
What does Sub-Bass mean?
The lower range of audio frequencies between 20Hz-60Hz. A reference value.
Sub-Bass is the lower frequencies in a sound – typically from ~20Hz to ~60Hz.
Sub-Bass Synonyms: Lows, Low end, Bass
Example sentence: "Turn up the sub-bass."
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- Subs
Subs (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /subs/
Related: Sub, Subwoofers
Singular: Sub
What does Subs mean?
Subwoofers; a loudspeaker designed to reproduce low frequencies under ~200Hz.
Subs (short for & also known as Subwoofers) are loudspeakers that can reproduce low frequencies under ~200Hz.
Subwoofer synonyms: Subs
Example sentence: "We just installed some new(...) Read More
- Subwoofer
Subwoofer (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /sub-woof-err/
Also spelled or known as: Sub-woofer, Sub woofer
Related: Sub, Subs
Plural: Subwoofers
What does Subwoofer mean?
A loudspeaker designed to reproduce low frequencies under ~200Hz.
A Subwoofer reproduces low frequencies under ~200Hz.
Subwoofer synonyms: Subs
Example sentence: "I have a subwoofer in the new(...) Read More
- Summing
Summing (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /sum-in/
What does Summing mean?
The process of adding waveforms from different sources together.
Summing is the process of adding waveforms from different sources together.
Example sentence: "I'm summing a record right now."
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- Supersaw
Supersaw (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /super-saw/
What does Supersaw mean?
A saw wave with unison and detune.
Supersaw is a saw wave with unison and detune. Supersaw sounds wide and typically with 8 voices.
Example sentence: "I like the outro with the supersaw."
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- Sustain
Sustain (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /sus-tain/
Plural: Sustains
Related: A.D.S.R., ADSR, Attack, Decay, Release
What does Sustain mean?
How long a sound can hold before it begins to fade.
Example sentence: "I like how the sustain is a bit longer."
ADSR – Attack, Sustain, Decay, Release
Read: What is ADSR (attack, decay, sustain, and release)
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- Sylenth1
Sylenth1 (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /slinth-1/
What does Sylenth1 mean?
A subtractive soft synth used to create analogue-type sounds.
Sylenth1 is a subtractive soft synth used to create analogue-type sounds. Sylenth1 is created by LennarDigital.
Created by: LennarDigital
Example sentence: "We were using Sylenth1 to edit."
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- Take
Take (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /taik/
Plural: Takes
Related: One Take Jake
What does Take mean?
A singular (one) recording of audio.
A take is a singular (one) recording of audio. This is why people say "recorded in one take" during a recording session. A lot of music is recorded in multiple takes. Especially using the punch in/punch out method.
Example(...) Read More
- Tape Deck
Tape Deck (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /tayp-dek/
Also spelled or known as: Tape-Deck
Plural: Tape Decks
What does Tape Deck mean? What is a Tape Deck?
An analog audio recording device that records audio by encoding electrical audio signals onto magnetic tape and plays it back.
A tape deck is an analog audio recording device that records audio by encoding electrical(...) Read More
- Tape Machine
Tape Machine (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /tayp-mash-een/
Also spelled or known as: Tape-Machine
Plural: Tape Machines
What does Tape Machine mean? What is a Tape Machine?
An analog audio recording device that records audio by encoding electrical audio signals onto magnetic tape and plays it back.
A tape machine is an analog audio recording device that records audio(...) Read More
- Tape Recorder
Tape Recorder (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /tayp-re-kor-der/
Also spelled or known as: Tape-Recorder
Plural: Tape Recorders
What does Tape Recorder mean? What is a Tape Recorder?
An analog audio recording device that records audio by encoding electrical audio signals onto magnetic tape and plays it back.
A tape recorder is an analog audio recording device that(...) Read More
- Tempo
Tempo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /tem-po/
Related: BPM
What does Tempo mean?
The rate of speed of a sound or musical piece.
Tempo is measured in BPM (Beats Per Minute).
Tempo Synonyms: BPM, Beats Per Minute
Example sentence: "Ask the engineer if he knows the tempo."
Use the Tempo Tapper
Read: What is a Tempo in music?
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- Tenor
Tenor (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ten-orr/
Related: Countertenor, Baritone, Alto
What does Tenor mean?
The highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice.
Tenor is the highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. A tenor is a singing voice between baritone and alto or countertenor.
Example sentence: "The(...) Read More
- The Lab
The Lab (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /the-lab/
Also spelled or known as: Lab
Related: Lab
What does The Lab mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
The Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and(...) Read More
- The Yo
The Yo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /the-yo/
Also spelled or known as: Yo
Related: Yo
What does The Yo mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Yo
The Yo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /the-yo/
Also spelled or known as: Yo
Related: Yo
What does The Yo mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Stu
The Yo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /the-yo/
Also spelled or known as: Yo
Related: Yo
What does The Yo mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Studio
The Yo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /the-yo/
Also spelled or known as: Yo
Related: Yo
What does The Yo mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Lab
The Yo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /the-yo/
Also spelled or known as: Yo
Related: Yo
What does The Yo mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Recording Studio
The Yo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /the-yo/
Also spelled or known as: Yo
Related: Yo
What does The Yo mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- The Lab
The Yo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /the-yo/
Also spelled or known as: Yo
Related: Yo
What does The Yo mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Booth
The Yo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /the-yo/
Also spelled or known as: Yo
Related: Yo
What does The Yo mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Threshold
Threshold (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /thresh-old/
What does Threshold mean?
A control on a compressor, noise gate, or other devices that determines when the compressor will start compressing.
Threshold is a control on a compressor, noise gate, or other devices that determines when the compressor will start compressing (a specific dB level).
Example sentence: "What is(...) Read More
- Tonal Balance
Tonal Balance (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /tone-ull-bal-ans/
Also spelled or known as: Tonal-Balance
Related: Balance
What does Tonal Balance mean?
The relative level of two or more sounds, voices, instruments, etc.
Tonal Balance (also known as Balance) is the relative level of two or more sounds, voices, instruments, etc. Balance is important in audio because it(...) Read More
- Tone
Tone (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /toen/
Related: Timbre, Room tone, Pure tone
What does Tone mean?
A single frequency.
A tone is a single frequency.
Tone synonyms: Timbre, Frequency
Example sentence: "I really like her tone."
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- Tone Generator
Tone Generator (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /tone-gen-e-rate-err/
Also spelled or known as: Tone-Generator
Related: Tone
What does Tone Generator mean?
A device that generates a tone.
A Tone Generator is a device that generates a tone at various frequencies, used to align a tape machine, pitch correction purposes or for other testing purposes.
Example sentence:(...) Read More
- Top-End
Top-End (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /top-end/
Also spelled or known as: Top End, TopEnd
What does Top-End mean?
The higher range of audio frequencies above 6kHz. A reference value.
Top-End (also known as highs) are the higher frequencies in a sound – typically above 6kHz.
Top-End Synonyms: High-End, Highs, Treble, Air
Example sentence: "I like how the top-end is(...) Read More
- Track
Track (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /trak/
Related: Tracking, Audio Track
What does Track mean?
1. A single audio channel.
2. A full song or recorded sound.
A track can either mean a singular audio channel in the production process or a a full song or recorded sound.
Example sentence: "We just bounced the new track."
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- Tracking
Tracking (noun, verb)
Type: noun, verb
Pronunciation: /track-in/
Also spelled or known as: Trackin'
Related: Track, Tracks, Multitrack Recording, Multitracking
What does Tracking mean?
Recording individual tracks or songs, on computer, recorder or tape.
Tracking (also called multitrack recording or multitracking) is the process of recording a collective of sounds onto(...) Read More
- Transient
Transient (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /tran-sient/
What does Transient mean?
The very beginning of a sound.
Transient is the initial beginning of a sound, also known as the sounds attack, where the audio goes from near silence to sudden loudness
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- Transport
Transport (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /trans-port/
Also spelled or known as: Trans-port
Transport controls: Record, Play, Pause, Mute, Stop, Rewind, Fast-Forward
What does Transport mean?
A section of a DAW that contains the record, play, pause, stop, and other buttons.
Transport is the area in a DAW or sequencer that contains the playback controls (e.g. record,(...) Read More
- Transport Controls
Transport Controls (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /trans-port-kon-trolls/
Also spelled or known as: Transport-Controls
Singular: Transport Control
Transport Controls: Record, Play, Pause, Mute, Stop, Rewind, Fast-Forward
What does Transport Controls mean?
A section of a DAW that contains the record, play, pause, stop, and other buttons.
Transport Controls (also(...) Read More
- Treble
Treble (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /treb-ull/
Opposite: Bass
What does Treble mean?
The higher range of audio frequencies above 6kHz. A reference value.
Treble are the higher frequencies in a sound – typically above 6kHz.
Treble Synonyms: High-End, Top end, Highs, Air
Example sentence: "Can you please turn up the treble."
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- Tuner
Tuner (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /toon-er/
Related: Tune
What does Tuner mean?
A device that listens to audio to measure if it's in tune.
A tuner is a device that listens to audio to measure if it's in tune.
Example sentence: "It's not hard, just use the tuner.."
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- Tuning fork
Tuning fork (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /tune-in-fork/
Also spelled or known as: Tuning-Fork
What does Tuning fork mean?
A two-pronged metal tool used to make sure an instrument is in tune and has the right pitch.
A tuning fork is a two-pronged metal tool used to make sure an instrument is in tune and has the right pitch when a note is played.
Tuning fork Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Turntable
Turntable (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /turn-tab-ull/
Plural: Turntables
What does Turntable mean? What is a Turntable?
A flat, circular, and revolving surface on a record player on which the record is played back.
A turntable is a flat, circular, and revolving surface on a record player on which the record is played back. A popular turntable is the Technics(...) Read More
- Tweeter
Tweeter (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /tweet-err/
What does Tweeter mean?
A speaker designed to reproduce high frequencies around 10-20kHz.
Tweeter is a speaker designed to reproduce high frequencies around 10-20kHz. The tweeter is typically above the main cone on a pair of studio monitors.
Example sentence: "I got a new tweeter for the studio."
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- Unidirectional
Unidirectional (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /u-nee-dy-rek-tion-al/
Also spelled or known as: Unidirectional Microphone, Unidirectional Pattern
Related: Cardioid
What does Unidirectional mean?
A type of microphone with a heart-shaped pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it.
A Unidirectional (also known as "Cardioid") microphone is a type(...) Read More
- Unidirectional Microphone
Unidirectional Microphone (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /u-nee-dy-rek-tion-al-micro-fone/
Also spelled or known as: Unidirectional, Unidirectional Pattern
Related: Cardioid Microphone
What does Unidirectional Microphone mean?
A type of microphone with a heart-shaped pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it.
A Unidirectional (also known as(...) Read More
- Unidirectional Pattern
Unidirectional Pattern (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /u-nee-dy-rek-tion-al-pat-ern/
Also spelled or known as: Unidirectional Microphone, Unidirectional, Cardioid Pattern, Cardioid Microphone, Cardioid
Related: Cardioid Pattern
What does Unidirectional Pattern mean?
A heart-shaped microphone pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it.
A(...) Read More
USB (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /u-s-b/
Also spelled or known as: U.S.B., U-S-B
What does USB mean?
Universal Serial Bus.
USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. A USB socket is on many computers and devices that allow things to be connected to a computer and transfer MIDI information.
Example sentence: "Does your computer have a USB?"
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VBR (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /V-B-R/
Also spelled or known as: V-B-R, V.B.R., V B R
What does VBR mean?
Variable Bit Rate.
VBR stands for Variable Bit Rate.
Opposite of CBR (Constant Bit Rate), VBR (Variable Bit Rate) refers to the encoding of an MP3 or lossy audio file bit rate changing with the type of content in the file.
VBR is great for(...) Read More
VCA (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /V-C-A/
Also spelled or known as: V-C-A
What does VCA mean?
Voltage Controlled Amplifier.
VCA stands for Voltage Controlled Amplifier.
Voltage Controlled Amplifier. The section on an analogue synth that controls the ADSR envelope and the volume, the gain is affected by an external voltage fed to it.
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- VCA Compressor
VCA Compressor (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /V-C-A-kom-press-or/
Also spelled or known as: VCA-Compressor
Related: VCA
What does VCA Compressor mean?
An analog compressor that uses a VCA control to apply compression.
VCA compressors are usually fast-acting (at least in comparison to opto-compressors), a wide dynamic range, and low distortion.
Example sentence:(...) Read More
VCF (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /V-C-F/
Also spelled or known as: V-C-F
What does VCF mean?
Voltage Controller Filter.
VCF stands for Voltage Controller Filter. VCF is the section on an analogue synth that controls the filter and the filter ADSR.
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VCO (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /V-C-O/
Also spelled or known as: V-C-O
What does VCO mean?
Voltage Controlled Oscillator.
VCO stands for Voltage Controlled Oscillator. An oscillator on an analogue synth.
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- Velocity
Velocity (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /veh-law-sit-e/
What does Velocity mean?
A MIDI parameter for each note that is played.
Velocity is the force at which a note is performed and recorded. Velocity usually determines the loudness of the notes. It can also be used to modify other parameters on synthesizers.
Example sentence: "I tweaked the velocity a bit."
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- Verse
Verse (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /vers/
Plural: Verses
What does Verse mean?
A section of storytelling, lines, or bars in a song.
A verse is a section of storytelling, lines, or bars in a song. Most songs have two verses.
Example sentence: "We are paying Kendrick Lamar for a verse."
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- Vibrato
Vibrato (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /vi-bra-toe/
What does Vibrato mean?
An effect created by modulating the pitch of a sound with an LFO at a small amplitude.
Vibrato is an effect created by modulating the pitch of a sound with an LFO at a small amplitude. This creates a wavy sound.
Example sentence: "Did you take the vibrato off?"
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- Vihuela
Vihuela (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /veh-way-lah/
What does Vihuela mean?
An obsolete 15th-century fretted plucked Spanish stringed instrument.
A Vihuela (also known as "vihuela de mano") is an obsolete 15th-century fretted plucked Spanish stringed instrument, that is shaped like a guitar but tuned like a lute.
Example sentence: "The museum is trying to get a vihuela."
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- Vina
Vina (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ve-na/
What does Vina mean?
An Indian stringed musical instrument.
A vina is an Indian stringed musical instrument.
A Vina. Saraswati Vina, gourd, wood, ivory and lac, painted and gilded with six ivory pegs and metal wire strings, steel frets set into wax beds, length 117cm, South India, with ivory decoration possibly from(...) Read More
- Viola
Viola (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /ve-oh-lah/
What does Viola mean?
The tenor instrument of the violin family. A viola has four strings.
A viola is the tenor instrument of the violin family. A viola has four strings.
Violin family: Violin, Viola, Cello
Example sentence: "She was a really good viola player."
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- Violin
Violin (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /vy-oh-lin/
Related: Violinist, Fiddle
What does Violin mean?
A four-stringed instrument played with a bow.
A violin is a four-stringed instrument played with a bow. A violin has a shallow body and is played with a bow by holding it under the chin and moving the bow over the strings.
Violin synonyms: Fiddle
Violin family:(...) Read More
- Violinist
Violinist (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /vio-lin-tist/
Related: Violin
What does Violinist mean?
Someone who plays the violin; a violin player.
A violinist is someone who plays the violin. A violin player is known as a violinist.
Example sentence: "Sarah is a really good violinist."
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- Virtuoso
Virtuoso (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /vir-too-o-so/
What does Virtuoso mean?
A really good or skilled musician.
A virtuoso is a really good or skilled musician. An example would be a piano virtuoso; a pianist.
Example sentence: "My girlfriend is a virtuoso violinist."
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- Vocal
Vocal (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /vok-all/
Plural: Vocals
Related: Vox
What does Vocal mean?
A recorded audio by someone.
Example sentence: "Let's do a quick vocal."
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- Vocal booth
Vocal booth (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /vok-ull-booth/
Also spelled or known as: Booth
Related: Vox, Vocals, Booth
Plural: Vocal booths
What does Vocal booth mean?
An enclosed space with soundproofing and isolation designed to record vocals in.
Vocal booths (also known as "the booth") are usually acoustically treated and inside of a recording studio(...) Read More
- Volume
Volume (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /vol-uum/
Related: Input Gain
What does Volume mean?
The amplitude of a sound or the sound pressure level (loudness).
Volume is the amplitude of a sound or the sound pressure level (loudness). The volume is a parameter that can be adjusted on a device.
Volume synonyms: Input Gain
Example sentence: "Can you please turn up the(...) Read More
- Vox
Vox (noun)
Type: noun, abbreviation
Pronunciation: /vox/
Also spelled or known as: Vocals
What does Vox mean?
Vox is short for vocals.
Vox synonyms: Vocals
Example sentence: "I'm gonna send you the vox tonight."
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VST (noun)
Type: noun, acronym
Pronunciation: /V-S-T/
Also spelled or known as: V-S-T, V.S.T, V S T
Related: Virtual Studio Technology
What does VST mean?
Virtual Studio Technology; synthesizer and effects unit plugins that integrate with Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs).
Example sentence: "What VST is this? I like it."
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WASAPI (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /W-A-S-A-P-I/
What does WASAPI mean?
Windows Audio Session API.
WASAPI stands for and means "Windows Audio Session API". WASAPI is Microsoft’s multi-channel audio interface for communication with audio devices, i.e. an audio driver.
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- Watt
Watt (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /waht/
Plural: Watts
What does Watt mean?
Unit of electrical power.
Watt is the unit of electrical power.
Example sentence: "Can you tell me in watt measurement."
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WAV (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /wave/
Plural: WAVs
Related: Waveform
What does WAV mean?
WAV, or Waveform Audio File Format, the standard format for audio files.
WAV Synonyms: .WAV
Example sentence: "We sent the WAV file to the label."
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- Waveform
Waveform (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /wave-form/
Also spelled or known as: Wave form
Related: Wave, Wavelength, Sound wave
Plural: Waveforms
What does Waveform mean?
The shape of a sound wave.
A waveform is a curve showing the shape of a sound wave.
Example sentence: "The waveform looks likes a pattern here."
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- Wavelength
Wavelength (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /wave-length/
Also spelled or known as: Wave length, Wave-length
Related: Wave, Waveform
What does Wavelength mean?
The length of the wave.
The shorter the wavelength, the faster the wave is.
Example sentence: "The 808 has a short wavelength."
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- Wavetable
Wavetable (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /wave-taib-ull/
Related: Wavetable synthesis, Wavetable synths
What does Wavetable mean?
A collection of waveforms that can be scanned through, blended with one another, and modified.
A wavetable is a collection of waveforms that can be scanned through, blended with one another, and modified.
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- Wavetable Synthesis
Wavetable Synthesis (noun)
Type: noun, effect
Pronunciation: /wave-taib-ulll-syn-tuh-sis/
Related: Wavetable
What does Wavetable Synthesis mean?
A form of synthesis similar to subtractive synthesis.
Wavetable Synthesis is a form of synthesis similar to subtractive synthesis. Xfer Serum, NI Massive and Ableton Wavetable are three very popular Wavetable(...) Read More
- Wet
Wet (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /wet/
Also spelled or known as: Wet sound, Wet-sound
Opposite: Dry
What does Wet mean?
Processed sound; a sound with effects on it.
Wet sound is vocals or sounds with effects and things done to it. A Dry/Wet knob is used to blend signals.
Example sentence: "All the vocals are wet now."
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- Wet/Dry or Dry/Wet
Wet/Dry or Dry/Wet (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /wet-dry/
Also spelled or known as: Dry/Wet Wet-Dry
Related: Wet sound, Wet, Dry sound, Dry
What does Wet/Dry mean?
Dry: Unprocessed sound; a sound with no effects on it.
Wet: Processed sound; a sound with effects on it.
Dry sound is vocals or sounds recorded as is. Wet sound is vocals or sounds with effects and(...) Read More
- Wet sound
Wet sound (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /wet-sund/
Also spelled or known as: Wet, Wetsound, Wet-sound
Opposite: Dry sound
What does Wet sound mean?
Processed sound; a sound with effects on it.
Wet sound is vocals or sounds with effects and things done to it. A Dry/Wet knob is used to blend signals.
Example sentence: "The single is now a wet sound, i'm going to(...) Read More
- White Noise
White Noise (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /white-noise/
Also spelled or known as: White-Noise
Other Noises: Pink Noise, Brown Noise, Quantization Noise
What does White Noise mean?
A noise produced by many synthesizers from playing the entire frequency spectrum at once.
White Noise is a noise produced by many synthesizers from playing the entire frequency spectrum at(...) Read More
- Whole Note
Whole Note (noun)
Type: noun, music notation
Pronunciation: /hole-note/
Also spelled or known as: Whole-Note, WholeNote
Related: Whole Rest
What does Whole Note mean?
A note that takes up an entire measure in 4/4 time.
More notes: Half note, A note, B note, C note, D note, F note
A Whole Note (used in music notation) is a note that takes up an entire measure in 4/4(...) Read More
- Whole Step
Whole Step (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /whole-step/
Also spelled or known as: Whole-step
What does Whole Step mean?
A change in pitch equivalent to two half steps, or the difference in pitch between two piano keys.
Whole Step is a change in pitch equivalent to two half steps, movement of two notes in a given direction, or the difference in pitch between two piano(...) Read More
- Woofer
Woofer (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /woof-err/
Related: Subwoofer
What does Woofer mean?
A loudspeaker that is designed to reproduce bass frequencies only.
Woofer is a loudspeaker that is designed to reproduce bass frequencies only. Woofer reproduces the low-mid frequencies, usually from ~20Hz up to ~500Hz. Similar to a subwoofer but with a higher range.
Example(...) Read More
- Work
Work (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /work/
What does Work mean?
Any creation that can be copyrighted.
Work is any creation that can be copyrighted. A work can be musical, visual, literary, etc.
Example sentence: "I love his work, that's why I hired him."
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WOW (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /WOW/
What does WOW mean?
A filter that creates formants.
WOW is a filter that creates formants. The plugin created by Sugar Bytes is used to create formants.
Creator: Sugar Bytes
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XLR (noun)
Type: noun, abbreviation
Pronunciation: /x-l-r/
Plural: XLRs
Also spelled or known as: X-L-R, X.L.R., X L R
What does XLR mean?
External Line Return; A cable with three prongs for microphones.
XLR stands for External Line Return.
Example sentence: "Can you hand me the XLR on your right."
Read: What is a XLR? What does XLR do or stand for?
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- Yo
Yo (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /yo/
Plural: Yos
Also spelled or known as: The Yo
Related: The Yo
What does Yo mean?
Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio.
Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and(...) Read More
- Zero-crossing
Zero-crossing (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /zee-ro-kross-in/
Also spelled or known as: Zero Crossing
What does Zero-crossing mean?
A point on a waveform that passes through the central zero line (complete silence).
Zero-crossing is a point on a waveform that passes through the central zero line (complete silence).
Example sentence: "When did it reach zero-crossing?"
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- Zone
Zone (noun)
Type: noun
Pronunciation: /zo-own/
What does Zone mean?
The keyboard mapping assigned to a sample or group of samples and controls pitch and velocity.
A zone is the keyboard mapping assigned to a sample or group of samples and controls pitch and velocity.
In the context of KONTAKT for example, loading a C2 piano sample into KONTAKT will automatically assign the(...) Read More
- 4/4 4/4 (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /4-4/ Also spelled or known as: 4-4, Common time What does 4/4 mean? A time signature that determines that there are 4 beats in 1 bar. 4/4 (also known as or called "Common time") is a time signature that determines that there are 4 beats in 1 bar. Example sentence: "The time signature on this is 4/4 i think." Read More
- 4-Track 4-Track (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /4-track/ Also spelled or known as: 4-Track Recorder, Four-Track Recorder Plural: 4-Tracks, Four-Tracks What does 4-Track mean? 4-Track is a recording device with 4 channels. An old form of recording audio. A 4-Track (also known as a 4-Track recorder) is a recording device with 4 channels. An old form of recording audio. The(...) Read More
- 4-Track Recorder 4-Track Recorder (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /4-track-re-kor-dur/ Also spelled or known as: 4-Track, Four-Track Recorder Plural: 4-Track Recorders, Four-Track Recorders What does 4-Track Recorder mean? 4-Track Recorder is a recording device with 4 channels. An old form of recording audio. A 4-Track Recorder (also known as a 4-Track) is a recording device with 4(...) Read More
- 707 707 (noun) Type: noun, drum Pronunciation: /7-0-7/ Plural: 707s Also spelled or known as: 7-0-7, 7.0.7, 7 0 7 What does 707 mean? A Roland TR-707 drum machine. A 707 is a drum machine by Roland. A 707 if often used in disco and house music. 707 Synonyms: TR-707, Roland TR-707 More drum machines by Roland: 808, 909 Example sentence: "Put a 707 on it." Read More
- 808 808 (noun) Type: noun, drum Pronunciation: /8-0-8/ Plural: 808s Also spelled or known as: 8-0-8, 8.0.8, 8 0 8 What does 808 mean? A Roland TR-808 drum machine; bass drum. An 808 is a Roland TR-808 drum machine; bass drum. An 808 if often used in Hip-Hop/Rap music. 808 Synonyms: TR-808, Roland TR-808 More drum machines by Roland: 707, 909 Example sentence:(...) Read More
- 909 909 (noun) Type: noun, drum Pronunciation: /9-0-9/ Plural: 909s Also spelled or known as: 9-0-9, 9.0.9, 9 0 9 What does 909 mean? A Roland TR-909 drum machine. A 909 is a Roland TR-909 drum machine. A 909 if often used in house and techno music. 909 Synonyms: TR-909, Roland TR-909 More drum machines by Roland: 707, 808 Example sentence: "We use the 909 to make(...) Read More
- A/D A/D (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /a-d/ What does A/D mean? Analogue to Digital Converter. A/D stands for Analogue to Digital Converter. A/D is typically found in most audio interfaces. Example sentence: "Does that interface have an A/D." Read More
- A.D.S.R. A.D.S.R. (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-d-s-r/ Also spelled or known as: ADSR, A-D-S-R Related: Attack, Sustain, Decay, Release What does A.D.S.R. mean? Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release; envelope commonly used to shape a wave form. ADSR – Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release are the four stages of an envelope that describe the shape of a sound over(...) Read More
- A (Note) A (Note) (noun) Type: noun, Musical note Pronunciation: /A-Note/ Also spelled or known as: A, A-note, A note What does A (Note) mean? A musical note. More musical notes: D (Note), B (Note), C (Note), E (Note), F (Note) Example sentence: "Can you sing it more towards an A note." Read More
- AAC AAC (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-a-c/ Also spelled or known as: A.A.C, A-A-C What does AAC mean? A lossy audio file format created by Apple. AAC is a lossy audio file format created by Apple with a slightly better compression algorithm than MP3 for quality. More formats by Apple: AIFF Example sentence: "We bounced it in AAC." Read More
- AAX AAX (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-a-x/ Also spelled or known as: A.A.X, A-A-X What does AAX mean? Avid Audio eXtension. AAX (Avid Audio eXtension) is a plugin format popular among engineers and native to Avid Pro Tools only. Example sentence: "Have you ever used a AAX file?" Read More
- Ableton Live Ableton Live (noun) Type: noun, DAW Pronunciation: /abe-ull-tin-live/ Also spelled or known as: Ableton, AbletonLive, Ableton-Live Related: Logic Pro, FL Studio, GarageBand, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, Audacity What does Ableton Live mean? A popular DAW created by Ableton. Ableton Live is great for live experiences and scenarios. Example sentence: "I used to use(...) Read More
- AC AC (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-c/ Also spelled or known as: A.C, A-C Related: Alternating Current What does AC mean? Alternating Current; an analog electrical current used to power hardware. AC (also known and stands for "Alternating Current") is an analog electrical current used to power hardware. ‘Alternating’ refers to the sine wave shape of the(...) Read More
- Acapella Acapella (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-ka-pell-ah/ Plural: Acapellas What does Acapella mean? A vocal, just vocals without a beat or instrumental. Acapella is a vocal, just vocals without a beat or instrumental. Acapellas are used in remixes, bootlegs, sampled in originals, DJ sets, etc. Example sentence: "I'll sing you a good song acapella right now." Read More
- Acoustic Instrument Acoustic Instrument (noun) Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /ah-cous-tik-in-stru-ment/ Also spelled or known as: Acoustic-Instrument Related: Acoustic, Acoustically Treated, Acoustic Treatment What does Acoustic Instrument mean? An instrument that produces sound in real life without digital or analog technology. Acoustic Instrument is an instrument that produces(...) Read More
- Acoustic Treatment Acoustic Treatment (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-cous-tik-treat-ment/ Also spelled or known as: Acoustic-Treatment Related: Acoustic, Acoustically Treated, Acoustic Instrument What does Acoustic Treatment mean? The process of using foam, bass traps, and other dampening materials to make acoustic more accurate in specific areas of recording spaces. Acoustic(...) Read More
- Acoustics Acoustics (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-kous-stiks/ Singular: Acoustic What does Acoustics mean? The sonic properties of any space that alters the quality of a sound being played. Acoustics is the sonic properties of any space that alters the quality of a sound being played. Example sentence: "What are the acoustics of this room?" Read More
- Active Active (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /act-tive/ Opposite: Passive What does Active mean? A device with its own built-in power amplifier. Active is a device with its own built-in power amplifier. The opposite of a passive device. Most recording studios monitors are active. Example sentence: "The monitor is active." Read More
- Additive Synthesis Additive Synthesis (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ad-e-tive-sin-tha-sis/ Also spelled or known as: Additive-Synthesis What does Additive Synthesis mean? A form of audio synthesis that outputs sound by mathematically combining harmonics (sine waves) with independently variable frequencies and amplitudes. Additive Synthesis is a form of audio synthesis that outputs sound(...) Read More
- ADSR ADSR (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-d-s-r/ Also spelled or known as: A.D.S.R., A-D-S-R Related: Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release What does ADSR mean? Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release; envelope commonly used to shape a wave form. ADSR – Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release are the four stages of an envelope that describe the shape of a sound over(...) Read More
- ADT ADT (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /A-D-T/ Also spelled or known as: A-D-T, A.D.T, A D T Related: Automatic double-tracking What does ADT mean? Automatic double-tracking; ADT imitates the effect of doubling voices or instruments using double tracking, without the need for the musician to overdub. ADT stands for Automatic double-tracking. Example sentence:(...) Read More
- Advance Advance (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ad-vans/ What does Advance mean? Money paid to an artist or songwriter before the recording or release of a song or recorded work. An advance is a record deal is money paid to an artist or songwriter before the recording or release of a song or recorded work. Example sentence: "His advance was $50k." Read More
- Aftertouch Aftertouch (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /aff-ter-tawch/ Also spelled or known as: After-Touch, After Touch What does Aftertouch mean? A MIDI parameter on most keyboards. Aftertouch is a MIDI parameter on most keyboards. Read More
- AIFF AIFF (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-i-f-f/ Also spelled or known as: A.I.F.F., A-I-F-F Related: WAV, Mp3 What does AIFF mean? Audio Interchange File Format. AIFF is a high-quality audio file format created by Apple. Example sentence: "We bounced it in AIFF." Read More
- Aircheck Aircheck (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /air-check/ Also spelled or known as: Air-Check, Air Check Related: On Air What does Aircheck mean? A recording made of a radio broadcast or TV show. Air Check is a recording made of a radio broadcast or TV show. Aircheck synonyms: Track Example sentence: "Do you have yesterday's aircheck?" Read More
- Aliasing Aliasing (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /a-lia-sion/ What does Aliasing mean? A subtle distortion that occurs in the digital realm when the input frequency is higher than the sample rate. Aliasing is a subtle distortion that occurs in the digital realm when the input frequency is higher than the sample rate. Example sentence: "I added some aliasing." Read More
- Alternating Current Alternating Current (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /alt-er-nate-in-caw-rent/ Also spelled or known as: Alternating-Current Related: AC What does Alternating Current mean? An analog electrical current used to power hardware. Alternating Current (also known as "AC") is an analog electrical current used to power hardware. ‘Alternating’ refers to the sine wave shape of(...) Read More
- Alto Alto (adjective) Type: adjective Pronunciation: /al-toe/ Related: Tenor, Baritone, Countertenor What does Alto mean? High; the highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. Alto means high; the highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. Example sentence: "Can you sing it alto." Read More
- Ambiance Ambiance (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /am-bians/ Also spelled or known as: Ambience Related: Ambient What does Ambiance mean? 1. A sound creating a sense of space or atmosphere. 2. The mood, character and atmosphere of a place or sound. Ambiance is a sound creating a sense of space or atmosphere. Ambience can also mean the mood, character and atmosphere of a(...) Read More
- Ambient Ambient (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /am-bient/ Related: Ambiance What does Ambient mean? A genre of music typically with no drums but includes drawn-out drones and pads. Ambient is a genre of music typically with no drums but includes drawn-out drones and pads. Example sentence: "Please play some Ambient music." Read More
- Amen Break Amen Break (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ay-men-break/ Also spelled or known as: Amen-Break What does Amen Break mean? One of the most sampled drum breaks of all time originating from Amen, Brother by The Winstons. Amen Break is one of the most sampled drum breaks/patterns of all time originating from Amen, Brother by The Winstons in 1969. Amen, Brother was on their(...) Read More
- Amp Amp (noun) Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /amp/ Also spelled or known as: Amplifier Related: Amplifier What does Amp mean? A device that makes an electronic signal stronger, most often used to increase the volume or power of musical instruments. Amp Synonyms: Amplifier Example sentence: "I just connected my guitar to the Amp." Read More
- Amplifier Amplifier (noun) Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /amp-lee-fy-err/ Also spelled or known as: Amp Related: Amp What does Amplifier mean? A device that makes an electronic signal stronger, most often used to increase the volume or power of musical instruments. Amplifier Synonyms: Amp Example sentence: "Just make sure i'm plugged into the Amplifier." Read More
- Amplitude Amplitude (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /amp-lee-tude/ What does Amplitude mean? The loudness or height of a waveform. Amplitude is the loudness or height of a waveform. The higher the hight of the waveform, the louder it is, the lower the quieter it is. An amplitude of 0 (or -∞dB) means silence. Amplitude Synonyms: dB Example sentence: "What is the Amplitude of the(...) Read More
- Analog Analog (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /ana-log/ Also spelled or known as: Analogue What does Analog mean? Audio technology that doesn't use any digital components. Example sentence: "We recorded one of the songs analog." Read More
- Analogue Analog (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /ana-log/ Also spelled or known as: Analogue What does Analog mean? Audio technology that doesn't use any digital components. Example sentence: "We recorded one of the songs analog." Read More
- Arp Arp (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /arp/ Related: Arpeggio What does Arp mean? A chord played in a series of repeating steps instead of simultaneously. Arp (also known as "Arpeggio") is a chord played in a series of repeating steps instead of simultaneously. Example sentence: "I want to put an arp on it." Read More
- Arpeggiator Arpeggiator (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /ar-peg-gia-tor/ What does Arpeggiator mean? A MIDI effect that turns a static chord into an arpeggio. Arpeggiator is a MIDI effect that turns a static chord into an arpeggio. Read More
- Arpeggio Arpeggio (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ar-peh-geo/ Related: Arp What does Arpeggio mean? A chord played in a series of repeating steps instead of simultaneously. Arpeggio (also known as "Arp") is a chord played in a series of repeating steps instead of simultaneously. Example sentence: "He used an Arpeggio in the song." Read More
- Arrangement Arrangement (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-range-ment/ What does Arrangement mean? The way a song is arranged, the way sections and instruments are laid out in a track/song. Arrangement is the way a song is arranged, the way sections and instruments are laid out in a track/song. Arrangement is usually referred to as Structure and Instrumentation. Arrangement(...) Read More
- Artist Artist (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /art-ist/ Related: Recording Artist What does Artist mean? Someone who creates music and releases it. An artist is someone who creates music and releases it. An artist can be a musician, rapper, songwriter, vocalist, or more. Artist synonyms: Recording Artist, Musician, Rapper, Songwriter, Vocalist, Lyricists Example sentence:(...) Read More
- Arturia Arturia (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ar-tu-ria/ What does Arturia mean? A hardware and software manufacturer that created a lot of analog and analog-modeled equipment. Arturia is a hardware and software manufacturer that created a lot of analog and analog-modeled equipment. Arturia created the V Collection, a collection of synths modeling famous analog synthesizers. Read More
- ASCAP ASCAP (A.S.C.A.P) (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /as-cap/ Also spelled or known as: A.S.C.A.P What does ASCAP mean? The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. ASCAP (also known as A.S.C.A.P) stands for The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. ASCAP is an American performing rights organization that protects its members' musical(...) Read More
- Assignment Assignment (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /as-ain-ment/ What does Assignment mean? The transfer of the rights of a song or catalog from one copyright holder to another. An assignment is the transfer of the rights of a song or catalog from one copyright holder to another. Example sentence: "The deal had an assignment." Read More
- Atmosphere Atmosphere (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /at-mos-fair/ Related: Atmospheric What does Atmosphere mean? A sonic effect created by adding reverb. Atmosphere is a sonic effect created by adding reverb. Atmosphere is typically known as the background of a record and creates a feeling. Example sentence: "I like the atmosphere of this song." Read More
- Attack Attack (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-tak/ Plural: Attacks Related: A.D.S.R., ADSR What does Attack mean? 1. The very beginning of a sound. 2. The amount of time it takes after a sound begins for a sound processor to begin working. Typically measured in milliseconds (ms). Example sentence: "Can you make the attack a bit faster." ADSR – Attack, Sustain,(...) Read More
- Attenuation Attenuation (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-ten-nu-ation/ What does Attenuation mean? The lowering of the loudness of a signal. Attenuation is the lowering of the loudness of a signal, attenuation is measured in decibels (dB). The attenuation knob on a device or a plugin is used to reduce increased loudness that can be created by other effects, such as distortion or(...) Read More
- AU AU (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /a-u/ Also spelled or known as: A.U., A-U What does AU mean? Audio Unit, a plugin format created by Apple. Audio Unit is compatible with macOS only. Example sentence: "Send me the AU file." Read More
- Audacity Audacity (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /aw-daah-sit-e/ What does Audacity mean? Audacity is an audio editor used to edit audio. Audacity is an audio editor used to edit audio. Audacity is used to create music but doesn't have to functionalities of a DAW like Ableton, FL Studio or Logic Pro. Audacity is available on Windows and macOS. Example sentence: "Remember we used(...) Read More
- Audio Audio (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /aw-deo/ What does Audio mean? Sounds heard in the range of human hearing (~20Hz-20000Hz) or a recording of a sound. Audio is sounds heard in the range of human hearing (~20Hz-20000Hz). Audio is a recording of a sound. Audio Synonyms: Track Example sentence: "Can you please send me the audio from tonight." Read More
- Audio Effect Audio Effect (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /aww-deo-e-fekt/ Also spelled or known as: Audio-Effect Plural: Audio Effects What does Audio Effect mean? Any effect, plugin, processor, or gear that alters the sonic properties of a sound. Audio Effect is any effect, plugin, processor, or gear that alters the sonic properties of a sound. An audio effect can refer to EQ,(...) Read More
- Audio Engineer Audio Engineer (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /aww-dio-en-jin-neer/ Related: Sound Engineer, Recording Engineer, Engineer, Audio Engineering Plural: Audio Engineers What does Audio Engineer mean? Someone who records, mixes, or masters audio. An audio engineer records, mixes, or masters audio, they usually work in a recording studio or live concert setting. Audio(...) Read More
- Audio Engineering Audio Engineering (noun) Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /aww-dio-en-jin-neer-ing/ Also spelled or known as: Audio-Engineering Related: Sound Engineering, Recording Engineering, Engineering What does Audio Engineering mean? To be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. To be audio engineering is to be to be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. An audio engineer(...) Read More
- Audio Interface Audio Interface (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /aww-dio-in-ter-face/ Related: Interface What does Audio Interface mean? A hardware that can receive and output audio. An Audio Interface (also known as "Interface") is a piece of hardware that can receive audio as an input and also output audio. An interface helps a human interact with a computer or other electronics. A(...) Read More
- Audio Track Audio Track (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /aww-dio-trak/ Related: Tracking, Track What does Audio Track mean? 1. A single audio channel. 2. A full song or recorded sound. 3. A track that stores and plays audio. An audio track can either mean a singular audio channel in the production process, a track that stores and plays audio, or a a full song or recorded(...) Read More
- Author Author (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /awth-or/ Plural: Authors Related: Authorship What does Author mean? The creator of a work that can be copyrighted. An author is the creator of a work that can be copyrighted. Author synonyms: Composer, Writer, Singer Example sentence: "Who is the author of this?" Read More
- Automation Automation (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /aww-to-mae-tion/ What does Automation mean? The modulation of a parameter over time. Automation is the modulation of a parameter over time, like a filter sweep or volume change. Read More
- Aux Channel Aux Channel (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ox-chan-nel/ Also spelled or known as: Aux-Channel Plural: Aux Channels What does Aux Channel mean? A send or return channel for additional parallel processing of multiple sources at once. Aux Channel is a send or return channel for additional parallel processing of multiple sources at once. Example sentence: "I ran it(...) Read More
- Avid Avid (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ah-vid/ Also spelled or known as: Avid Audio Related: Pro Tools What does Avid mean? The creators of Pro Tools. Avid is the name of the company that created and is behind the DAW Pro Tools. Avid Creations: Pro Tools Example sentence: "Avid created Pro Tools." Read More
- B (Note) B (Note) (noun) Type: noun, Musical note Pronunciation: /B-Note/ Also spelled or known as: B, B-note, B note What does B (Note) mean? A musical note. More musical notes: A (Note), C (Note), D (Note), E (Note), F (Note) Example sentence: "Can you please do that again in a B note." Read More
- Balance Balance (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /bal-ans/ Also spelled or known as: Tonal balance What does Balance mean? The relative level of two or more sounds, voices, instruments, etc. Balance is the relative level of two or more sounds, voices, instruments, etc. Balance is important in audio because it levels out the different volumes in music so that they do not interfere(...) Read More
- Band Pass Filter Band Pass Filter (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /band-pass-fil-ter/ Also spelled or known as: BandPassFilter, Band-Pass-Filter What does Band Pass Filter mean? A type of filter that acts as both a low-pass and a high-pass, and only allows a narrow range of frequencies through. Band Pass Filter is a type of filter that acts as both a low-pass and a high-pass, and only(...) Read More
- Band Reject Filter Band Reject Filter (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /band-ree-jekt-fil-ter/ Also spelled or known as: Band-Reject Filter, BandReject Filter Related: Notch Filter, Band Stop Filter What does Band Reject Filter mean? A filter that removes frequencies in a specified band within the overall frequency spectrum. A Band Reject Filter (also known as a Notch Filter or Band Stop(...) Read More
- Band Stop Filter Band Stop Filter (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /band-stop-fil-ter/ Also spelled or known as: Band-Stop Filter, BandStop Filter Related: Notch Filter, Band Reject Filter What does Band Stop Filter mean? A filter that removes frequencies in a specified band within the overall frequency spectrum. A Band Stop Filter (also known as a Notch Filter or Band Reject Filter) is(...) Read More
- Bandwidth Bandwidth (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /band-with/ Also spelled or known as: Band-Width What does Bandwidth mean? The range of frequencies in an audio signal. Bandwidth is the range of frequencies in an audio signal. Example sentence: "I think the call dropped because of the bandwidth." Read More
- Bank Bank (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /baink/ Also spelled or known as: Soundbank What does Bank mean? A group of presets that can be loaded onto a synth. A Bank (also known as a "Soundbank") is a group of presets that can be loaded onto a synth. Bank Synonyms: Soundbank Example sentence: "I have it on a bank." Read More
- Bar Bar (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /bar/ Plural: Bars What does Bar mean? A line in a song. A bar is a line in a song, a bar can also be used as slang for lines that are really clever. Multiple clever lines on a rap song are usually referred to as "bars". Example sentence: "I'm trying to find a new bar to add to this song." Read More
- Bass Bass (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /bace/ Opposite: Treble What does Bass mean? The lower range of audio frequencies between 60Hz-250Hz. A reference value. Bass is the lower frequencies in a sound – typically from ~60Hz to ~250Hz. Bass Synonyms: Lows, Low end, Sub-bass Example sentence: "Let's add some bass to the last record." Read More
- Bass Music Bass Music (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /bass-mu-sik/ Also spelled or known as: Bass-Music Related: Bass What does Bass Music mean? A category of EDM music that features low and deep sound. Bass Music is a category of EDM music that features low and deep sound. Bass Music genre includes dubstep, trap, bass house, drum and bass and many more Example sentence: "I(...) Read More
- Bassline Bassline (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /bass-line/ Also spelled or known as: Bass-line, Bass line Related: Bass What does Bassline mean? The notes pattern filling up the bass/low frequency area of the frequency spectrum. Bassline is the notes pattern filling up the bass/low frequency area of the frequency spectrum. The bass has a low frequency. A bassline can be(...) Read More
- Beat Beat (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /beet/ What does Beat mean? 1. The rhythm of music. 2. A single stroke of a rhythmic accent. 3. An instrumental or a combination of instruments without words. A beat can mean the rhythm of music, a single stroke of a rhythmic accent, or an instrumental/a combination of instruments without words. Beat Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Beat drop Beat drop (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /beet-drahp/ Also spelled or known as: Beat-drop What does Beat drop mean? A point in a song where a sudden change of rhythm or bass line occurs. Beat drop (also known as a "Drop") is a point in a song where a sudden change of rhythm or bass line occurs. In a drop, the tension is built up and then released on the "drop". Beat(...) Read More
- Beat Machine Beat Machine (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /beat-mash-een/ Also spelled or known as: Beat-Machine Plural: Beat Machines What does Beat Machine mean? A programmable electronic musical instrument that creates percussion sounds, drum beats, and patterns. A beat machine (also known as a drum machine) is a programmable electronic musical instrument that creates percussion(...) Read More
- Beat Repeat Beat Repeat (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /beat-re-peat/ Also spelled or known as: Beat-Repeat Related: Beat What does Beat Repeat mean? An effect that takes audio as an input and repeats the audio back at timed intervals to create a glitch effect. Beat Repeat is an effect that takes audio as an input and repeats the audio back at timed intervals to create a glitch(...) Read More
- Beatmatch Beatmatch (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /beat-match/ Also spelled or known as: Beat-match, Beat match Related: Beatmatching What does Beatmatch mean? A DJing process where two or more tracks are matched in tempo and key for a seamless transition between them. A DJing process where two or more tracks are matched in tempo and key for a seamless transition between them.(...) Read More
- Beatmatching Beatmatching (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /beat-match-in/ Also spelled or known as: Beatmatchin', Beat matching, Beat-matching Related: Beatmatching What does Beatmatching mean? To be matching two or more tracks in tempo and key for a seamless transition between them. Beatmatching is matching two or more tracks in tempo and key for a seamless transition between(...) Read More
- Beats Beats (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /beets/ Singular: Beat What does Beats mean? 1. Instrumentals or a combination of instruments without words. 2. Strokes of a rhythmic accent. Beats are instrumentals or a combination of instruments without words. Beats can also mean Strokes of a rhythmic accent. Beats Synonyms: Instrumentals Example sentence: "Do you have(...) Read More
- Beats Per Minute Beats Per Minute (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /beats-per-min-it/ Also spelled or known as: BPM Related: BPM What does Beats Per Minute mean? The number of steady even pulses occurring in one (1) minute in music. Beats Per Minute (also known as BPM) is the number of steady even pulses occurring in one (1) minute in music. Beats Per Minute Synonyms: Tempo,(...) Read More
- Bell Bell (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /behl/ Plural: Bells What does Bell mean? What is a Bell? A idiophone percussion instrument that sounds like or resembles a real bell. A bell is an idiophone percussion instrument that sounds like or resembles a real bell. Example sentence: "Let's try to add a bell there." Read More
- Bell Curve Bell Curve (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /bell-kurve/ Also spelled or known as: Bell-Curve What does Bell Curve mean? The most common curve on a parametric EQ, used to boost or cut a band of frequencies naturally. Bell Curve is the most common curve on a parametric EQ, used to boost or cut a band of frequencies naturally. Read More
- Bi-Directional Bi-Directional (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /by-dy-rek-tion-al/ Also spelled or known as: Bi Directional, Bidirectional Related: Directional What does Bi-Directional mean? A type of microphone pattern that picks up sound from the front and back, but not the sides. A Bi-Directional microphone picks up sound from the front and back, but not the(...) Read More
- Bit Depth Bit Depth (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /bit-dept/ Also spelled or known as: Bit-Depth What does Bit Depth mean? The number of bits allowed for the dynamic range of an audio recording. Bit Depth is the number of bits allowed for the dynamic range of an audio recording. Most music recording today is formatted to 16-bit or 24-bit. A larger bit depth means a wider dynamic(...) Read More
- Bitrate Bitrate (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /bit-rate/ Also spelled or known as: Bit-rate, Bit rate What does Bitrate mean? The number of bits that are in an audio file every second, measured in kbps. Bitrate is the number of bits that are in an audio file every second, measured in kbps. Can be CBR (constant) or VBR (variable), an MP3 can store 320kbps compared to a WAV which(...) Read More
- Bitwig Studio Bitwig Studio (noun) Type: noun, DAW Pronunciation: /bit-wig-stu-dio/ Also spelled or known as: Bitwig-Studio, Bitwig, BitwigStudio Related: Logic Pro, Ableton Live (Ableton), GarageBand, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, FL Studio, Reaper What does Bitwig Studio mean? A DAW created by Bitwig. Bitwig Studio is a DAW created by Bitwig. The DAW is available for macOS, Windows,(...) Read More
- Blanket License Blanket License (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /blank-et-lie-sens/ Related: Licensor, Licensee, License What does Blanket License mean? A license that allows unlimited access to use an entire library of songs during the term of a license for a single fee. A Blanket License is a type of license that allows the licensee (like a Radio station) unlimited access to use an(...) Read More
- BMI BMI (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /B-M-I/ Also spelled or known as: B M I, B.M.I. What does BMI mean? Broadcast Music Incorporated. BMI stands for Broadcast Music Incorporated. BMI is an American performing rights organization that protects its members' musical copyrights. BMI tracks performances of their music and collects (and distributes) the fees associated with(...) Read More
- Boom Boom (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /boom/ Related: Boom Stand, Boom Arm What does Boom mean? An arm that attaches to a stand and extends the microphone out horizontally. A microphone "boom" (also known as "boom arm") is an arm that attaches to the stand and extends the microphone out horizontally. A "boom arm" attaches to the top of the stand so the microphone can move(...) Read More
- Boom Arm Boom Arm (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /boo-arm/ Related: Boom Stand, Boom Plural: Boom Arms What does Boom Arm mean? An arm that attaches to a stand and extends the microphone out horizontally. A "boom arm" (also known as "boom") is an arm that attaches to the stand and extends the microphone out horizontally. A "boom arm" attaches to the top of the stand so the(...) Read More
- Boom Stand Boom Stand (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /boom-stand/ Also spelled or known as: Boomstand, Boom-Stand Related: Boom, Boom Arm What does Boom Stand mean? A microphone stand with a "boom arm", an arm that attaches to the stand and extends the microphone out horizontally. A microphone stand with a "boom arm", an arm that attaches to the stand and extends the microphone(...) Read More
- Boost Boost (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /boost/ What does Boost mean? An EQ adjustment that increases the gain of a frequency spectrum. Boost is an EQ adjustment that increases the gain of a frequency spectrum. Example sentence: "Let's give it a boost." Read More
- Booth Booth (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /booth/ Also spelled or known as: Vocal booth Related: Vox, Vocals, Vocal booth Plural: Booths What does Booth mean? An enclosed space with soundproofing and isolation designed to record vocals in. Booths (also known as "the booth") are usually acoustically treated and inside of a recording studio room. Booth Synonyms: Vocal(...) Read More
- Bootleg Bootleg (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /boot-leg/ What does Bootleg mean? 1. A remix of a song without permission or to remix without permission. 2. An unofficial copy of something. Bootleg is a remix of a song without permission or an unofficial copy of something. Bootleg synonyms: Remix Example sentence: "This song is a bootleg version." Read More
- Bounce Bounce (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /bowns/ Related: Bounced, Bouncing What does Bounce mean? 1. An audio that is exported within a DAW to a format like WAV or MP3. 2. To export an audio. Example sentence: "I'm going to send you the bounce when its done bouncing." Read More
- Bouncing Bouncing (verb) Type: verb Pronunciation: /bounce-in/ Also spelled or known as: Bouncin' Related: Bounce, Bounced What does Bouncing mean? To be exporting a track in an MP3, WAV or other format. Example sentence: "I'm bouncing the record right now broski." Read More
- BPM BPM (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /B-P-M/ Also spelled or known as: B-P-M, B.P.M, B P M, Beats Per Minute Related: Beats Per Minute What does BPM mean? Beats Per Minute. BPM stands for Beats Per Minute; BPM is the number of steady even pulses occurring in one (1) minute in music. BPM Synonyms: Tempo, Beats Per Minute Example sentence: "What's the BPM(...) Read More
- Brass Brass (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /brahs/ What does Brass mean? What is a Brass? An acoustic brass instrument or a type of sound that resembles a brass instrument. Brass is an acoustic brass instrument or a type of sound that resembles a brass instrument. Example sentence: "Let's add a brass in between." Read More
- Break Break (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /brayk/ Related: Breakdown, Breakbeat, Breaks, Breakbeats Also spelled or known as: The break Plural: Breaks, Breakbeats What does Break mean? A simplified section of a track. The break is a simplified section of a track. The break is typically where the track is simplified to just drums and/or percussions. Some breaks don't(...) Read More
- The Breakdown Break (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /brayk/ Related: Breakdown, Breakbeat, Breaks, Breakbeats Also spelled or known as: The break Plural: Breaks, Breakbeats What does Break mean? A simplified section of a track. The break is a simplified section of a track. The break is typically where the track is simplified to just drums and/or percussions. Some breaks don't(...) Read More
- Break down Break (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /brayk/ Related: Breakdown, Breakbeat, Breaks, Breakbeats Also spelled or known as: The break Plural: Breaks, Breakbeats What does Break mean? A simplified section of a track. The break is a simplified section of a track. The break is typically where the track is simplified to just drums and/or percussions. Some breaks don't(...) Read More
- Breakbeat Breakbeat (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /brayk-beat/ Also spelled or known as: Break-beat, Break beat Related: Break, Breakdown, Breaks, Breakbeats Plural: Breakbeats What does Breakbeat mean? A repeated drum beat pattern. The breakbeat is a repeated drum beat pattern in a track. Breakbeat Synonyms: Break, Breakdown Example sentence: "I'm gonna use this(...) Read More
- Breakdown Breakdown (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /brayk-down/ Also spelled or known as: The breakdown, Break-down, Break down Related: Break, Breakbeat, Breaks, Breakbeats Plural: Breaks, Breakbeats What does Breakdown mean? A simplified section of a track. The breakdown is a simplified section of a track. The Breakdown is typically where the track is simplified to just(...) Read More
- Break Breakdown (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /brayk-down/ Also spelled or known as: The breakdown, Break-down, Break down Related: Break, Breakbeat, Breaks, Breakbeats Plural: Breaks, Breakbeats What does Breakdown mean? A simplified section of a track. The breakdown is a simplified section of a track. The Breakdown is typically where the track is simplified to just(...) Read More
- Breakbeat Breakdown (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /brayk-down/ Also spelled or known as: The breakdown, Break-down, Break down Related: Break, Breakbeat, Breaks, Breakbeats Plural: Breaks, Breakbeats What does Breakdown mean? A simplified section of a track. The breakdown is a simplified section of a track. The Breakdown is typically where the track is simplified to just(...) Read More
- Breaks Breaks (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /brayks/ Related: Breakdown, Breakbeat, Break, Breakbeats Also spelled or known as: The breaks Singular: Break, Breakbeat What does Breaks mean? Simplified sections of a track. Breaks are simplified sections of a track(s). The break is typically where the track is simplified to just drums and/or percussions. Some breaks don't(...) Read More
- Breakbeats Breaks (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /brayks/ Related: Breakdown, Breakbeat, Break, Breakbeats Also spelled or known as: The breaks Singular: Break, Breakbeat What does Breaks mean? Simplified sections of a track. Breaks are simplified sections of a track(s). The break is typically where the track is simplified to just drums and/or percussions. Some breaks don't(...) Read More
- Brickwall Filter Brickwall Filter (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /brick-wall-fil-ter/ What does Brickwall Filter mean? What is a Brickwall Filter? An advanced type of low-pass or high-pass filter with a very steep slope (dB/oct), resembling a brick wall becuase of the rolloff. A Brickwall Filter is an advanced type of low-pass or high-pass filter with a very steep slope (dB/oct), resembling(...) Read More
- Bridge Bridge (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /bridge/ What does Bridge mean? A section that connects two parts of a song. A bridge musically and lyrically is a section that connects two parts of a song. A bridge can be used to combat repetitiveness. Example sentence: "Im going to re-rewite the bridge today." Read More
- Brown Noise Brown Noise (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /brown-noise/ Also spelled or known as: Brown-Noise, Brownnoise What does Brown Noise mean? A type of noise that is denser in the low end and has less high-frequencies than both pink and white noise. Brown Noise is a type of noise that is denser in the low end and has less high-frequencies than both pink and white(...) Read More
- Browser Browser (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /brow-zer/ What does Browser mean? What is a Browser? A feature on most DAWs for browsing files like samples, effects, plugins, presets, stock content, & more. A browser is a feature on most DAWs for browsing files like samples, effects, plugins, presets, stock content, & more. Example sentence: "Can you find a new 808 with the browser." Read More
- Build Build (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /bild/ Related: Build up What does Build mean? A section of a track that leads into a drop. A build (sometimes known as build up) is a section of a track that leads into a drop. A build creates excitement and anticipation for the drop. Build Synonyms: Build up Example sentence: "I like the first build better, it's louder and a(...) Read More
- Build up Build up (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /bild-up/ Also spelled or known as: Build-up, Buildup Related: Build What does Build up mean? A section of a track that leads into a drop. A Build up (sometimes spelled build-up or buildup) is a section of a track that leads into a drop. A build up creates excitement and anticipation for the drop. Build up Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Bus Bus (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /bus/ Also spelled or known as: Buss What does Bus mean? An auxiliary track that is assigned audio from multiple tracks in a DAW for group audio processing. Bus is a an auxiliary track that is assigned audio from multiple tracks in a DAW for group audio processing. A bus may group vocals, piano, and synthesizers together after their(...) Read More
- Buss Buss (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /buss/ Also spelled or known as: Bus What does Buss mean? What is a Buss? A track that is assigned audio from multiple tracks in a DAW for group audio processing. Buss is a an auxiliary track that is assigned audio from multiple tracks in a DAW for group audio processing. A bus may group vocals, piano, and synthesizers together after(...) Read More
- C (Note) C (Note) (noun) Type: noun, Musical note Pronunciation: /C-Note/ Also spelled or known as: C, C-note, C note What does C (Note) mean? A musical note. More musical notes: A (Note), B (Note), D (Note), E (Note), F (Note) Example sentence: "Make that more like a C note." Read More
- Cable Cable (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kayb-ull/ Plural: Cables What does Cable mean? What is a Cable? A cord that can connect devices together by transmitting audio or some form of digital/analogue data. A cable is a cord that can connect devices together by transmitting audio or some form of digital/analogue data. Example sentence: "Can you pass me the cable on the(...) Read More
- CAPASSO CAPASSO (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /cap-ah-so/ or /c-a-p-a-s-s-o/ Also spelled or known as: C.A.P.A.S.S.O., C-A-P-A-S-S-O What does CAPASSO mean? Composers, Authors, and Publishers Association. CAPASSO stands for Composers, Authors, and Publishers Association. CAPASSO is a South African organization that administers the mechanical right in the composition’s(...) Read More
- Cardioid Cardioid (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kar-diod/ Also spelled or known as: Cardioid Microphone, Cardioid Pattern, Unidirectional Microphone, Unidirectional Pattern Related: Unidirectional What does Cardioid mean? A type of microphone with a heart-shaped pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it. A Unidirectional (also known as "Cardioid")(...) Read More
- Cardioid Microphone Cardioid Microphone (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kar-diod-micro-fone/ Also spelled or known as: Cardioid, Unidirectional Microphone, Unidirectional Pattern Related: Unidirectional Cardioid Microphone, Cardioid What does Cardioid Microphone mean? A type of microphone with a heart-shaped pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it. A(...) Read More
- Cardioid Pattern Cardioid Pattern (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kar-diod-pat-ern/ Also spelled or known as: Cardioid, Cardioid Pattern, Unidirectional Microphone, Unidirectional Pattern Related: Cardioid, Unidirectional Pattern What does Cardioid Pattern mean? A heart-shaped microphone pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it. A Cardioid pattern (also(...) Read More
- Catalog Catalog (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cat-ah-log/ Related: Music Catalog What does Catalog mean? A collection of musical works by an artist. A Catalog is a collection of musical works by an artist. Catalog Synonyms: Discography, Music Catalog, Demos, Works Example sentence: "Drake has a great catalog." Read More
- CBR CBR (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /C-B-R/ Also spelled or known as: C-B-R, C.B.R., C B R What does CBR mean? Constant Bit Rate. CBR stands for Constant Bit Rate. Opposite of VBR (Variable Bit Rate), CBR (Constant Bit Rate) refers to the encoding of an MP3 at a consistent bitrate over the entire duration of the file. Read More
- CD CD (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /C-D/ Also spelled or known as: C-D, C.D., C D Related: CD player What does CD mean? Compact Disc. A physical disk for audio. CD stands for Compact Disc. Example sentence: "My friend has a CD signed by Alice." Read More
- Channel Channel (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /chan-nell/ Plural: Channels What does Channel mean? An audio path going from one source (input) to another source (output). A channel is an audio path from input to output, similar to a bus. Channel Synonyms: Bus Example sentence: "Can you please see if I have the cord in the right channel." Read More
- Chorus Chorus (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /ko-rus/ Related: Hook What does Chorus mean? 1. A time-based effect that adds multiple delays. 2. The part of a song that is repeated throughout the song. 3. A musical singing group with many singers. Chorus can mean multiple things, a chorus can be a time-based effect that adds multiple delays creating a "detuning"(...) Read More
- Codec Codec (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ko-dek/ Plural: Codecs What does Codec mean? An algorithm standard that compresses audio into a particular format for the purposes of reducing file size. Codec is an algorithm standard that compresses audio into a particular format for the purposes of reducing file size (e.g. MP3, Windows Media Audio (WMA), Dolby Digital and(...) Read More
- Collab Collab (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /koal-ab/ Plural: Collabs Related: Collaborate, Collabing, Collaboration, Collabed What does Collab mean? 1. A collaboration; work made by two or more artists. 2. Collaborate; to work together with someone or multiple people. A collab (short for collaboration or collaborate) is a work made by two or more artists or to work(...) Read More
- Collabing Collabing (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /koal-ab-in/ Related: Collaborate, Collab, Collabed, Collaborator What does Collabing mean? To be working together with one or more artists. Collabing (also known as collaborating) is to be working together with one or more artists. Collabing synonyms: Collaborating Example sentence: "We've been collabing for 5 years now." Read More
- Collaboration Collaboration (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /koal-ab-o-ray-tion/ Plural: Collaborations Related: Collaborate, Collabing, Collab, Collabed What does Collaboration mean? Work made by two or more artists. A collaboration (also known as a collab) is a work made by two or more artists. Collaboration synonyms: Partnership, Alliance Example sentence: "we made a(...) Read More
- Collaborator Collaborator (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /koal-ab-ah-rate-or/ Related: Collaborate, Collab, Collabed, Collabing Plural: Collaborators What does Collaborator mean? Someone in a collab. An artist who worked or is working with another artist to create a work. A collaborator is someone in a collab. An artist who worked or is working with another artist to create a(...) Read More
- Commission Commission (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /com-e-tion/ What does Commission mean? Percentage of income paid by musical artists to their representatives. Commission is the percentage of income paid by musical artists to their representatives. Commission Synonyms: Cut Example sentence: "His manager is getting his commission this month." Read More
- Common Time Common Time (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kom-on-time/ Also spelled or known as: 4/4, Common-Time What does Common Time mean? A time signature that determines that there are 4 beats in 1 bar. Common Time (also known as or called "4/4") is a time signature that determines that there are 4 beats in 1 bar. Example sentence: "Yup i just confirmed it's common time." Read More
- Compander Compander (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kom-pan-der/ What does Compander mean? A compressor and expander combined. A compander is a compressor and expander combined into one. Example sentence: "We used the compander on it." Read More
- Comping Comping (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kom-in/ What does Comping mean? A recording process where multiple takes are recorded and the best parts of each take are made into a solid take. Comping is a vocal recording process where multiple takes are recorded and the best parts of each take are made into a solid take. Example sentence: "We were comping the audio." Read More
- Composer Composer (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /com-po-ser/ Plural: Composers What does Composer mean? Someone who composes or writes music. A composer is someone who composes or writes music. Composers write lyrics for songs or for an instrumental track, etc. Example sentence: "I sent the instrumental to the composer." Read More
- Composition Composition (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /com-po-si-tion/ Related: Musical Composition, Original Composition What does Composition mean? A musical work. A composition is a musical work. Composition Synonyms: Writing, Lyrics, Musical Composition, Original Composition Example sentence: "I really like the composition." Read More
- Compression Compression (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /com-preh-sion/ Related: Compress What does Compression mean? A technique to control the dynamic range of a track. Example sentence: "Can you add some compression to the vocals." Read: What is Compression? What does Compression do? Read More
- Compressor Compressor (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /com-press-err/ Related: Compression What does Compressor mean? An audio processor that reduces the dynamic range of an audio signal. Compressor is an audio processor that reduces the dynamic range of an audio signal. Example sentence: "I just opened up the compressor." Read More
- Console Console (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /con-sole/ Plural: Consoles Related: Mixing desk, Mixer, Sound board What does Console mean? A device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, balance, process, and combine sounds. A console is the in person studio version of a DAW. Console Synonyms: Mixing desk, Mixer, Sound board Example(...) Read More
- Control Room Control Room (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kon-troll-room/ Also spelled or known as: Control-Room, Control Booth Related: Live Room What does Control Room mean? A room where audio engineers, music producers, and technicians sit, work, or "control" the session. A control room in a recording studio is usually the main room where audio engineers, music producers,(...) Read More
- Controller Controller (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kon-troll-err/ Plural: Controllers What does Controller mean? A MIDI hardware device that controls the parameters of a piece of software or another device. The controller is a MIDI hardware device that controls the parameters of a piece of software or another device. An example of a controller is a MIDI keyboard. Example(...) Read More
- Copyright Copyright (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cop-e-rite/ Related: Copyright Infringement What does Copyright mean? The exclusive rights granted to authors or original creator/s of a song or work. Copyright is the exclusive rights granted to authors or original creator/s of a song or work. Example sentence: "We own to copyright to a lot of his music." Read More
- Copyright Infringement Copyright Infringement (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cop-e-rite-in-fring-ment/ Related: Copyright What does Copyright Infringement mean? The unauthorized use of a copyrighted work. Copyright Infringement is the unauthorized use of a copyrighted work. Example sentence: "Trust me you don't want to get sued for Copyright Infringement." Read More
- Countertenor Countertenor (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kount-err-ten-orr/ Also spelled or known as: Counter tenor, Counter-tenor Related: Tenor, Baritone, Alto What does Countertenor mean? The highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. Countertenor is the highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. A Countertenor is(...) Read More
- Cover Cover (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cov-err/ Related: Covers, Cover Song Plural: Covers What does Cover mean? An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. A cover is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. Cover Synonyms: Cover version, Cover song, Remake, Revival, Remix Example(...) Read More
- Cover version Cover (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cov-err/ Related: Covers, Cover Song Plural: Covers What does Cover mean? An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. A cover is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. Cover Synonyms: Cover version, Cover song, Remake, Revival, Remix Example(...) Read More
- Cover song Cover (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cov-err/ Related: Covers, Cover Song Plural: Covers What does Cover mean? An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. A cover is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. Cover Synonyms: Cover version, Cover song, Remake, Revival, Remix Example(...) Read More
- Remake Cover (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cov-err/ Related: Covers, Cover Song Plural: Covers What does Cover mean? An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. A cover is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. Cover Synonyms: Cover version, Cover song, Remake, Revival, Remix Example(...) Read More
- Revival Cover (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cov-err/ Related: Covers, Cover Song Plural: Covers What does Cover mean? An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. A cover is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. Cover Synonyms: Cover version, Cover song, Remake, Revival, Remix Example(...) Read More
- Remix Cover (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cov-err/ Related: Covers, Cover Song Plural: Covers What does Cover mean? An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. A cover is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. Cover Synonyms: Cover version, Cover song, Remake, Revival, Remix Example(...) Read More
- Cover Song Cover Song (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/ Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong Related: Cover, Song Plural: Cover Songs What does Cover Song mean? An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
- Cover version Cover Song (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/ Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong Related: Cover, Song Plural: Cover Songs What does Cover Song mean? An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
- Cover Cover Song (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/ Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong Related: Cover, Song Plural: Cover Songs What does Cover Song mean? An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
- Remake Cover Song (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/ Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong Related: Cover, Song Plural: Cover Songs What does Cover Song mean? An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
- Revival Cover Song (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/ Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong Related: Cover, Song Plural: Cover Songs What does Cover Song mean? An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
- Remix Cover Song (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/ Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong Related: Cover, Song Plural: Cover Songs What does Cover Song mean? An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
- Rework Cover Song (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cov-err-sung/ Also spelled or known as: Cover-song, Coversong Related: Cover, Song Plural: Cover Songs What does Cover Song mean? An artist's version of a song that was recorded and released by a previous artist. A cover song (also known as a cover version or cover) is an artist's version of a song that was recorded and(...) Read More
- CPU CPU (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /c-p-u/ Also spelled or known as: C.P.U., C-P-U What does CPU mean? The "brain" of a computer that processes all information. CPU (also known as Central Processing Unit) is the "brain" of a computer that processes all information. Example sentence: "I had to replace my CPU." Read More
- Cycle Cycle (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /cy-cull/ What does Cycle mean? A complete playthrough of a waveform. Cycle is a complete playthrough of a waveform. Cycles occur in one second is measured in Hertz (Hz). Cycle synonyms: Playback Example sentence: "Lets have a cycle of that." Read More
- D (Note) D (Note) (noun) Type: noun, musical note Pronunciation: /D-Note/ Also spelled or known as: D, D-note, D note What does D (Note) mean? A musical note. More musical notes: A (Note), B (Note), C (Note), E (Note), F (Note) Example sentence: "I love the way you did the D note." Read More
- DAW DAW (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /daw/ Plural: DAWs Also spelled or known as: D.A.W, D A W, Digital Audio Workstation Popular DAWS: Logic Pro, FL Studio, GarageBand, Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo What does DAW mean? Digital Audio Workstation. DAW stands for Digital Audio Workstation. A DAW is a software program that(...) Read More
- dB dB (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /des-e-bull/ Also spelled or known as: Decibel Plural: dBs Related: Decibel What does dB mean? The main unit of volume measurement. A dB is relative, as there are several different “scales” of dB’s that are used in audio (most popular dB-FS, along with dB-VU, dB-RMS, & dB-LUFS). Each and every dB scale has a certain function in(...) Read More
- De-esser De-esser (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /de-ess-err/ What does De-esser mean? A processor that reduces sibilance (the "S" sound). Sibilance is the sound of an "s" in words and de-esser reduces it. Example sentence: "We used de-esser on it." Read More
- Decay Decay (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /de-kay/ Plural: Decays What does Decay mean? Decay is the time it takes for a sound to reach sustain level from the attack peak. How fast a sound fades from a certain loudness. Decay is the time from the initial falling off to the sustain level. Example sentence: "I like the decay you have on the song." Read: What is ADSR(...) Read More
- Decibel Decibel (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /des-e-bull/ Also spelled or known as: dB Plural: Decibels Related: dB What does Decibel mean? The main unit of volume measurement. A dB is relative, as there are several different “scales” of dB’s that are used in audio (most popular dB-FS, along with dB-VU, dB-RMS, & dB-LUFS). Each and every dB scale has a certain function(...) Read More
- Delay Delay (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /dee-lay/ Related: Echo What does Delay mean? A technique that takes recorded audio and plays back delayed duplicated to create echoes. Example sentence: "We added a bit of delay to the song." Read: What is Delay? What does Delay do? Read More
- Demo Demo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dem-oh/ What does Demo mean? An example, early, or rough recording of music; may not be mixed, mastered or completed. A demo is usually made to prepare for a proper full recording. Example sentence: "We sent in our demo to a new label last night." Read More
- Digital Audio Digital Audio (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dig-e-tal-aww-dio/ Also spelled or known as: Digital-Audio What does Digital Audio mean? Technology that records, stores, and reproduces sound by encoding an audio signal in digital form instead of analog form. Digital Audio is a technology that records, stores, and reproduces sound by encoding an audio signal in digital(...) Read More
- Digital Audio Workstation Digital Audio Workstation (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dee-jee-tal-aww-deo-work-stay-tion/ Plural: Digital Audio Workstations Also spelled or known as: DAW Popular Digital Audio Workstations: Logic Pro, FL Studio, GarageBand, Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, Bitwig Studio What does Digital Audio Workstation mean? A software program that allows artists,(...) Read More
- Discography Discography (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dis-kog-ah-free/ What does Discography mean? A collection of musical works by an artist. A Discography is a collection of musical works by an artist. Discography Synonyms: Music Catalog, Catalog, Demos, Works Example sentence: "I love Lil Wayne's discography." Read More
- Distortion Distortion (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /dis-tor-tion/ Related: Distorted What does Distortion mean? A technique used to alter or deform recorded audio. Example sentence: "I like rock music with a lot of distortion." Read: What is Distortion? What does Distortion do? Read More
- Distribution Distribution (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dis-tree-bew-tion/ Related: Distro What does Distribution mean? The process of distributing your music to stores and streaming platforms (DSP's). Distribution is the process of distributing your music to stores and streaming platforms (DSP's). Distribution can be done by a label, distribution company, or(...) Read More
- Distro Distro (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dis-tro/ Related: Distribution What does Distro mean? Distribution; the process of distributing your music to stores and streaming platforms (DSP's). Distro (also known as distribution) is the process of distributing your music to stores and streaming platforms (DSP's). Distribution can be done by a label, distribution company, or(...) Read More
- Distribution Distro (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dis-tro/ Related: Distribution What does Distro mean? Distribution; the process of distributing your music to stores and streaming platforms (DSP's). Distro (also known as distribution) is the process of distributing your music to stores and streaming platforms (DSP's). Distribution can be done by a label, distribution company, or(...) Read More
- DJ DJ (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /D-J/ Also spelled or known as: D-J, D.J., D J What does DJ mean? 1. Disc Jockey. A DJ is someone who plays/"spins" recorded music in a live scenario and blends them together by mixing. DJ stands for Disc Jockey. 2. To play/"spins" recorded music in a live scenario and blend them together by mixing. DJ Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Doubling Doubling (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dub-ling/ Also spelled or known as: Doublin What does Doubling mean? Recording sounds or vocals multiple times to get a “thicker” sound. Example sentence: "We might need to do some doubling on that song." Read More
- Drop Drop (noun) Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /drahp/ Related: Dropped What does Drop mean? 1. A point in a song where a sudden change of rhythm or bass line occurs. 2. A release or to release. Drop (also known as a "beat drop") is a point in a song where a sudden change of rhythm or bass line occurs. In a drop, the tension is built up and then released on the "drop". A(...) Read More
- Drum Machine Drum Machine (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /drum-mash-een/ Also spelled or known as: Drum-Machine Plural: Drum Machines What does Drum Machine mean? A programmable electronic musical instrument that creates percussion sounds, drum beats, and patterns. An analog drum machine is a programmable electronic musical instrument that creates percussion sounds, drum beats,(...) Read More
- Dry Dry (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dry/ Also spelled or known as: Dry sound, Dry-sound Opposite: Wet What does Dry mean? Unprocessed sound; a sound with no effects on it. Dry sound is vocals or sounds recorded as is. Example sentence: "The vocals sounded a bit dry. You haven't started a mix have you?" Read More
- Dry sound Dry sound (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dry-sund/ Also spelled or known as: Dry, Drysound, Dry-sound Opposite: Wet sound What does Dry sound mean? Unprocessed sound; a sound with no effects on it. Dry sound is vocals or sounds recorded as is. Example sentence: "The album right now is all dry sound." Read More
- DSP DSP (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /D-S-P/ Also spelled or known as: DSP's, D-S-P, D.S.P, D S P Related: Digital Service Provider What does DSP mean? 1. Digital Service Provider 2. Digital Streaming Platform DSP stands for Digital Service Provider (most used) or Digital Streaming Platform. A Digital Service Provider or a Digital Streaming Platform is a(...) Read More
- Dub Dub (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dawb/ What does Dub mean? 1. A version or copy of a track, sometimes with effects and changes applied. Dub synonyms: Record, Track 2. An electronic style of music formed from reggae in the 1960s, or Dubstep. Dub synonyms: Dubstep Dub is a version or copy of a track, sometimes with effects and changes applied. Dub can also be used(...) Read More
- Dubstep Dub (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dawb/ What does Dub mean? 1. A version or copy of a track, sometimes with effects and changes applied. Dub synonyms: Record, Track 2. An electronic style of music formed from reggae in the 1960s, or Dubstep. Dub synonyms: Dubstep Dub is a version or copy of a track, sometimes with effects and changes applied. Dub can also be used(...) Read More
- Dubstep Dubstep (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dawb-step/ What does Dubstep mean? An electronic style of music formed from reggae in the 1960s, or Dubstep. Dubstep synonyms: Dub Dubstep (also known as "dub") is an electronic style of music formed from reggae in the 1960s. Example sentence: "I used to really love dubstep music." Read More
- Duet Duet (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /do-ett/ Related: Duo What does Duet mean? A musical performance by two people. A duet is a musical performance by two people. Duet stems from the term duo; two voices or instruments together. Example sentence: "They ended the show with a duet." Read More
- Duo Duo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /do-oo/ Related: Duet What does Duo mean? 1. Two voices or instruments together. 2. A musical group of two people. A duo is two voices or instruments together. A duo can also mean a musical group of two(2) people. Example sentence: "Rae Sremmurd is my favorite duo." Read More
- Dynamic Range Dynamic Range (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dy-nah-mik-raing/ Also spelled or known as: Dynamic-Range Related: Dynamics What does Dynamic Range mean? The number of decibels (dB) between the highest and the lowest point in a track's amplitude. Dynamic Range is the number of decibels (dB) between the highest point in the tracks’ amplitude and the lowest point. Low(...) Read More
- Dynamics Dynamics (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dy-nah-miks/ Also spelled or known as: Dynamics Processors Related: Dynamics Processors What does Dynamics mean? 1. The number of decibels (dB) between the highest and the lowest point in a track's amplitude. 2. Volume of music; how loud or quiet a piece of music is 3. A processor to adjust the dynamic range of individual(...) Read More
- Dynamics Processors Dynamics Processors (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /dy-nah-miks-praw-cess-awws/ Also spelled or known as: Dynamics Related: Dynamics What does Dynamics Processors mean? Processors to adjust the dynamic range of individual audio files, tracks, or an overall project. Dynamics Processors are made to adjust the dynamic range of individual audio files, tracks, or an(...) Read More
- E (Note) E (Note) (noun) Type: noun, Musical note Pronunciation: /E-Note/ Also spelled or known as: E, E-note, E note What does E (Note) mean? A musical note. More musical notes: A (Note), B (Note), C (Note), D (Note), F (Note) Example sentence: "I can try and play it in an E note." Read More
- E-Piano E-Piano (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /e-piano/ Also spelled or known as: E Piano What does E-Piano mean? Electronic Piano. E-Piano stands for an Electronic Piano. An electronic piano instrument is common and used in electronic music and Hip-Hop. Example sentence: "I love the sound the E-piano created." Read More
- Early Reflections Early Reflections (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /earl-e-re-fleck-tions/ Also spelled or known as: Early-Reflections What does Early Reflections mean? A continuation of a reverb tail, the initial sound heard when there is natural or algorithmic reverberation. Early Reflections is a continuation of a reverb tail, the initial sound heard when there is natural or(...) Read More
- EDM EDM (noun) Type: noun, acronym, genre Pronunciation: /E-D-M/ Also spelled or known as: E-D-M, E.D.M., E D M What does EDM mean? Electronic Dance Music. EDM (electronic dance music) is the combined term for all genres within the dance music space such as; House, Techno, Trance, Dubstep, Drum & Bass, Garage, Grime, Trap, Ambient, & more. Example sentence: "We went to an(...) Read More
- Effect Effect (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /e-fekt/ Plural: Effects What does Effect mean? Any processing unit (digital or analogue) that can be applied to an audio signal to alter the outcome. An effect is any processing unit (digital or analogue) that can be applied to an audio signal to alter the outcome. When you send an audio signal through an effect, the effect can(...) Read More
- Eighth Note Eighth Note (noun) Type: noun, music notation Pronunciation: /ayth-note/ Also spelled or known as: Eighth-Note, EighthNote Related: Eighth Rest What does Eighth Note mean? A note that lasts 1/8 the duration of a whole note. An Eighth Note (used in music notation) is a note that lasts 1/8 the duration of a whole note. More Notes: Half Note, Quarter Note, Whole Note, A(...) Read More
- Engineer Engineer (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /en-jin-neer/ Related: Sound Engineer, Audio Engineer, Recording Engineer, Engineering Plural: Engineers What does Engineer mean? A recording engineer; someone who records, mixes, or masters audio. An engineer records, mixes, or masters audio, they usually work in a recording studio or live concert setting. Engineer(...) Read More
- Engineering Engineering (noun) Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /en-jin-neer-ing/ Related: Audio Engineering, Sound Engineering, Recording Engineering, Engineer What does Engineering mean? To be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. Engineering is to be to be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. An engineer records, mixes, or masters audio, they usually work in a recording studio(...) Read More
- Ensemble Ensemble (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /en-sam-bull/ Also known as: Musical Ensemble Related: Duo What does Ensemble mean? A group of musicians. An ensemble is a group of musicians. Ensemble Synonyms: Musical ensemble, Duo Example sentence: "I brought an ensemble in to play some stuff." Read More
- Musical Ensemble Ensemble (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /en-sam-bull/ Also known as: Musical Ensemble Related: Duo What does Ensemble mean? A group of musicians. An ensemble is a group of musicians. Ensemble Synonyms: Musical ensemble, Duo Example sentence: "I brought an ensemble in to play some stuff." Read More
- EQ EQ (noun) Type: noun, acronym, effect Pronunciation: /E-Q/ Also spelled or known as: E-Q, E.Q., E Q Related: Equalization, Equalizer What does EQ mean? Equalization. EQ stands for Equalization. An equalizer can be used to add or remove frequency of sounds, groups, and entire tracks. EQ allows you to adjust levels of certain frequencies in a sound without changing(...) Read More
- Erosion Erosion (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /e-ro-sion/ What does Erosion mean? An audio effect in Ableton Live that adds distortion by modulating the signal with a sine wave or noise. Erosion is an audio effect in Ableton Live that adds distortion by modulating the signal with a sine wave or noise. Example sentence: "I like the erosion on that record." Read More
- Exclusive Publishing Agreement Exclusive Publishing Agreement (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ex-clue-sive-pub-leesh-in-ag-ree-ment/ Also spelled or known as: Publishing Agreement What does Exclusive Publishing Agreement mean? A written agreement allowing a music publisher to publish some or all of a songwriter's or composer's work for a certain period of time. An Exclusive Publishing Agreement (also(...) Read More
- F (Note) What does F (Note) mean? A Musical note F (Note) (noun) Type: noun, musical note Pronunciation: /F-Note/ Also spelled or known as: F, F-note, F note What does F (Note) mean? A musical note. More musical notes: A (Note), B (Note), C (Note), D (Note), E (Note) Example sentence: "Put that one in a F note." Read More
- FabFilter FabFilter (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /fab-fil-ter/ What does FabFilter mean? A software company that makes both mixing and creative plugins like Pro-R, Pro-Q, Pro-L, Saturn & more. FabFilter is a software company that makes both mixing and creative plugins like Pro-R, Pro-Q, Pro-L, Saturn & more. Example sentence: "FabFilter made the Pro-R plugin." Read More
- Fade Fade (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /fade/ What does Fade mean? The increase or decrease of volume over time. Fade is usually used to bring sound or a song to a smooth silence or to open up a sound or song. A fade is usually applied to the beginning or the ending of a song. Example sentence: "Let's put a fade at the end of it." Read More
- Fader Fader (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /fade-err/ Related: Fade What does Fader mean? A part of the channel used to control volume. Faders are always a straight line compared to knobs/pots, which are always circular. Example sentence: "Can you please turn the fader down a bit." Read More
- Far Field Far Field (Far Field Monitors) (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /far-field/ Also spelled or known as: Farfield, Far-Field, Far Field Monitors Similar to Far Field: Near Field, Mid Field What does Far Field mean? A type of studio monitors designed to be farther away from the listener's ear. Far Field is a type of studio monitors designed to be farther away from the(...) Read More
- Feedback Feedback (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /feed-back/ What does Feedback mean? An effect that feeds the output signal back into the input signal. Feedback is an effect that feeds the output signal back into the input signal, similar to a delay or distortion, to enhance the effect. The more feedback a delay has, the longer the effect will last. A delay or distortion(...) Read More
- Fiddle Fiddle (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /fid-ull/ Related: Violinist, Violin What does Fiddle mean? A violin; A four-stringed instrument played with a bow. A fiddle is another word for a violin. A fiddle (violin) is a four-stringed instrument played with a bow. A fiddle has a shallow body and is played with a bow by holding it under the chin and moving the bow over the(...) Read More
- Fidelity Fidelity (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /fid-ell-lee-tee/ What does Fidelity mean? The quality of the audio. Fidelity refers to the quality of the audio. High fidelity (also known as Hi-Fi) means high quality, and low fidelity (also known as Lo-Fi) means low quality, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Fidelity synonyms: Hi-Fidelity, Hi-Fi, Lo-Fi Example sentence: "What(...) Read More
- Filter Filter (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /fil-ter/ Plural: Filters What does Filter mean? An effect that only allows a particular band of frequencies to pass through. Filter is an effect that only allows a particular band of frequencies to pass through. Different filter types include low-pass filter, high-pass filter, band-pass filter and band-reject(...) Read More
- FL Studio FL Studio (noun) Type: noun, DAW Pronunciation: /F-L-stu-dio/ Also spelled or known as: FL-Studio, FL, FLStudio Related: Logic Pro, Ableton Live (Ableton), GarageBand, Pro Tools, Bitwig Studio, Cubase/Nuendo, Reaper What does FL Studio mean? A popular DAW created by Image-Line. FL Studio is popular especially among music producers. Creator: Image-Line Example(...) Read More
- FLAC FLAC (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /F-L-A-C/ Also spelled or known as: F-L-A-C, F.L.A.C., F L A C Related: AIFF, Wav, MP3 What does FLAC mean? Free lossless audio codec. FLAC stands for Free lossless audio codec. FLAC files are compressed to nearly half the size of WAV files, with the same sample rate. FLAC maintains the same audio quality as the original(...) Read More
- Flip Flip (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /flip/ What does Flip mean? A remix or re-done version of a song. Flip is a remix or re-done version of a song. Flip Synonyms: Bootleg, Remix, Rework Example sentence: "I made a flip of that song back in the day." Read More
- Flutist Flutist (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /flu-tist/ Related: Flute What does Flutist mean? Someone who plays the flute; a flute player. A flutist is someone who plays the flute. A flute player is known as a flutist. Example sentence: "We need a flutist for the show tomorrow." Read More
- FOH FOH (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /F-O-H/ Also spelled or known as: Front-of-House Related: Front of House What does FOH mean? Front of House; An area in a live venue audio setting where live audio for the show is controlled and mixed. FOH (also known as and stands for "Front of House") is an area in a live venue audio setting where live audio for the show(...) Read More
- Form Form (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /form/ What does Form mean? The pattern of a piece of music. The form is the pattern of a piece of music. Form synonyms: Structure, Arrangement Example sentence: "I didn't like the form of the first song." Read More
- Front of House Front of House (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /front-of-house/ Also spelled or known as: Front-of-House Related: FOH What does Front of House mean? An area in a live venue audio setting where live audio for the show is controlled and mixed. Front of House (also known as FOH) is an area in a live venue audio setting where live audio for the show is controlled and(...) Read More
- FX FX (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /F-X/ Also spelled or known as: F-X, F.X., F X Related: SFX What does FX mean? Short for Effects. FX stands for Effects. Processes or devices used to alter a sound. Popular effects include delay, reverb, chorus, distortion, phaser, and flanger. Example sentence: "Can you add some FX to that loop. It needs something." Read More
- Gain Gain (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /gayn/ What does Gain mean? 1. An increase or decrease in the amplitude of a signal. Gain is generally a synonym for volume, though it’s often used as another word for distortion. 2. Initial sound level of a sound before it goes through an amplifier. Gain can also mean the initial sound or signal level before it goes through an(...) Read More
- GarageBand GarageBand (noun) Type: noun, DAW Pronunciation: /gah-raj-band/ Also spelled or known as: Garage-Band, Garage Band Related: Logic Pro, FL Studio, Ableton Live, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo What does GarageBand mean? A popular DAW created by Apple. Example sentence: "I learned how to make music by using GarageBand." Other DAWS: Logic Pro, FL Studio, Ableton Live, Pro(...) Read More
- Gate Gate (noun) Type: noun, processor Pronunciation: /gait/ Also spelled or known as: Noise Gate, Noise-Gate Related: Noise Gate What does Gate mean? An audio processor that cuts off the volume of an audio once it passes below a certain volume threshold. Gate (also known as "Noise Gate") is an audio processor that cuts off the volume of an audio once it passes below a(...) Read More
- Gating Gating (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /gate-in/ Related: Gate What does Gating mean? A technique to cut out unwanted signals that fall below a specific threshold. Gating is a technique to cut out unwanted signals that fall below a specific threshold. Example sentence: "We used gating on the audio." Read More
- Half Note Half Note (noun) Type: noun, music notation Pronunciation: /half-note/ Also spelled or known as: Half-Note, HalfNote What does Half Note mean? A note that in 4/4 time is worth 2 beats or half of a whole note. More notes: Whole Note, Quarter Note, A note, B note, C note, D note, F note A Half Note (used in music notation) is a note that in 4/4 time is worth 2 beats or(...) Read More
- Headroom Headroom (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /head-room/ Also spelled or known as: Head-Room, Head Room What does Headroom mean? The difference between the highest level a sound can reach and zero decibels on a master channel. Headroom is the difference between the highest level a sound can reach and zero decibels on a master channel; having adequate headroom makes it easy(...) Read More
- Hertz Hertz (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /hurtz/ Related: Hz, kHz, Kilohertz What does Hertz mean? The unit of measurement for frequencies. After 1,000Hz, the unit is measured in Kilohertz (or kHz). 1 Kilohertz (kHz) = 1,000 Hertz (Hz). Hertz Synonyms: Hz Example sentence: "How many Hertz is there on that sound?" Read More
- Hi-Fi Hi-Fi (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /hi-fi/ Also spelled or known as: Hi Fi, HiFi Related: Lo-Fi, Fidelity What does Hi-Fi mean? Hi-Fidelity; high quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Hi-Fi (also known as High-Fidelity) means high quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Hi-Fi synonyms: Hi-Fidelity Example sentence: "We listened to the Hi-Fi(...) Read More
- High-End High-End (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /high-end/ Also spelled or known as: High End, HighEnd Opposite: Low-End What does High End mean? The higher range of audio frequencies above 6kHz. A reference value. High-End (also known as highs) are the higher frequencies in a sound – typically above 6kHz. High End Synonyms: Highs, Top-End, Treble, Air Example sentence:(...) Read More
- Highs Highs (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /highs/ Related: Mids, Lows, High-End, Top-End, Treble, Air What does Highs mean? The higher range of audio frequencies above 6kHz. A reference value. Highs are the higher frequencies in a sound – typically above 6kHz. Usually meant in the context of “highs, mids and lows” in an audio signal. Highs Synonyms: High-End, Top-End,(...) Read More
- Hook Hook (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /hook/ What does Hook mean? The part of a song that is repeated throughout the song. The Hook is the part of a song that is repeated throughout the song. Hook synonyms: Chorus Example sentence: "Guess who wrote the hook on this." Read More
- House House (genre) Type: noun Pronunciation: /hous/ What does House mean? A popular genre of electronic/dance music (EDM) originating in the early ’70s in the US. House is a popular genre of electronic/dance music (EDM) originating in the early ’70s in the US. There are many subgenres of house music, like tech house, jackin house, & more. House music features a four-on-the-floor(...) Read More
- Hymn Hymn (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /hym/ Plural: Hymns What does Hymn mean? A church song of praise. A hymn is a church song of praise. Example sentence: "We are singing a new hymn today folks." Read More
- Hz Hz (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /hurtz/ Related: Hertz, kHz, Kilohertz What does Hz mean? Hertz; the unit of measurement for frequencies. After 1,000Hz, the unit is measured in Kilohertz (or kHz). 1 Kilohertz (kHz) = 1,000 Hertz (Hz). Hz Synonyms: Hertz Read More
- I/O I/O (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /I-O/ Also spelled or known as: I-O, I.O., I O, Input/output Related: Input, Output What does I/O mean? Input/Output. I/O stands for Input/Output. I/O is used in electronics. Example sentence: "Does that device have a I/O?" Read More
- ID3 Tags ID3 Tags (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /I-D-3-Tags/ Also spelled or known as: ID3-Tags What does ID3 Tags mean? Tags on an MP3 or similar audio file that detail the artist name, song name, album name, genre, year, and more. ID3 Tags are tags on an MP3 or similar audio file that detail the artist name, song name, album name, genre, year, and more. Some audio file(...) Read More
- Imaging Imaging (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /im-age-in/ What does Imaging mean? The process of adjusting the stereo image with panning, stereo width effects, and time-based effects. Imaging is the process of adjusting the stereo image with panning, stereo width effects, and time-based effects. Read More
- Input Input (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-put/ Related: Input Gain, Input Impedance, Input Monitoring What does Input mean? 1. The jack or physical spot where a device receives signal. 2. Audio signal that is fed into a channel or effect. Input is the jack or physical spot where a device receives signal. It can also refer to audio signal that is fed into a channel or(...) Read More
- Input Gain Input Gain (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-put-gain/ Also spelled or known as: Input-Gain Related: Input, Input Impedance, Input Monitoring What does Input Gain mean? The amount of gain applied to audio before effects or processing. Input Gain is the amount of gain applied to audio before effects or processing. Input gain may be applied to audio before it is(...) Read More
- Input Impedance Input Impedance (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-put-im-pen-dense/ Related: Input Gain, Input Gain, Input Monitoring What does Input Impedance mean? The opposition to current flow by the first circuits of a device. Input Impedance is the opposition to current flow by the first circuits of a device. Read More
- Input Monitoring Input Monitoring (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-put-mon-e-tor-ring/ Related: Input Gain, Input Impedance, Input What does Input Monitoring mean? A setting on a lot of DAWs to monitor the live input signal coming into the DAW. Input Monitoring is a setting on a lot of DAWs to monitor the live input signal coming into the DAW (this is different than the recorded(...) Read More
- Instrument Instrument (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-stru-ment/ What does Instrument mean? An object or tool used to make music. An instrument is an object or tool used to make music. The three basic kinds of instruments are; wind instruments (which use air to make the sounds); percussion instruments (something being hit to make the sound); and instruments with strings that are(...) Read More
- Instrumental Instrumental (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-stru-ment-tal/ Related: Instrument, Instruments Plural: Instrumentals What does Instrumental mean? A combination of instruments without words/vocals. An instrumental is a combination of instruments without words/vocals. Instrumental Synonyms: Beat Example sentence: "Can you load the first instrumental you played." Read More
- Intellectual property Intellectual property (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-ter-lec-tual-prop-err-tee/ Also spelled or known as: IP, Intellectual-property What does Intellectual property mean? Intangible property resulting from creativity, such as patents, or copyright. Intellectual property (also known as IP) is intangible property resulting from creativity, such as patents, or(...) Read More
- Interface Interface (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-ter-face/ Related: Audio Interface What does Interface mean? A hardware that can receive and output audio. An Interface (also known as "Audio interface") is a piece of hardware that can receive audio as an input and also output audio. An interface helps a human interact with a computer or other electronics. A MIDI (Musical(...) Read More
- Interlude Interlude (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-ter-lood/ Related: Prelude, Postlude What does Interlude mean? An instrumental, song, or piece of music between other songs. An interlude is an instrumental, song, or piece of music between other songs. An interlude is usually between songs on an album. Example sentence: "I like the interlude Frank Ocean did for Kanye." Read More
- Intro Intro (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /in-tro/ Related: Outro What does Intro mean? 1. Opening section of a song or piece. 2. The first song on an album. The intro is short for introduction and has two meanings. 1. Opening section of a song or piece. 2. The first song on an album. Example sentence: "Joe Trufant's album intro is so good." Read More
- IP IP (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /i-p/ Also spelled or known as: Intellectual property What does IP mean? Intangible property resulting from creativity, such as patents, or copyright. IP (also known as Intellectual property) is intangible property resulting from creativity, such as patents, or copyright. IP Synonyms: Intellectual property Example(...) Read More
- IR IR (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /i-r/ Also spelled or known as: I.R., I-R Related: Impulse Response What does IR mean? Impulse Response; an audio file that can be loaded into a convolution reverb to apply a room or space’s natural reverb to any sound. IR stands for Impulse Response, an audio file that can be loaded into a convolution reverb to apply a room(...) Read More
- ISRC ISRC (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /I-S-R-C/ Also spelled or known as: I.S.R.C, I S R C, I-S-R-C Related: ISRC Code What does ISRC mean? International Standard Recording Code; a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for commercial release. An ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for(...) Read More
- ISRC Code ISRC Code (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /I-S-R-C-kode/ Also spelled or known as: ISRC-Code Related: ISRC What does ISRC Code mean? International Standard Recording Code; a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for commercial release. An ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is a 12-character, alphanumeric code assigned to music for(...) Read More
- iZotope iZotope (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /i-zo-tope/ What does iZotope mean? A plugin software company that created Ozone, Iris, RX, & more. iZotope is a plugin software company that created Ozone, Iris, RX, & more. Example sentence: "I got some of these sounds from iZotope." Read More
- J-Pop J-Pop (genre) Type: noun Pronunciation: /jay-pop/ What does J-Pop mean? Japenese Pop Music. J-Pop is Japanese Pop Music, a genre of pop music from Japan characterized by influences such as EDM, R&B, Jazz, & traditional Korean music. More Genres: Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop, EDM, House, Jazz, Rock, Alternative, K-Pop, Dance, Chill, RnB, Example sentence: "I just started listening(...) Read More
- Jack Jack (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /jak/ Related: Mini-jack What does Jack mean? A standard connector for studio monitors, audio interfaces and more. A jack (also called or known as a "1/4” cable) is a connector. A jack is a standard connector for studio monitors, audio interfaces and more. They usually come in 6mm, 3.5mm mini jack and 2.5mm sizes. Example sentence:(...) Read More
- Jackin House Jackin House (genre) Type: noun Pronunciation: /jack-in-house/ Also spelled or known as: Jackin-House What does Jackin House mean? A subgenre of house music similar to tech house. Jackin House is a subgenre of house music similar to tech house but with an old-school influence. More Genres: Rap, Hip-Hop, House, Pop, RnB, K-Pop, J-Pop, Jazz, Rock, Alternative, EDM(...) Read More
- Jitter Jitter (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /jit-err/ What does Jitter mean? The modulation effect that creates randomness to the modulated parameter. Jitter is the modulation effect that creates randomness to the modulated parameter. For example, an LFO might have a jitter control that allows it to drift off its current value to add more of a human feel. Example(...) Read More
- K-Metering K-Metering (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /K-meet-err-ing/ Also spelled or known as: KMetering, K Metering What does K-Metering mean? An audio level metering format which must be used with a monitoring system to set up a calibrated acoustic reference level. K-Metering is an audio level metering format which must be used with a monitoring system to set up a calibrated(...) Read More
- K-Pop K-Pop (genre) Type: noun Pronunciation: /k-pop/ What does K-Pop mean? Korean Pop Music. K-Pop is Korean Pop Music, a genre of pop music from Korea characterized by influences such as EDM, R&B, Jazz, & traditional Korean music. More Genres: Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop, EDM, House, Jazz, Rock, Alternative, J-Pop, Dance Example sentence: "I've been listening to K-Pop lately." Read More
- KBPS KBPS (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /K-B-P-S/ Also spelled or known as: K-B-P-S, K.B.P.S., K B P S What does KBPS mean? Kilobits per second (not kilobytes). KBPS stands for Kilobits per second. Kilobits per second is a data transfer rate or network speed. In music Kilobits is under bitrate. Bitrate is the amount of data processed over a certain amount of(...) Read More
- Key Key (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kee/ Also spelled or known as: The Key What does Key mean? The notes that can be played in a piece of music. The key is the notes that can be played in a piece of music. For example, in the key of C Major, the notes that can be played are C, D, E, F, G, A, and B. Example sentence: "Do you know what key this is in?" Read More
- Keyboard Keyboard (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /key-board/ What does Keyboard mean? 1. A computer keyboard used for typing, also used for producing music in a DAW. 2. A MIDI Keyboard that connects to a DAW to create music. A keyboard is a computer keyboard used for typing, and also used for producing music in a DAW. A keyboard can also mean a MIDI Keyboard that connects to a(...) Read More
- kHz kHz (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kelo-hurtz/ Related: Hertz, Hz, Kilohertz What does kHz mean? Kilohertz; 1000x the unit of measurement for frequencies. 1 Kilohertz (kHz) = 1,000 Hertz (Hz). kHz Synonyms: Kilohertz Read More
- Kilohertz Kilohertz (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kelo-hurtz/ Related: Hertz, Hz, kHz What does Kilohertz mean? 1000x the unit of measurement for frequencies. 1 Kilohertz (kHz) = 1,000 Hertz (Hz). Kilohertz Synonyms: kHz Example sentence: "He measured the song in Kilohertz." Read More
- Knee Knee (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /nee/ What does Knee mean? A control on a compressor that determines how hard the compressor performs when hitting the threshold. Knee is a control on a compressor that determines how hard the compressor performs when hitting the threshold. A hard knee will make the compressor work instantly at the determined ratio, whereas soft knee(...) Read More
- Kontakt Kontakt (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kon-takt/ What does Kontakt mean? A multi-sample plugin created by Native Instruments. Kontakt is a multi-sample plugin created by Native Instruments. Kontakt is an industry standard for multi-samples of traditional instruments, such as guitars, pianos, etc. Created by: Native Instruments Example sentence: "I used Kontakt for(...) Read More
- Korg Korg (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /korg/ What does Korg mean? A Japanese instrument, synth, and drum machine manufacturer. Korg is a Japanese instrument, synth, and drum machine manufacturer. Korg has created a lot of vintage hardware synths. Example sentence: "Korg made this synth." Read More
- Lab Lab (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lab/ Also spelled or known as: The Lab Related: The Lab What does Lab mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Yo Lab (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lab/ Also spelled or known as: The Lab Related: The Lab What does Lab mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Stu Lab (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lab/ Also spelled or known as: The Lab Related: The Lab What does Lab mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Studio Lab (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lab/ Also spelled or known as: The Lab Related: The Lab What does Lab mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- The Yo Lab (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lab/ Also spelled or known as: The Lab Related: The Lab What does Lab mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Recording Studio Lab (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lab/ Also spelled or known as: The Lab Related: The Lab What does Lab mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- The Lab Lab (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lab/ Also spelled or known as: The Lab Related: The Lab What does Lab mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Booth Lab (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lab/ Also spelled or known as: The Lab Related: The Lab What does Lab mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Largo Largo (adverb) Type: adverb Pronunciation: /larg-oh/ Opposite: Presto What does Largo mean? To play or be playing music or an instrument very slowly or at a slow tempo. Largo is to play or be playing music or an instrument very slowly or at a slow tempo. Example sentence: "He played us the piano largo." Read More
- Latency Latency (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /late-en-see/ What does Latency mean? An audio delay between input and output of a signal. Latency is a delay between input from a sound source and output in headphones. Example sentence: "The studio is nice because the latency is all low." Read More
- Lazer Lazer (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /laze-err/ What does Lazer mean? A sound made by a synth using fast-moving pitch envelopes to create a ‘pew pew’ effect. Lazer is a sound made by a synth using fast-moving pitch envelopes to create a ‘pew pew’ effect. Example sentence: "I just applied a lazer on it." Read More
- Lead Lead (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /leed/ What does Lead mean? A synth or sound used to carry the main melody in a track. The lead is a synth or sound used to carry the main melody in a track. Read More
- Legato Legato (adverb) Type: adverb Pronunciation: /leg-ah-toe/ What does Legato mean? To play notes smoothly, without stopping in between notes. Legato is to play notes smoothly, without stopping in between notes. Example sentence: "He played the instrumental legato." Read More
- Level Level (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lev-ull/ What does Level mean? The measurement of the loudness of a sound in decibels (dB). Level is the measurement of the loudness of a sound in decibels (dB). A sound can have different types of levels to it including peak level (actual loudness), RMS (average loudness) and perceived loudness. Example sentence: "What level is it(...) Read More
- LFO LFO (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /L-F-O/ Also spelled or known as: L.F.O. What does LFO mean? Low-Frequency Oscillator. LFO stands for Low-Frequency Oscillator, an LFO is an oscillator typically below the range of human hearing, used as a modulation source to add vibrato, tremolo and other effects to sounds. LFO’s are mostly on synths. Read More
- Library Library (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /libe-rare-ree/ What does Library mean? A feature on DAWs with all of the stock sounds and processors. A collection of stock sounds and processors. A library is a feature on DAWs with all of the stock sounds and processors. A library can also collection of stock sounds and processors. Read More
- License License (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lie-sens/ Related: Licensor, Licensee, Blanket License What does License mean? 1. A legal permit. 2. To authorize a legal permit. A license is a legal permit or to authorize by legal permit. A license grants permission for one person or company to use or perform someone else's song or instrumental track. License Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Licensee Licensee (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lie-sen-see/ Related: License, Licensor What does Licensee mean? The person or entity to whom the work is licensed. A licensee is the person or entity to whom the work is licensed. The person or entity who wants the license, such as a TV show or feature film that licenses a song or composition is a licensee because they have(...) Read More
- Licensor Licensor (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lie-sen-sor/ Related: License, Licensee What does Licensor mean? The owner of the licensed work. Licensor is the owner of the licensed work. The songwriter or composer who created the song or track is usually the licensor. A publisher or entity who has acquired the rights to the song or composition can also be the(...) Read More
- Limiter Limiter (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /lim-it-err/ What does Limiter mean? An effect that acts as a compressor at a ratio of ∞:1, no audio can pass the threshold. Limiter is an audio effect that compresses at a ratio of ∞:1, no audio can pass the threshold. The threshold is typically set to 0dB allowing no audio to clip and allowing maximum loudness when gain is(...) Read More
- Line Line (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /line/ What does Line mean? 1. Any physical channel that audio can pass through. 2. A line/sentence of lyric. Line is any physical channel that audio can pass through. For example, A line might refer to a microphone being used for recording. A line can also be used to refer to a "line" or sentence of lyric, especially in(...) Read More
- LinnDrum LinnDrum (noun) Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /lin-drum/ Also spelled or known as: LM-2 What does LinnDrum mean? A vintage drum machine from/in the 80s. LinnDrum (also called and known as LM-2) is a vintage drum machine manufactured by Linn Electronics between 1982 and 1985. This Machine is responsible for the timbre of disco and related genres in the 80s.(...) Read More
- LM-2 LinnDrum (noun) Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /lin-drum/ Also spelled or known as: LM-2 What does LinnDrum mean? A vintage drum machine from/in the 80s. LinnDrum (also called and known as LM-2) is a vintage drum machine manufactured by Linn Electronics between 1982 and 1985. This Machine is responsible for the timbre of disco and related genres in the 80s.(...) Read More
- Liquid DNB Liquid DNB (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lick-wid-d-n-b/ What does Liquid DNB mean? A subgenre of DNB focused on pads and melodies. Liquid DNB is a subgenre of DNB focused on pads and melodies. Example sentence: "This sounds like liquid DNB." Read More
- Live Live (adjective) Type: adjective Pronunciation: /lie-iv/ Related: Live Recording, Live Session, Live Room What does Live mean? 1. Happening in real time, opposite of previously recorded. 2. A term used to describe an act or performance in front of people in real time. Usually refers to when an artist plays a ‘live set’ instead of a DJ set. 3. A term used to describe a(...) Read More
- Live Recording Live Recording (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /live-re-cord-in/ Also spelled or known as: Live-Recording Related: Live, Live Room, Live Session What does Live Recording mean? A recording session with all musicians are playing simultaneously with no overdubbing. A live recording is a recording session with all musicians are playing simultaneously with no(...) Read More
- Live Room Live Room (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /live-room/ Also spelled or known as: Live-Room Related: Live Recording What does Live Room mean? A large or main room in the recording studio where most of the instrumentalists and/or vocalists perform. The Live Room is a large or main room in the recording studio where most of the instrumentalists and/or vocalists perform.(...) Read More
- Live Session Live Session (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lie-iv-sesh-on/ Related: Live Recording, Live, Live Room What does Live Session mean? A musical jam or a recording session happening in real time, opposite of previously recorded. A live session is a musical jam or a recording session happening in real time, opposite of previously recorded. Example sentence: "We have a live(...) Read More
- LM-2 LM-2 (noun) Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /L-M-2/ Also spelled or known as: LinnDrum What does LM-2 mean? A vintage drum machine from/in the 80s. LM-2 (also called and known as LinnDrum) is a vintage drum machine manufactured by Linn Electronics between 1982 and 1985. This Machine is responsible for the timbre of disco and related genres in the 80s. LM-2(...) Read More
- Lo-Fi Lo-Fi (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lo-fi/ Also spelled or known as: Lo Fi, LoFi, Low-Fi, LowFi Related: Hi-Fi, Fidelity What does Lo-Fi mean? Low-Fidelity; low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Lo-Fi (also known as Low Fidelity) means low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Lo-Fi synonyms: Low-Fidelity Example sentence: "Sometimes(...) Read More
- Lo Fi Lo-Fi (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lo-fi/ Also spelled or known as: Lo Fi, LoFi, Low-Fi, LowFi Related: Hi-Fi, Fidelity What does Lo-Fi mean? Low-Fidelity; low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Lo-Fi (also known as Low Fidelity) means low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Lo-Fi synonyms: Low-Fidelity Example sentence: "Sometimes(...) Read More
- LoFi Lo-Fi (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lo-fi/ Also spelled or known as: Lo Fi, LoFi, Low-Fi, LowFi Related: Hi-Fi, Fidelity What does Lo-Fi mean? Low-Fidelity; low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Lo-Fi (also known as Low Fidelity) means low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Lo-Fi synonyms: Low-Fidelity Example sentence: "Sometimes(...) Read More
- Low-Fi Lo-Fi (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lo-fi/ Also spelled or known as: Lo Fi, LoFi, Low-Fi, LowFi Related: Hi-Fi, Fidelity What does Lo-Fi mean? Low-Fidelity; low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Lo-Fi (also known as Low Fidelity) means low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Lo-Fi synonyms: Low-Fidelity Example sentence: "Sometimes(...) Read More
- LowFi Lo-Fi (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lo-fi/ Also spelled or known as: Lo Fi, LoFi, Low-Fi, LowFi Related: Hi-Fi, Fidelity What does Lo-Fi mean? Low-Fidelity; low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Lo-Fi (also known as Low Fidelity) means low quality audio, in terms of bitrate/sample rate. Lo-Fi synonyms: Low-Fidelity Example sentence: "Sometimes(...) Read More
- Logic Pro Logic Pro (noun) Type: noun, DAW Pronunciation: /loj-ick-pro/ Also spelled or known as: Logic, LogicPro, Logic-Pro Related: FL Studio, Ableton Live (Ableton), GarageBand, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo What does Logic Pro mean? A popular DAW by Apple. Logic Pro is available on macOS only. Example sentence: "We made this in 10 minutes on Logic Pro." Other DAWS: FL(...) Read More
- Loop Loop (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /loop/ Plural: Loops Related: Looping What does Loop mean? 1. A repeating sound or instrumental. 2. To repeat a sound or instrumental. Loop Synonyms: Sample Example sentence: "I just bounced the loop for you." Read More
- Loop Pack Loop Pack (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /loop-pack/ Related: Loop, Loops What does Loop Pack mean? A folder of loops and samples grouped together. A Loop pack is a folder of loops and samples grouped together. They usually contain many different loops and different kinds of samples. Loop Pack synonyms: Sample Pack Example sentence: "I'm looking for the loop pack i(...) Read More
- Looper Looper (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /loop-err/ Related: Loop, Looping, Loop Petal, Looper Petal What does Looper mean? A device for looping audio at a specific time interval. Looper is a device for looping audio at a specific time interval and playing it back in real time. A looper can be used in a live performance. Example sentence: "I used a looper for this one." Read More
- Low-End Low-End (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /low-end/ Also spelled or known as: Low End, LowEnd Related: Lows What does Low-End mean? The lower range of audio frequencies between 60Hz-250Hz. A reference value. Low-End is also known as the bass, the lower frequencies in a sound – typically from ~60Hz to ~250Hz. Usually meant in the context of “highs, mids and lows” in an(...) Read More
- Lows Lows (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lows/ Related: Low-End What does Lows mean? The lower range of audio frequencies between 60Hz-250Hz. A reference value. Lows are also known as the bass, the lower frequencies in a sound – typically from ~60Hz to ~250Hz. Usually meant in the context of “highs, mids and lows” in an audio signal. Lows Synonyms: Low-End, Bass,(...) Read More
- Lyre Lyre (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /lyer/ What does Lyre mean? An ancient U-shaped harp-like string instrument. Lyre is an ancient U-shaped harp-like string instrument. Example sentence: "He owned a rare lyre." Read More
- Mashup Mashup (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mash-up/ Also spelled or known as: Mash-up, Mash up What does Mashup mean? A combination of two or more tracks blended together to create a new track. A mashup is a combination of two or more tracks blended together to create a new track. A mashup usually has similar tempos and elements. Example sentence: "I'm making a 2023 mashup." Read More
- Master Master (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mas-ter/ Related: Mastering, Masters What does Master mean? 1. The original recording(s). 2. To prepare a recording for release and mass distribution, whether to be sold physically or digitally. To master is to prepare a track for release and mass distribution by standardising the mixed track’s loudness, mastering makes sure the(...) Read More
- Mastering Mastering (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mas-ter-rin/ Related: Master, Masters What does Mastering mean? The preparation of a recording for release and mass distribution, whether to be sold physically or digitally. Mastering is the process of preparing a track for release and mass distribution by standardising the mixed track’s loudness, mastering makes sure the music(...) Read More
- Measure Measure (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mesh-err/ What does Measure mean? A specific length of time of a specific number of beats played at a particular tempo. Measure is a specific length of time of a specific number of beats played at a particular tempo. Measure Synonyms: Bar Example sentence: "I'll give you a measure in a bit." Read More
- Mechanical Rights Mechanical Rights (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mek-ah-nik-all-rights/ Also spelled or known as: Mechanical-Rights Related: Rights, Mechanical Royalties What does Mechanical Rights mean? Rights allowing a musical piece or work (song) to be legally reproduced onto different mediums like CDs, tapes, streaming, Mp3 players, etc. Mechanical Rights are rights given,(...) Read More
- Mechanical Royalties Mechanical Royalties (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mek-ah-nik-all-ro-yal-tees/ Related: Rights, Royalties, Mechanical Rights Also spelled or known as: Mechanical-Royalties What does Mechanical Royalties mean? Income paid to an artist, songwriter, or publisher when their mechanical rights are used. Mechanical Royalties are payments from a record company to a(...) Read More
- Metronome Metronome (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /meh-tro-nin/ What does Metronome mean? A device (usually found in DAWs) that audibly reproduces a set tempo, by playing a set of timed clicks. A metronome is a device (usually found in DAWs) that audibly reproduces a set tempo, by playing a set of timed clicks. Metronome Synonyms: Tempo Example sentence: "I'm just gonna use(...) Read More
- Mic Mic (noun) Type: equipment, noun, abbreviation Pronunciation: /mike/ Plural: Mics Related: The stu What does Mic mean? Microphone. Mic is short for microphone. Mic Synonyms: Wire, Recorder Mic in a sentence: "Pass me the mic in the corner." Read More
- Mid Field Mid Field (Mid Field Monitors) (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mid-field/ Also spelled or known as: Midfield, Mid-Field, Mid Field Monitors Similar to Mid Field: Near Field, Far Field What does Mid Field mean? A type of studio monitors designed to be a bit further away to the listener's ear. Mid Field is a type of studio monitors designed to be a bit further away to(...) Read More
- MIDI MIDI (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /MID-E or M-I-D-I/ What does MIDI mean? Musical Instrument Digital Interface. MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A MIDI is an industry-standard language that allows instruments to communicate with each other and able to be played back using DAWS/Digital Audio Workstations. Example sentence: "Do you have a(...) Read More
- Midrange Midrange (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mid-range/ Also spelled or known as: Mid-range, Mid range Related: Mids, Lows, Highs What does Midrange mean? The mid range audio frequencies between 250Hz and 5,000Hz. A reference value. Midrange (also known as mids) are the mid/central range frequencies in a sound – typically between 250Hz and 5,000Hz. Usually meant in the(...) Read More
- Mids Mids (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mids/ Related: Midrange, Lows, Highs What does Mids mean? The mid range audio frequencies between 250Hz and 5,000Hz. A reference value. Mids are the mid/central range frequencies in a sound – typically between 250Hz and 5,000Hz. Usually meant in the context of “highs, mids and lows” in an audio signal. Mids Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Mini-jack Mini-jack (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /min-e-jak/ Related: Jack What does Mini-jack mean? A smaller version of the 1/4” jack used as a headphone connector. A Mini-jack (also called or known as a 3.5mm) is a smaller version of the 1/4” jack used as a headphone connector. It's the standard jack you plug into your phone or laptop (maybe not anymore if you have new(...) Read More
- Minstrel Minstrel (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /min-strel/ Plural: Minstrel What does Minstrel mean? A musician back in the middle ages. A minstrel is a musician back in the middle ages. Example sentence: "We should make it sound like minstrel." Read More
- Mix Mix (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mix/ Also spelled or known as: Mixdown Related: Mixing, Mixes, Mixdown, Mixer What does Mix mean? The process of blending multiple tracks together to create a final audio track. To Mix is to blend multiple tracks together to create a final audio product. This includes adjusting audio levels, eq, dynamics, panning, blending, and(...) Read More
- Mixdown Mixdown (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mix-down/ Also spelled or known as: Mix, Mix Down, Mix-Down Related: Mixing, Mixes, Mixdown, Mixer, Mix What does Mixdown mean? The process of blending multiple tracks together to create a final audio track. The Mixdown is the process of blending multiple tracks together to create a final audio product. This includes adjusting(...) Read More
- Mixer Mixer (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mix-err/ Plural: Mixers Related: Console, Mixing desk, Sound board, Mix, Mixing, Mixdown What does Mixer mean? A device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, balance, process, and combine sounds. A mixer is the in person studio version of a DAW. Mixer Synonyms: Console, Mixing desk, Sound(...) Read More
- Mixer Mixer (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mix-err/ Related: Mix, Mixing, Mixers, Mixdown What does Mixer mean? A physical or virtual device that allows multiple audio channels to have their own volume, dynamics and frequency content which can be adjusted. A mixer is a physical or virtual device that allows multiple audio channels to have their own volume, dynamics and(...) Read More
- Mixing Mixing (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mix-in/ Related: Mixing, Mixes, Mixdown, Mixer What does Mixing mean? 1. To be blending multiple tracks together to create one final track. 2. The process of blending multiple tracks together to create one final track. Mixing is the process of blending multiple tracks together to create a final audio product. This includes(...) Read More
- Mixing Console Mixing Console (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mix-in-con-sole/ Also spelled or known as: Mixing-Console Related: Mixing, Console What does Mixing Console mean? A device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, balance, process, and combine sounds. A mixing console is a device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to(...) Read More
- Mixing desk Mixing desk (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mix-in-desk/ Also spelled or known as: Mixing-desk Plural: Mixing desks Related: Console, Mixer, Sound board What does Mixing desk mean? A device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, balance, process, and combine sounds. A mixing desk is the in person studio version of a DAW. Mixing desk(...) Read More
- Mod Wheel Mod Wheel (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mod-weel/ Also spelled or known as: Mod-Wheel What does Mod Wheel mean? A control on keyboards and synths that allow a particular parameter to be modulated in real time. Mod Wheel is a control on keyboards and synths that allow a particular parameter to be modulated in real time. Example sentence: "Use the mod wheel to create(...) Read More
- Modulate Modulate (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mod-u-late/ What does Modulate mean? To switch from one key to another during a song. Modulate is to switch from one key to another during a song. To key change. Example sentence: "I'll just modulate that part." Read More
- Module Module (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mod-ull/ What does Module mean? A device (typically hardware but can be software) that creates or processes sound. Module is a device (typically hardware but can be software) that creates or processes sound. Modules have a self-contained group of circuits and controls. Most people refer to modules as part of a modular synthesis system,(...) Read More
- Monitor Monitor (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mon-e-tor/ Plural: Monitors What does Monitor mean? 1. A loud speaker used for mixing. 2. The screen of a computer. 3. To quality check music & avoid peaks. A monitor is a type of loudspeaker used in recording studios because of their ‘flat’ frequency response for audio to be recreated as accurately as possible. Monitor(...) Read More
- Monitoring Monitoring (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /moni-tor-rin/ Related: Monitor What does Monitoring mean? The process of listening to the audio being recorded or played back through speakers or headphones. Monitoring is the process of listening to the audio being recorded or played back through speakers or headphones. It is important to monitor the sound accurately to avoid(...) Read More
- Monitors Monitors (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mon-e-tors/ Singular: Monitor Related: Studio Monitors, Loudspeakers What does Monitors mean? 1. Loudspeakers used for mixing. 2. The screens of computers. Monitors are a type of loudspeaker used in recording studios because of their ‘flat’ frequency response for audio to be recreated as accurately as possible. Monitors(...) Read More
- Mono Mono (noun) Type: noun, abbreviation Pronunciation: /mon-no/ Related: Stereo What does Mono mean? A sound that has one source instead of two. Opposite of stereo. Example sentence: "The DJ had the mix on mono." Read More
- Monophonic Monophonic (noun) Type: adjective Pronunciation: /mon-o-foe-nik/ Related: Mono What does Monophonic mean? A word used to reference that only one note can be played at a time on an instrument, synthesizer, or sample. Monophonic is a word used to reference that only one note can be played at a time on an instrument, synthesizer, or sample. Example sentence: "This synth is(...) Read More
- Motif Motif (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /moh-tif/ What does Motif mean? The smallest thematically significant melody of a song. Motif is the smallest thematically significant melody of a song. Example sentence: "Can you please just play the motif." Read More
- MP3 MP3 (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /m-p-3/ Plural: MP3s What does MP3 mean? MPEG Audio Layer III, a lossy audio file format that compresses the audio to save space. MP3 stands for MPEG Audio Layer III Similar to MP3: .WAV Example sentence: "I just sent the MP3 file to the DJ." Read More
- Mud Mud (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mawd/ What does Mud mean? Audio signals in the low mids making mixes sound "muddy" and unclean. Mud is audio signals in the low mids making mixes sound "muddy" and unclean. Mud is typically found in the 200Hz-500Hz range. Example sentence: "I think I can hear some mud in the mix." Read More
- Multi-Sample Multi-Sample (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mul-ti-samp-ull/ Also spelled or known as: Multi Sample What does Multi-Sample mean? An ampler that maps each keyboard note to a different sample. Multi-sample is an ampler that maps each keyboard note to a different sample. This allows an instrument like a piano or guitar to be recorded and mapped to a digital sampler so(...) Read More
- Multitrack recording Multitrack recording (noun, verb) Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /mall-ty-track-in/ Also spelled or known as: Multitrack-recording Related: Multitracking, Track, Tracks, Tracking What does Multitrack recording mean? Recording individual tracks or songs, on computer, recorder or tape. Multitrack recording (also called tracking or multitracking) is the process of(...) Read More
- Multitracking Multitracking (noun, verb) Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /mal-ty-track-in/ Also spelled or known as: Multitrackin', Multi-tracking, Multi tracking, Multi-trackin' Related: Track, Tracks, Multitrack Recording, Tracking What does Multitracking mean? Recording individual tracks or songs, on computer, recorder or tape. Multitracking (also called multitrack(...) Read More
- Music Catalog Music Catalog (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /muu-sik-cat-ah-log/ Also spelled or known as: Music-Catalog Related: Catalog What does Music Catalog mean? A collection of musical works by an artist. Music Catalog is a collection of musical works by an artist. Music Catalog Synonyms: Discography, Catalog, Demos, Works Example sentence: "Kanye West has an amazing(...) Read More
- Music notation Music notation (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mew-sik-ull-no-tay-tion/ Also spelled or known as: Notation, Musical notation, Music-notation Plural: Music notations What does Music notation mean? Symbols used to represent music to write it down. Music notation (also known as "notation" or "musical notation") are symbols used to represent music to write it(...) Read More
- Musical Composition Musical Composition (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mew-sik-all-kom-po-si-tion/ Related: Composition, Original Composition What does Musical Composition mean? A musical work. A musical composition is a musical work. Musical Composition Synonyms: Composition, Writing, Lyrics, Original Composition Example sentence: "The choir played the musical composition." Read More
- Musical Ensemble Musical Ensemble (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mew-sik-ull-en-sam-bull/ Also spelled or known as: Musical-Ensemble, Ensemble, Music Group Related: Duo What does Musical Ensemble mean? A group of musicians. A music ensemble (also known as an ensemble) is a group of musicians. Musical Ensemble Synonyms: Ensemble, Duo Example sentence: "They just signed a new(...) Read More
- Musical notation Musical notation (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mew-sik-ull-no-tay-tion/ Also spelled or known as: Notation, Music notation, Musical-notation Plural: Musical notations What does Musical notation mean? Symbols used to represent music to write it down. Musical notation (also known as "notation" or "music notation") are symbols used to represent music to write it(...) Read More
- Musician Musician (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mu-zee-tian/ What does Musician mean? Someone who creates music and releases it. A musician is someone who creates music and releases it. A musician can be an artist, rapper, songwriter, vocalist, or more. Musician synonyms: Artist, Rapper Example sentence: "I told them I was a staring musician." Read More
- Musicology Musicology (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mu-sik-kaw-loj-e/ What does Musicology mean? The study of music. Musicology is the study of music. Example sentence: "I was born with music in me, I don't need musicology." Read More
- Mute Mute (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /mewt/ What does Mute mean? A control on a track in most DAWs that turns off or silents the audio. The mute button stops the audio or sound of a channel from playing. Transport controls: Record, Play, Pause, Stop, Mute, Rewind, Fast-Forward Example sentence: "Can you please mute the instrumental." Read More
- Native Native (noun) Type: noun, adjective Pronunciation: /nate-ehv/ What does Native mean? A device designed to be used in its current environment. Native is a device that was designed to be used in its current environment. Example sentence: "This machine is native to logic." Read More
- Native Instruments Native Instruments (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /nate-ive-in-stru-ments/ Also spelled or known as: Native-Instruments What does Native Instruments mean? A software and hardware company that created the Komplete, Maschine, and Traktor series. Native Instruments is a software and hardware company that created the Komplete, Maschine, and Traktor series. Example(...) Read More
- Near Field Near Field (Near Field Monitors) (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /near-field/ Also spelled or known as: Nearfield, Near-Field, Near Field Monitors Similar to Near Field: Far Field, Mid Field What does Near Field mean? A type of studio monitors designed to be closer to the listener's ear. Near Field is a type of studio monitors designed to be closer to the listener's(...) Read More
- Needletime Rights Needletime Rights (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /need-ull-time-rights/ Also spelled or known as: Needletime-Rights, Needle time Rights Related: Rights, Mechanical Rights What does Needletime Rights mean? Recording companies and recording artists’ rights to receive royalties when their work is broadcasted in public. Needletime Rights are recording labels and recording(...) Read More
- Noise Gate Noise Gate (noun) Type: noun, processor Pronunciation: /noise-gait/ Also spelled or known as: Gate, Noise-Gate Related: Noise, Gate What does Noise Gate mean? An audio processor that cuts off the volume of an audio once it passes below a certain volume threshold. Noise Gate (also known as "Gate") is an audio processor that cuts off the volume of an audio once it passes(...) Read More
- Noise Reduction Noise Reduction (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /noyz-re-duk-tion/ Also spelled or known as: Noise-Reduction Related: Noise What does Noise Reduction mean? 1. The process of removing noise from a signal. 2. A processor that removes noise from a signal. Noise Reduction is the process of removing noise from a signal. There is also a processor called Noise Reductio(...) Read More
- Nondirectional Nondirectional (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /non-dy-rek-tion-al/ Also spelled or known as: Omni, Omnidirectional Microphone, Omnidirectional Pattern Related: Omnidirectional, Nondirectional Pattern What does Nondirectional mean? A type of microphone pattern that picks up audio from all directions. Nondirectional (sometimes also known as "Omnidirectional")microphones(...) Read More
- Nondirectional Microphone Nondirectional Microphone (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /non-dy-rek-tion-al-mik-row-phone/ Also spelled or known as: Nondirectional, Nondirectional pattern, Omni, Omnidirectional, Omnidirectional Pattern Related: Nondirectional, Omnidirectional Pattern Plural: Nondirectional Microphones What does Nondirectional Microphone mean? A type of microphone that picks up(...) Read More
- Nondirectional Pattern Nondirectional Pattern (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /non-dy-rek-tion-pat-ern/ Also spelled or known as: Omni, Omnidirectional, Omnidirectional Microphone Related: Omnidirectional Pattern What does Nondirectional Pattern mean? 1. A microphone pattern that picks up audio from all directions. 2. A speaker pattern that sends out signals evenly in all(...) Read More
- Nonet Nonet (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /no-net/ What does Nonet mean? A piece of music written for nine instruments or voices. A nonet is a piece of music written for nine instruments or voices, a nonet has nine musicians playing it. Example sentence: "They started the show with a nonet." Read More
- Normalization Normalization (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /nor-mah-li-zay-tion/ What does Normalization mean? The process of increasing or decreasing the amplitude of a sound so the highest peak hits 0dB, or a specified target level. Normalization is the process of increasing or decreasing the amplitude of a sound so the highest peak hits 0dB, or a specified target(...) Read More
- Notation Notation (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /no-tay-tion/ Also spelled or known as: Music notation, Musical notation Plural: Notations What does Notation mean? Symbols used to represent music to write it down. Notation (also known as "music notation" or "musical notation") are symbols used to represent music to write it down. Example sentence: "The notation helped me." Read More
- Notch Filter Notch Filter (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /notch-fil-ter/ Also spelled or known as: Notch-Filter What does Notch Filter mean? A filter used to remove an entire band of frequencies out of the spectrum in a certain range. Notch Filter Synonyms: Band Stop Filter, Band Reject Filter Notch Filter is a type of filter used to remove an entire band of frequencies out of the(...) Read More
- Note Note (noun) Type: noun, music notation Pronunciation: /note/ Related: Rest What does Note mean? A musical sound or the symbol used for it. A note is a musical sound or the symbol used for it. Notes: Half Note, Quarter Note, Whole Note, Eighth Note, A note, B note, C note, D note, F note Example sentence: "What note was that last part in?" Read More
- Octave Octave (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ok-tive/ Plural: Octaves What does Octave mean? A note interval that indicates the same note at a higher pitch. Octave is an interval or difference of pitch of 12 half-steps. Octave is a note interval that indicates the same note at a higher pitch. Octaves are always multiples of the same frequency. If A4 = 440Hz, then A5 =(...) Read More
- Octet Octet (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /awk-tet/ What does Octet mean? A piece of music written for eight instruments or voices. An octet is a piece of music written for eight instruments or voices, a quartet has eight musicians playing it. Example sentence: "I like the octet they played." Read More
- Omni Omni (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /om-nee/ Also spelled or known as: Omnidirectional What does Omni mean? A type of microphone pattern that picks up audio from all directions. Omnidirectional microphones are great for ambiance, especially field recordings. Example sentence: "Yeah I have an omni mic plugged in right now." Read: What is an Omnidirectional Microphone? Read More
- Omnidirectional Omnidirectional (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /om-nee-die-rek-tion-al/ Also spelled or known as: Omni, Omnidirectional Microphone, Omnidirectional Pattern Related: Nondirectional, Omnidirectional Pattern What does Omnidirectional mean? A type of microphone pattern that picks up audio from all directions. Omnidirectional microphones are great for ambiance, especially(...) Read More
- Omnidirectional Microphone Omnidirectional Microphone (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /om-nee-dy-rek-tion-al-mik-row-phone/ Also spelled or known as: Omni, Omnidirectional, Omnidirectional Pattern Related: Omnidirectional Pattern Plural: Omnidirectional Microphones What does Omnidirectional Microphone mean? A type of microphone that picks up audio from all directions. Omnidirectional(...) Read More
- Omnidirectional Pattern Omnidirectional Pattern (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /om-nee-dy-rek-tion-al-pat-ern/ Also spelled or known as: Omni, Omnidirectional, Omnidirectional Microphone Related: Nondirectional Pattern What does Omnidirectional Pattern mean? 1. A microphone pattern that picks up audio from all directions. 2. A speaker pattern that sends out signals evenly in all(...) Read More
- Omnisphere Omnisphere (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /om-nis-fair/ What does Omnisphere mean? A hybrid synth and sampler created by Spectrasonics. Omnisphere is a hybrid synth and sampler created by Spectrasonics. Omnisphere is a very powerful and allows you to tweak sounds and samples. Creator: Spectrasonics Example sentence: "I love using Omnisphere with FL Studio." Read More
- On Air On Air (adjective) Type: adjective Pronunciation: /on-air/ Also spelled or known as: On-Air Related: Aircheck What does On Air mean? To be live on a radio or television broadcast. On Air is a phrase said and shown when a radio or television broadcast is live or being recorded live. On Air synonyms: Live Example sentence: "We're going on air in 10 minutes." Read More
- One Take One Take (noun) Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /one-tayk/ Also spelled or known as: One Take What does One Take mean? 1. Something recorded one time. 2. To record something one time. One Take is something that was recorded one time. It was recorded in "One Take". Example sentence: "I recorded the song in one take." Read More
- Original Composition Original Composition (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /aww-rig-e-nal-com-po-si-tion/ Also spelled or known as: Original-composition Related: Composition What does Original Composition mean? A composition made, written, and created from scratch. An original composition is a composition made, written, and created from scratch. Example sentence: "We sampled the original(...) Read More
- Oscillator Oscillator (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /osc-ill-a-tor/ What does Oscillator mean? The part of a synth that generates a particular waveform (typically a sine, sawtooth, square or triangle). Oscillator is the part of a synth that generates a particular waveform (typically a sine, sawtooth, square or triangle). An oscillator’s pitch can be changed based on notes or(...) Read More
- Outboard Outboard (noun) Type: noun, equipment Pronunciation: /out-board/ Also spelled or known as: Out-board What does Outboard mean? Any piece of physical equipment or gear that isn't part of a laptop or computer. Outboard is any piece of physical equipment or gear that isn't part of a laptop or computer. Read More
- Outro Outro (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ou-tro/ Related: Intro What does Outro mean? 1. Closing section of a song or piece. 2. The last song on an album. The outro has two meanings. 1. Closing section of a song or piece. 2. The last song on an album. Example sentence: "We are still trying to decide what song to make the outro." Read More
- Ozone Ozone (noun) Type: noun, plugin Pronunciation: /o-zone/ What does Ozone mean? A mastering suite plugin created by iZotope. Ozone is a mastering suite plugin created by iZotope. It features all-in-one mastering tools, including EQ, multiband compression, stereo widening, saturation, and a lot more. Creator: iZotope Example sentence: "I like using Ozone to master." Read More
- Pan Pan (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pan/ Related: Pan Knob, Pan Pot, Panning What does Pan mean? The process of placing a sound in either the left or right speakers. Pan is the process of placing a sound in the stereo field to the left or right speakers. When you pan you place a sound in either the left or right speakers. Example sentence: "Can we pan this record more." Read More
- Pan Knob Pan Knob (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pan-nawb/ Also spelled or known as: Pan-Knob Related: Pan, Pan Pot, Panning What does Pan Knob mean? A control knob used to pan sounds left or right. A Pan Knob (also known as Pan Pot) is a knob in the channel strip used to control the panning of the audio signal in the stereo to the left speaker, the right speaker,(...) Read More
- Pan Pot Pan Pot (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pan-pot/ Also spelled or known as: Pan-Pot, Panpot What does Pan Pot mean? A control knob used to pan sounds left or right. Pan Pot is short for “Panoramic Potentiometer,” a Pan Pot is a knob in the channel strip used to control the panning of the audio signal in the stereo to the left speaker, the right speaker, or somewhere in(...) Read More
- Panning Panning (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pan-in/ Also spelled or known as: Pannin' Related: Pan, Pan Knob, Pan Pot What does Panning mean? To place a sound in either the left or right speaker. Panning is to place a sound in the stereo field in either the left or right speakers. Example sentence: "I was panning early to see what it would sound like." Read More
- Parallel Parallel (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /peh-rah-lel/ What does Parallel mean? Any process that occurs cooperatively with the original unprocessed signal. Parallel is any process that occurs cooperatively with the original unprocessed signal. Both the processed and original unprocessed signal play at the same time, which makes the sound more subtle and smooth. Read More
- Parallel Compression Parallel Compression (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /para-lel-kom-preh-sion/ Also spelled or known as: Parallel-Compression What does Parallel Compression mean? Compression that is applied in parallel to the original sound. Parallel Compression (also known as or called "New York Compression") is a type of multi-band compression that is applied in parallel to the original(...) Read More
- Passive Passive (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pass-tive/ Opposite: Active What does Passive mean? A device with its own built-in power amplifier. Passive is a device that requires a separate power amplifier to power them. The opposite of active. Example sentence: "It's an old device so its passive." Read More
- Patch Patch (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /patch/ What does Patch mean? A saved combination of settings that can be loaded into a device. Patch is a saved combination of settings that can be loaded into a device (synths, effects, etc). Patch synonyms: Preset Example sentence: "I have a patch for that effect." Read More
- Peak Filter Peak Filter (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /peak-fil-ter/ What does Peak Filter mean? A type of filter that acts as a narrow bell curve, it boosts or cuts the middle/center frequencies in an audio signal. Peak Filter is a type of filter that acts as a narrow bell curve, it boosts or cuts the middle/center frequencies in an audio signal, as opposed to high-pass or low-pass(...) Read More
- Peak Meter Peak Meter (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /peak-meet-err/ Also spelled or known as: Peak-Meter, PeakMeter What does Peak Meter mean? A meter that measures the peak level of audio or sound. A peak meter measures the peak level of audio or sound. Example sentence: "Can you please tell me where it's at on the peak meter." Read More
- Performance Royalties Performance Royalties (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /per-for-mance-ro-yal-tees/ Related: Rights, Royalties Also spelled or known as: Performance-Royalties What does Performance Royalties mean? Income earned from a song on radio, television, concerts, and other public performances or broadcast of music. Performance Royalties are income earned from a song on radio,(...) Read More
- Phantom power Phantom power (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /fan-tom-pow-err/ Also spelled or known as: Phantom-power, Phantompower What does Phantom power mean? A setting on most interfaces or mixers that sends +48V of power to input if required. Phantom power is a setting on audio interfaces and mixers that powers condenser microphones with +48V of power to input if required.(...) Read More
- Phase Phase (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /fase/ Related: Phase Distortion What does Phase mean? The sound waves or vibration of air caused by the position of the signal and generated sound at a given time. Phase is the sound waves or vibration of air caused by the position of the signal and generated sound at a given time. Phase is measured in degrees from 0 to 360, where(...) Read More
- Phaser Phaser (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /faze-err/ Related: Phase What does Phaser mean? A time-based effect/proccessor that filters a signal creating a series of peaks and troughs in the frequency spectrum. Phaser is a time-based effect/proccessor that filters a signal creating a series of peaks and troughs in the frequency spectrum. It copies a source and then(...) Read More
- Phono Phono (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pho-no/ What does Phono mean? RCA inputs/outputs. Phono is another name for RCA inputs/outputs. Phono plugs can be found on plenty of audio devices like turntables, cassette decks, mixers, & more. Example sentence: "Do you know if that one in the corner is phono?" Read More
- Pianist Pianist (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pian-ist/ Related: Piano What does Pianist mean? Someone who plays the piano; a piano player. A pianist is someone who plays the piano. A piano player is known as a pianist. Example sentence: "John Legend is a good pianist." Read More
- Piano Roll Piano Roll (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pia-no-roll/ Also spelled or known as: Piano-Roll What does Piano Roll mean? A MIDI sequencer with all of the possible notes on the left-hand side of the screen. Piano Roll is a MIDI sequencer with all of the possible notes on the left-hand side of the screen, arranged exactly like a piano. Example sentence: "FL Studio has a(...) Read More
- Ping-Pong Ping-Pong (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /ping-pong/ Also spelled or known as: PingPong What does Ping-Pong mean? A delay alternating between the left and right speakers. Example sentence: "I heard some ping-pong on it." Read More
- Pink Noise Pink Noise (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pink-noise/ Also spelled or known as: Pink-Noise, Pinknoise Other Noises: White Noise, Brown Noise, Quantization Noise What does Pink Noise mean? A type of noise similar to white noise, except the high frequencies are slightly wet. Pink Noise is a type of noise similar to white noise, except the high frequencies are slightly(...) Read More
- Pitch Pitch (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /p-itch/ Related: Frequency What does Pitch mean? The frequency of a note in Hertz. The frequency - A higher or lower tone of music. Pitch Synonyms: Frequency Example sentence: "You have perfect pitch when you sing Mariah." Read More
- Pitch shifter Pitch shifter (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pitch-shift-err/ Also spelled or known as: Pitch-shifter, Pitchshifter Related: Frequency shifter What does Pitch shifter mean? A sound processor that changes the pitch of a sound. Pitch shifter is used to change pitch. Example sentence: "Maybe the pitch shifter will fix it." Read More
- Play Play (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /play/ Related: Playback What does Play mean? A control that resembles a triangular button and plays audio and reproduces it in real time. Play synonyms: Playback Transport controls: Record, Play, Pause, Stop, Mute, Rewind, Fast-Forward Example sentence: "Hit the play button up top." Read More
- Playback Playback (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /play-back/ Also spelled or known as: Play-back, Play back Related: Play What does Playback mean? 1. A control that resembles a triangular button and plays audio and reproduces it in real time. Playback synonyms: Play Playback Controls: Record, Play, Pause, Stop, Rewind, Fast-Forward 2. The reproduction of previously(...) Read More
- Playback Controls Playback Controls (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /play-back-kon-trolls/ Also spelled or known as: Playback-Controls Singular: Playback Control Playback Controls: Record, Play, Pause, Mute, Stop, Rewind, Fast-Forward What does Playback Controls mean? A section of a DAW that contains the record, play, pause, stop, and other buttons. Playback Controls (also known as(...) Read More
- Plosives Plosives (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /plow-sives/ What does Plosives mean? Sounds that are created by stopping air flow out of the mouth and suddenly releasing it. Common examples of Plosives are words with P’s, B’s, T’s, K’s, and D’s. Example sentence: "The pop filter helps block plosives." Read More
- Pluck Pluck (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /plawk/ What does Pluck mean? A synth sound with fast attack and decay. Pluck is a synth sound with fast attack and decay. Pluck emulates a guitar or string. Example sentence: "I added a pluck to the song." Read More
- Plugin Plugin (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /plug-in/ Also spelled or known as: Plug-in, Audio Plugin, Audio Plug-in Plural: Plugins What does Plugin mean? A piece of software that can be used with a DAW to expand its functionality. A plugin is a piece of software that can be used with a DAW to expand its functionality. Plugins usually expand the capabilities of a DAW.(...) Read More
- Points Points (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /points/ What does Points mean? Percentage points; income producers and artists earn on their percentage of a record. Points are percentage points; income producers and artists earn on their percentage of a record. If a producer has five points then they have 5% of sales) on that record. Points Synonyms: Royalty Example sentence:(...) Read More
- Polyphonic Polyphonic (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /poll-e-foe-nik/ What does Polyphonic mean? The ability for an electronic instrument to play more than one note at once. Polyphonic is the ability for an electronic instrument to play more than one note at once or at a time. Example sentence: "I love that everything is polyphonic." Read More
- Pop filter Pop filter (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pop-fil-ter/ Also spelled or known as: Pop-filter, Popfilter What does Pop filter mean? A filter placed in front of a microphone to reduce the sound of plosives/"pop" sounds. A pop filter is not a filter in your DAW. A pop filter is placed in front of a microphone or between the microphone and vocalist to prevent loud “pop”(...) Read More
- Port Port (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /port/ What does Port mean? An input a USB or other device can get plugged into. A port is an input a USB or other device can get plugged into. You might have a hard drive with loops which will go into a USB port. Example sentence: "Is there a USB port on it?" Read More
- Post Post (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pohst/ Opposite: Pre Related: Post-production What does Post mean? Work added to the production after the recording process. Post is the opposite of pre. Post (short for post-production) means work added to the production after the recording process. Things like overdubbing, editing, mixing, and mastering are done in(...) Read More
- Post-production Post-production (adjective) Type: adjective Pronunciation: /post-pro-duk-tion/ Also spelled or known as: Post-production, Post production Opposite: Pre-production Related: Post What does Post-production mean? Work added to the production after the recording process. Post-production (also known as post) means work added to the production after the recording process.(...) Read More
- Postlude Postlude (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /post-lood/ Related: Interlude, Prelude What does Postlude mean? A concluding or ending piece of music. A postlude is a concluding or ending piece of music. A postlude is usually at the end of an album. Example sentence: "We really loved the postlude." Read More
- Pre Pre (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pree/ Opposite: Post What does Pre mean? Anything before some sort of recording or processing. Pre is the opposite of post. Example sentence: "Let's plan it pre recording." Read More
- Pre-Chorus Pre-Chorus (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pre-ko-rus/ Also spelled or known as: Bridge, Pre Chorus Related: Chorus What does Pre-Chorus mean? A section that connects the verse and the chorus. Pre-Chorus is (very similar to a Bridge and all songs dont necessarily have this) the section that connects the verse and the chorus in a song. Pre-Chorus synonyms:(...) Read More
- Preamp Preamp (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pre-amp/ Also spelled or known as: Preamplifier, Pre-amp, Pre amp Related: Pre, Preamplifier What does Preamp mean? An amplifier that boosts the incoming signal from a microphone. A preamp is a low-noise amplifier device that boosts the gain of a signal before being recorded, processed, or amplified. A preamp is used a lot(...) Read More
- Preamplifier Preamplifier (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pre-amp-lee-fy-err/ Also spelled or known as: Preamp, Pre-amp, Pre amp Related: Pre, Preamp What does Preamplifier mean? An amplifier that boosts the incoming signal from a microphone. A Preamplifier is a low-noise amplifier device that boosts the gain of a signal before being recorded, processed, or amplified. A(...) Read More
- Prelude Prelude (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pre-lood/ Related: Interlude, Postlude What does Prelude mean? An introductory or preliminary piece of music; a preface. A prelude is an introductory or preliminary piece of music; a preface. A prelude is most commonly played by an orchestra. Prelude Synonyms: Intro Example sentence: "The album started with a prelude." Read More
- Preset Preset (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pre-set/ What does Preset mean? A combination of settings set in advance to create a certain sound. Preset is a combination of settings set in advance to create a certain sound. A preset usually comes with a synth and is a combination of settings that can be loaded to recreate a certain synth sound. Example sentence: "Do you have an(...) Read More
- Presto Presto (adverb) Type: adverb Pronunciation: /pres-toe/ Opposite: Largo What does Presto mean? To play or be playing an instrument very fast or at a quick tempo. Presto is to play or be playing an instrument very fast or at a quick tempo. Example sentence: "Can you play Flashing Lights presto." Read More
- Prima Donna Prima Donna (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pre-mah-don-ah/ Also spelled or known as: Prima-Donna What does Prima Donna mean? The leading female singer in an opera company. A Prima Donna is the leading female singer in an opera company. Example sentence: "She can sing like a prima donna." Read More
- Principal Principal (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /prin-cee-pal/ What does Principal mean? The best player in a section of the orchestra. The principal is the best player in a section of the orchestra. Examples of a principal would be a principal pianist, a principal violinist, or a principal flutist. Principal Synonyms: Virtuoso Example sentence: "We are going to have James(...) Read More
- Pro Tools Pro Tools (noun) Type: noun, DAW Pronunciation: /pro-tools/ Also spelled or known as: Pro-tools Related: Logic Pro, FL Studio, GarageBand, Ableton Live, Cubase/Nuendo What does Pro Tools mean? A popular DAW created by Avid. Pro Tools is very popular among audio engineers and mixing professionals. Example sentence: "It was all mixed on Pro Tools in a day." Other(...) Read More
- Processor Processor (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pro-cess-err/ Plural: Processors What does Processor mean? A device designed to manipulate an audio signal by changing its dynamics or frequency content. A Processor is a device designed to manipulate an audio signal by changing its dynamics or frequency content. Examples of processors include compressors, gates and(...) Read More
- Producer Producer (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pro-due-serr Related: Record producer, Audio producer, Sound producer, Song producer Plural: Producers What does Producer mean? Someone who engages in music production. A producer is someone who someone who engages in music production. A producer can be used to refer to someone who is in charge of the entire music creation(...) Read More
- Program Program (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pro-gram/ What does Program mean? 1. A Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) or Software. Program synonyms: DAW 2. A setting on a synth that can be changed to recall a patch/preset. A program is known as a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) or a recording software. A program can also mean a setting on a synth that can be changed to(...) Read More
- Program Music Program Music (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pro-gram-mew-sik/ Also spelled or known as: Program-Music What does Program Music mean? Any piece of instrumental music based on a book or story. Program Music is any piece of instrumental music based on a book or story. Program Music Synonyms: Soundtrack Example sentence: "The director didn't like the program music." Read More
- Public Domain Public Domain (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pub-lik-doh-main/ Also spelled or known as: Public-Domain What does Public Domain mean? Works that are available to the public and not subject to copyright. Public Domain works are available to the public and are not subject to copyright. Example sentence: "I took a couple of loops from the public domain." Read More
- Publishing Agreement Publishing Agreement (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pub-leesh-in-ag-ree-ment/ Also spelled or known as: Exclusive Publishing Agreement What does Publishing Agreement mean? A written agreement allowing a music publisher to publish some or all of a songwriter's or composer's work for a certain period of time. A Publishing Agreement (also known as an "Exclusive Publishing(...) Read More
- Pulse Width Modulation Pulse Width Modulation (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /pals-with-mod-oo-lay-tion/ Also spelled or known as: PWM What does Pulse Width Modulation mean? A synthesis process that changes a square wave into a pulse wave. Pulse Width Modulation is a synthesis process that changes a square wave into a pulse wave by adding silence in the wave cycle, which thins out the square wave. Read More
- PWM PWM (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /P-W-M/ Also spelled or known as: P-W-M, P.W.M Related: Pulse Width Modulation What does PWM mean? Pulse Width Modulation. PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation. A synthesis process that changes a square wave into a pulse wave by adding silence in the wave cycle, which thins out the square wave. Read More
- Q Q (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kew/ Also spelled or known as: Q Factor What does Q mean? 1. The ratio of the frequency width to the central frequency. 2. The width of a curve in a parametric EQ. Q (also known as “Q Factor”) stands for Quality Factor, the ratio of the frequency width to the central frequency. The higher the Q, the more resonant the filter and the(...) Read More
- Q Factor Q Factor (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kew-fak-tor/ Also spelled or known as: Q Factor, Q-Factor, Quality Factor What does Q Factor mean? 1. The ratio of the frequency width to the central frequency. 2. The width of a curve in a parametric EQ. Q Factor (also known as “Q”) stands for Quality Factor, the ratio of the frequency width to the central frequency. The(...) Read More
- Quality Factor Quality Factor (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kwa-lee-tee-fak-tor/ Also spelled or known as: Q Factor, Q-Factor, Quality-Factor What does Quality Factor mean? 1. The ratio of the frequency width to the central frequency. 2. The width of a curve in a parametric EQ. Quality Factor (also known as “Q”) stands for Quality Factor, the ratio of the frequency width to the(...) Read More
- Quantization Noise Quantization Noise (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /quan-ti-za-tion-noise/ Also spelled or known as: Quantization-Noise, Quantizationnoise Other Noises: White Noise, Brown Noise, Pink Noise What does Quantization Noise mean? A noise created by quantization error. Quantization Noise is a type of noise created by quantization error in the ADC. Other Noises: White(...) Read More
- Quantize Quantize (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kwan-ties/ Related: Quantizer What does Quantize mean? The process of taking MIDI/audio and shifting it so it's "on the grid" and on time. Quantize is the process of taking MIDI/audio and shifting it so it's ‘on the grid’ and on time. This is very helpful when MIDI or audio has been recorded with improper timing. Example(...) Read More
- Quarter Note Quarter Note (noun) Type: noun, music notation Pronunciation: /kor-ter-note/ Also spelled or known as: Quarter-Note, QuarterNote What does Quarter Note mean? A note that in 4/4 time is worth 1 beat or 1/4 of a whole note. More notes: Whole Note, Half Note, A note, B note, C note, D note, F note A Quarter Note (used in music notation) is a note that in 4/4 time is worth(...) Read More
- Quartet Quartet (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kor-tet/ What does Quartet mean? A piece of music written for four instruments or voices. A Quartet is a piece of music written for four instruments or voices, a quartet has four musicians playing it. Example sentence: "The group performed the quartet." Read More
- Quintet Quintet (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /kwin-tet/ What does Quintet mean? A piece of music written for five instruments or voices. A quintet is a piece of music written for five instruments or voices, a quintet has five musicians playing it. Example sentence: "They ended the show with a quintet." Read More
- Radio Radio (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /rae-dio/ Related: Radio edit What does Radio mean? A platform for broadcasting music to the public. Radio is a platform for broadcasting music to the public by sending out signals from a transmitter. Radio Stations usually work in a recording studio or live concert setting. Example sentence: "I heard that new Joe Trufant on the radio." Read More
- Radio edit Radio edit (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /rae-dio-ed-it/ Also spelled or known as: Radio-edit Related: Radio What does Radio edit mean? A clean version of a song for radio. A radio edit is an edited version of a song that is more friendly for radio. Explicit lyrics are removed from radio edits. Example sentence: "Let's get the radio edit ready for the single today." Read More
- RAM RAM (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /rahm/ or /r-a-m/ Also spelled or known as: R.A.M, R-A-M What does RAM mean? Random Access Memory (Computer Memory). RAM (Random Access Memory) is a fast but short-term memory for your computer's CPU. More RAM improves computer speed significantly. Example sentence: "I need to buy more RAM, my computer is moving slow." Read More
- Rapido Rapido (adjective) Type: adjective Pronunciation: /rap-e-doe/ What does Rapido mean? Fast or quick. Rapido means fast or quick. Example sentence: "Rapido, rapido, it's too slow right now." Read More
- Ratio Ratio (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /rae-tio/ What does Ratio mean? A control on a compressor determining how much the gain will be reduced after the audio hits the threshold. Ratio is a control on a compressor determining how much the gain will be reduced after the audio hits the threshold. I.E. if a signal surpasses the threshold by 8dB and the ratio is set at 2:1,(...) Read More
- RCA RCA (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /R-C-A/ Also spelled or known as: R-C-A What does RCA mean? A standard connector with a white left connector and red right connector. RCA is a standard connector with a white left connector and red right connector. RCA is on most stereo systems and plugs into a photo socket. Read More
- Reaper Reaper (noun) Type: noun, DAW Pronunciation: /reap-err/ Related: Logic Pro, Ableton Live (Ableton), GarageBand, Pro Tools, Cubase/Nuendo, FL Studio What does Reaper mean? A DAW created by Cockos. Reaper is a DAW create by Cockos. Creator: Cockos Example sentence: "I just downloaded Reaper, time to see." Other DAWS: Logic Pro, Ableton Live (Ableton), GarageBand,(...) Read More
- Record Player Record Player (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /rek-ord-play-err/ Plural: Record Players What does Record Player mean? What is a Record Player? A device with a turntable to play back vinyl records. A record player is a device with a turntable to play back vinyl records. Record Player synonyms: Turntable Example sentence: "Can you ask the DJ to bring his record player." Read More
- Record Producer Record Producer (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /rek-ord-pro-duees--err/ Related: Producer What does Record Producer mean? Someone who engages in music production. A Record Producer is someone who engages in music production. A producer can be used to refer to someone who is in charge of the entire music creation process and more. The Record Producer can also be involved(...) Read More
- Recording Artist Recording Artist (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /re-kord-in-art-ist/ Related: Artist What does Recording Artist mean? Someone who creates music in a studio setting and releases it. A Recording Artist is someone who creates music in a studio setting and releases it. An artist can be a musician, rapper, songwriter, vocalist, or more. Recording Artist synonyms: Artist,(...) Read More
- Recording Engineer Recording Engineer (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ri-kord-ding-en-jin-neer/ Related: Sound Engineer, Audio Engineer, Engineer, Engineering Plural: Recording Engineers What does Recording Engineer mean? Someone who records, mixes, or masters audio. A recording engineer records, mixes, or masters audio, they usually work in a recording studio or live concert(...) Read More
- Recording Engineering Recording Engineering (noun) Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /re-cord-in-en-jin-neer-ing/ Also spelled or known as: Recording-Engineering Related: Sound Engineering, Recording Engineering, Audio Engineering What does Recording Engineering mean? To be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. Recording Engineering is to be to be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. A(...) Read More
- Recording Studio Recording Studio (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ree-kord-in-stu-dio/ Plural: Recording Studios Related: Studeur, The Stu, Studio Time, Recording Studio What does Recording Studio mean? A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. A recording studio is a specially designed for audio recording,(...) Read More
- Recording Studios Recording Studios (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ree-kord-in-stu-dios/ Sinngular: Recording Studio Related: Studeur, The Stu, Studio Time, Recording Studio What does Recording Studios mean? Specially designed spaces for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. Recording studios are specialized spaces for audio recording,(...) Read More
- Reference Reference (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ref-rens/ Related: Reference Track Plural: References What does Reference mean? A track that is used as a reference point for a new recording. A Reference (also known as "Reference Track") is a track that is used as a reference point for a new recording. A reference track can help with structure, melodies, composition, sound(...) Read More
- Reference Track Reference Track (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ref-rens-trak/ Also spelled or known as: Reference-Track, ReferenceTrack Related: Reference Plural: Reference Tracks What does Reference Track mean? A track that is used as a reference point for a new recording. A Reference Track (also known as "Reference") is a track that is used as a reference point for a new(...) Read More
- Release Release (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /re-lease/ Related: A.D.S.R., ADSR, Attack, Sustain, Decay What does Release mean? 1. How long it takes a sound to fade to silence. Release is the final state of the ADSR envelope. It is how long it takes a sound processor to stop processing the sound. (See the visuals below other definitions) 2. An album or song available for(...) Read More
- Reprise Reprise (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /re-prise/ What does Reprise mean? The repetition of a phrase or verse. Reprise is the repetition of a phrase or verse. Example sentence: "I like the reprise on this." Read More
- Resampling Resampling (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /re-samp-ling/ Also spelled or known as: Re-sampling Related: Resample, Sampling, Sample What does Resampling mean? The process of sampling your own work and sounds. Resampling is process of sampling your own work and sounds for more processing and use again. Resampling Synonyms: Reworking Example sentence: "I'm(...) Read More
- Reso Reso (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /rae-so/ Related: Reso What does Reso mean? 1. Loud, clear, & deep sound. 2. A control on a filter determining the level of accentuation on the current cutoff filter. Reso is 1. Loud, clear, & deep sound. 2. A control on a filter determining the level of accentuation on the current cutoff filter. Reso Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Resonance Resonance (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /reh-so-nance/ Related: Reso What does Resonance mean? 1. Loud, clear, & deep sound. 2. A control on a filter determining the level of accentuation on the current cutoff filter. Resonance is 1. Loud, clear, & deep sound. 2. A control on a filter determining the level of accentuation on the current cutoff filter. Resonance(...) Read More
- Return Return (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /re-turn/ What does Return mean? A track where other tracks are sent, to be grouped and processed in parallel to the original. Return is a track where other tracks are sent, to be grouped and processed in parallel to the original. Example sentence: "I like the return it's creating." Read More
- Reverb Reverb (effect) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /re-verb/ Also spelled or known as: Reverberation Related: Reverberation What does Reverb mean? A technique that simulates the natural echo and ambiance of physical space. Reverb Synonyms: Reverberation Example sentence: "Can you please add some reverb to my voice." Read: What is Reverb? What does Reverb do? Read More
- Reverberation Reverberation (effect) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /re-verb-eh-ray-tion/ Also spelled or known as: Reverb Related: Reverb What does Reverberation mean? A technique that simulates the natural echo and ambiance of physical space. Reverberation (short for and also known as Reverb) is a technique that simulates the natural echo and ambiance of physical(...) Read More
- RIAA RIAA (R.I.A.A) (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /r-i-double-a/ Also spelled or known as: R.I.A.A What does RIAA mean? Recording Industry Association of America. RIAA (also known as R.I.A.A.) stands for The Recording Industry Association of America. RIAA certifies recordings of their achievements. Example sentence: "The RIAA certified the album is now Gold." Read More
- Riff Riff (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /riff/ What does Riff mean? A melodic phrase. A musical section of a melody. Riff is a melodic phrase. A musical section of a melody. Example sentence: "I love that riff in the song." Read More
- RISA RISA (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /r-i-s-a/ Also spelled or known as: R.I.S.A., R-I-S-A What does RISA mean? Recording Industry of South Africa. RISA stands for the Recording Industry of South Africa. More South African Performing Rights Organizations: SAMPRA, SAMRO, CAPASSO Example sentence: "He got an ISRC code from the RISA." Read More
- Rolloff Rolloff (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /roll-off/ Also spelled or known as: Roll off, Roll-off What does Rolloff mean? A filter’s cutoff. Rolloff is a filter’s cutoff. Example sentence: "The rolloff was clean." Read More
- Room Room (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /room/ What does Room mean? 1. A studio room. 2. A type of reverb sounding like a smaller space. Room has two meanings in music, Room can mean a studio room or a type of reverb sounding like a smaller space. Example sentence: "What room are you in tonight?" Read More
- Room Tone Room Tone (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /room-tone/ Related: Tone, Reverb What does Room Tone mean? The natural sound of reverb in a room. Room Tone is the natural sound of reverb in a room without music playing or people speaking. Example sentence: "I don't like the room tone in this studio." Read More
- Royalties Royalties (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ro-yal-tees/ Singular: Royalty What does Royalties mean? Income earned from the sales of the record or song. Royalties are income earned from the sales of the record or song. Example sentence: "I got rich because of my royalties." Read More
- Royalty Royalty (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ro-yal-tee/ Plural: Royalties What does Royalty mean? Income earned from the sales of the record or song. Royalty is income earned from the sales of the record or song. Royalty synonym: Point Example sentence: "I just entered the royalty details." Read More
- Rumble Rumble (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /rum-bull/ What does Rumble mean? A low frequency effect caused by random frequencies in the low end. Rumble is a low frequency effect caused by random frequencies in the low end. Example sentence: "I used the rumble effect." Read More
- Sample Sample (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /samp-ull/ Plural: Samples What does Sample mean? A piece of pre-made or pre-existing audio used as a sound in a new composition. A sample is a piece of pre-made or pre-existing audio used as a sound in a new composition. Samples can be any recorded material that is used, repurposed, or sequenced as new. Samples can be kicks, snares,(...) Read More
- Sample Pack Sample Pack (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /samp-ull-pack/ Related: Sample, Samples What does Sample Pack mean? A folder of samples and loops grouped together. A Sample pack is a folder of samples and loops grouped together. They usually contain many different samples and different kinds of loops. Sample Pack synonyms: Loop Pack Example sentence: "I'm gonna send(...) Read More
- Sample Rate Sample Rate (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /samp-ull-rate/ Related: Sample, Samples What does Sample Rate mean? How often a signal is encoded into a digital file, represented by the Nyquist Frequency. Sample Rate is how often a signal is encoded into a digital file, represented by the Nyquist Frequency. The standard Sample Rate for music is 44.1kHz, which is about(...) Read More
- Sampler Sampler (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /samp-ler/ Related: Sample, Samples, Sampling, Sampled What does Sampler mean? A sampler is an analogue/virtual electronic instrument that can record or load different samples for their processing and playback. A sampler is an analogue/virtual electronic instrument that can record or load lots of different samples for their(...) Read More
- SAMPRA SAMPRA (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /sam-prah/ or /s-a-m-p-r-a/ Also spelled or known as: S.A.M.P.R.A., S-A-M-P-R-A What does SAMPRA mean? South African Music Performance Rights Association. SAMPRA stands for the South African Music Performance Rights Association. SAMPRA (South African Music Performance Rights Association) is the organization that handles(...) Read More
- SAMRO SAMRO (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /sam-ro/ or /s-a-m-r-o/ Also spelled or known as: S.A.M.R.O., S-A-M-R-O What does SAMRO mean? South African Music Rights Organisation. SAMRO stands for South African Music Rights Organisation. SAMRO (South African Music Rights Organisation) deals with performing rights and royalties and handles the collection payment of money(...) Read More
- Saturation Saturation (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /sat-chu-rae-tion/ What does Saturation mean? Distortion used in a subtle way to add harmonic content to audio. Saturation is distortion that is used in a subtle way to add harmonic content to audio. Example sentence: "I kinda want some saturation on this." Read More
- Scratch Track Scratch Track (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /skratch-track/ Also spelled or known as: Scratch-Track Related: Track What does Scratch Track mean? A demo of sorts, the recording of a single element of a song, for example: the bass line or vocal. A Scratch Track is a demo of sorts, the recording of a single element of a song, for example: the bass line or vocal.(...) Read More
- Second Engineer Second Engineer (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /sek-kond-en-jin-neer/ Also spelled or known as: Second- Engineer Related: Engineer, Sound Engineer, Audio Engineer, Engineering What does Second Engineer mean? An assistant recording engineer. Second Engineer synonyms: Assistant Example sentence: "Can you please bring in the second engineer." Read More
- SESAC SESAC (S.E.S.A.C.) (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /see-sak/ Also spelled or known as: S.E.S.A.C. What does SESAC mean? Society of European Stage Authors and Composers. SESAC (also known as S.E.S.A.C.) stands for Society of European Stage Authors and Composers. SESAC is a European performing rights organization that protects its members' musical copyrights. SESAC tracks(...) Read More
- SFX SFX (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /S-F-X/ Also spelled or known as: S-F-X, S.F.X., S F X Related: FX What does SFX mean? Short for Sound Effects. SFX stands for Sound Effects. Example sentence: "I like the SFX you have on the album." Read More
- Sibilance Sibilance (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /sib-e-lins/ What does Sibilance mean? The “s” sound in a word. Sibilance is the of “sss” sound in a vocalist’s recording. For example, some, sit, stoned, masks, etc. Microphones usually pick up the sibilance sounds more than the rest of the frequency spectrum which can be problematic for some. A de-esser is one of the most(...) Read More
- Sidechaining Sidechaining (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /side-chain-in/ Also spelled or known as: Side-chaining What does Sidechaining mean? Using one sound to manipulate another sound. Sidechaining is taking one sound and using it to manipulate another sound. Sidechaining is found on compressors, gates, limiters, expanders, etc. It can also be found on vocoders, synthesizers, and(...) Read More
- Sine Sine (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /siine/ What does Sine mean? A basic wave in synthesis, the fundamental wave shape that makes up all sounds. Sine is a basic wave in synthesis, the fundamental wave shape that makes up all sounds. Sine sounds like a pure tone-a sound vibrating at a single frequency. A sine wave is a smooth, oscillating curve and it sounds mellow and deep. Read More
- Slapback Slapback (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /slap-back/ Also spelled or known as: Slap back, Slap-back Related: Delay What does Slapback mean? A quick delay (30-200ms) with small to no repetitions. A slapback is a delay (30-200ms) with small to no repetitions, it is a type of delay that includes one loud feedback echo at a short delay time. Example sentence: "Let's add(...) Read More
- Snare Snare (noun) Type: noun, drum Pronunciation: /snaar/ Related: Snare Plural: Snares What does Snare mean? A common type of drum, characterized by a peak around ~150Hz-200Hz & some high-end noise. The snare (or side drum) is a common type of drum characterized by a peak around ~150Hz-200Hz and some high-end noise. Example sentence: "We need a new snare on the(...) Read More
- SNR SNR (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /S-N-R/ Also spelled or known as: S-N-R, S.N.R., S N R What does SNR mean? Signal to noise ratio. SNR stands for signal to noise ratio.. SNR compares the power of a signal to the undesired power of background noise. A ratio higher than 1:1 is a good signal-to-noise ratio as it indicates more signal than noise. Example(...) Read More
- Soft Synth Soft Synth (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /soft-sinth/ What does Soft Synth mean? A synthesizer that exists inside a computer. Soft Synth is a synthesizer that exists inside a computer, example Serum or Massive. Read More
- Solo Solo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /so-low/ What does Solo mean? A control that temporarily silences or turns off all channels besides the selected one. Solo is a control that temporarily silences or turns off all channels besides the selected one. During this process only the soloed sound is heard. Example sentence: "Can you solo the instrumental please." Read More
- Songwriter Songwriter (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /song-rite-er/ Also spelled or known as: Song-writer, Song writer Related: Songwriting Plural: Songwriters What does Songwriter mean? Someone who writes songs and creates music. A songwriter is someone who writes songs and creates music. A songwriter can be an artist, musician, rapper, vocalist, or more. Songwriter(...) Read More
- Songwriting Songwriting (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /song-rite-ing/ Also spelled or known as: Song-writing, Song writing Related: Songwriter What does Songwriting mean? To be writing songs and creating music. Songwriting is writing songs and creating music. A songwriter can be an artist, musician, rapper, vocalist, or more. Example sentence: "I just started getting into(...) Read More
- Sound board Sound board (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /sound-board/ Also spelled or known as: Sound-board, Soundboard Plural: Sound boards Related: Console, Mixer, Mixing desk What does Sound board mean? A device for recording, mixing, or live events and sound purposes to amplify, balance, process, and combine sounds. A sound board is the in person studio version of a(...) Read More
- Sound Engineer Sound Engineer (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /sound-en-jin-neer/ Related: Engineer, Audio Engineer, Recording Engineer, Sound Engineering Also spelled or known as: Sound-Engineer, SoundEngineer Plural: Sound Engineers What does Sound Engineer mean? Someone who records, mixes, or masters audio. A sound engineer records, mixes, or masters audio, they usually work(...) Read More
- Sound Engineering Sound Engineering (noun) Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /sound-en-jin-neer-ing/ Also spelled or known as: Sound-Engineering Related: Audio Engineering, Recording Engineering, Sound Engineer What does Sound Engineering mean? To be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. Sound Engineering is to be to be recording, mixing, or mastering audio. An audio engineer records,(...) Read More
- Sound source Sound source (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /sound-sors/ What does Sound source mean? The origin of a sound or audio; any place audio or sound originates from. Sound source Synonyms: Source Example sentence: "We figured out all the sound source for the mix." Read More
- Sound waves Sound waves (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /sound-waves/ Also spelled or known as: Sound-Waves, Soundwaves Singular: Sound wave Related: Waveform What does Sound waves mean? Audio signals shown visually as waves. Sound waves are audio signals shown visually as waves Sound waves Synonyms: Waveforms Example sentence: "I like the sound waves going on." Read More
- Soundbank Soundbank (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /sound-baink/ Also spelled or known as: Sound Bank, Sound-Bank What does Soundbank mean? A group of presets that can be loaded onto a synth. A Soundbank (also known as a "Bank") is a group of presets that can be loaded onto a synth. Soundbank Synonyms: Bank Example sentence: "I'll have to look in my soundbank." Read More
- Soundtrack Soundtrack (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /sound-track/ Also spelled or known as: Sound-track, Sound track What does Soundtrack mean? The sounds or music of a film, or a separate recording to accompany the film. A Soundtrack is the sounds or music of a film, or a separate recording to accompany the film. Soundtrack Synonyms: Program Music Example sentence: "I(...) Read More
- Source Source (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /sors/ What does Source mean? The origin of a sound or audio; any place audio or sound originates from. Source Synonyms: Sound source Example sentence: "What is the source for that ring?" Read More
- Stanza Stanza (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /stan-zah/ What does Stanza mean? A verse of a song. A stanza is a verse of a song. Stanza Synonyms: Verse Example sentence: "I'm thinking differently, wiring a good stanza." Read More
- Stems Stems (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /stems/ Singular: Stem What does Stems mean? Separate and individual audio tracks rendered from a finished track. Stems are separate and individual audio tracks rendered from a finished track. Stems are usually used for remix or resampling purposes. Stems Synonyms: Tracks Example sentence: "I'll email the stems tonight." Read More
- Stereo Stereo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /steh-rio/ Related: Mono What does Stereo mean? A sound that has two source instead of one. Opposite of mono. Opposite of Stereo: Mono Example sentence: "Change the source to stereo real quick." Read More
- Stop Stop (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /stawp/ Related: Transport What does Stop mean? A control that stops or turns off playback. Transport controls: Record, Play, Pause, Stop, Mute, Rewind, Fast-Forward Example sentence: "Can you please hit the stop button." Read More
- Structure Structure (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /struk-ture/ What does Structure mean? The way a song is built and arranged, the way sections and instruments are laid out in a track/song. Structure is the way a song is built and arranged, the way sections and instruments are laid out in a track/song. Structure is usually referred to as Arrangement and Instrumentation. Structure(...) Read More
- Stu Stu (noun) Type: noun, abbreviation Pronunciation: /stu/ Also spelled or known as: Stu' Related: The stu What does Stu mean? Studio. Stu is short for studio. Stu Synonyms: Lab, Yo, The lab, The Yo, Studio, Booth Example sentence: "What time are you going to the stu?" Read More
- Stu. Stu (noun) Type: noun, abbreviation Pronunciation: /stu/ Also spelled or known as: Stu' Related: The stu What does Stu mean? Studio. Stu is short for studio. Stu Synonyms: Lab, Yo, The lab, The Yo, Studio, Booth Example sentence: "What time are you going to the stu?" Read More
- Studeur Studeur (noun) Type: noun, abbreviation Pronunciation: /stu-deer/ Plural: Studeurs Also spelled or known as: Studier Related: The stu, Stu What does Studeur mean? A person who owns, operates, or manages a recording studio. Studeur Synonyms: Host Example sentence: "I'm a studeur at Pacific studios." Read: What does Studeur mean? Read More
- Studio Studio (noun) Type: noun, abbreviation Pronunciation: /stu-dio/ Plural: Studios Also spelled or known as: Stu' Related: Studeur, The Stu, Studio Time, Recording Studio What does Studio mean? A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. A studio is a specially designed space for audio recording,(...) Read More
- Studio Monitors Studio Monitors (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /stu-dio-mon-e-tors/ Singular: Studio Monitor Related: Studio-Monitors, Monitors, Loudspeakers What does Studio Monitors mean? 1. Loud speakers used for mixing. 2. The screens of computers. Studio Monitors (also known as just "Monitors") are a type of loudspeaker used in recording studios because of their ‘flat’(...) Read More
- Stufinder Stufinder (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /stu-find-err/ Also spelled or known as: Stu finder, Studiofinder, Studio finder Related: Stu, Studeur What does Stufinder mean? An app to find and book recording studios. Stufinder (sometimes referred to as Stu finder, Studiofinder, Studio finder) is an app to find & book recording studios. Stufinder's innovative technology(...) Read More
- Sub-Bass Sub-Bass (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /sub-bace/ Also spelled or known as: Sub Bass, SubBass What does Sub-Bass mean? The lower range of audio frequencies between 20Hz-60Hz. A reference value. Sub-Bass is the lower frequencies in a sound – typically from ~20Hz to ~60Hz. Sub-Bass Synonyms: Lows, Low end, Bass Example sentence: "Turn up the sub-bass." Read More
- Subs Subs (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /subs/ Related: Sub, Subwoofers Singular: Sub What does Subs mean? Subwoofers; a loudspeaker designed to reproduce low frequencies under ~200Hz. Subs (short for & also known as Subwoofers) are loudspeakers that can reproduce low frequencies under ~200Hz. Subwoofer synonyms: Subs Example sentence: "We just installed some new(...) Read More
- Subwoofer Subwoofer (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /sub-woof-err/ Also spelled or known as: Sub-woofer, Sub woofer Related: Sub, Subs Plural: Subwoofers What does Subwoofer mean? A loudspeaker designed to reproduce low frequencies under ~200Hz. A Subwoofer reproduces low frequencies under ~200Hz. Subwoofer synonyms: Subs Example sentence: "I have a subwoofer in the new(...) Read More
- Summing Summing (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /sum-in/ What does Summing mean? The process of adding waveforms from different sources together. Summing is the process of adding waveforms from different sources together. Example sentence: "I'm summing a record right now." Read More
- Supersaw Supersaw (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /super-saw/ What does Supersaw mean? A saw wave with unison and detune. Supersaw is a saw wave with unison and detune. Supersaw sounds wide and typically with 8 voices. Example sentence: "I like the outro with the supersaw." Read More
- Sustain Sustain (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /sus-tain/ Plural: Sustains Related: A.D.S.R., ADSR, Attack, Decay, Release What does Sustain mean? How long a sound can hold before it begins to fade. Example sentence: "I like how the sustain is a bit longer." ADSR – Attack, Sustain, Decay, Release Read: What is ADSR (attack, decay, sustain, and release) Read More
- Sylenth1 Sylenth1 (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /slinth-1/ What does Sylenth1 mean? A subtractive soft synth used to create analogue-type sounds. Sylenth1 is a subtractive soft synth used to create analogue-type sounds. Sylenth1 is created by LennarDigital. Created by: LennarDigital Example sentence: "We were using Sylenth1 to edit." Read More
- Take Take (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /taik/ Plural: Takes Related: One Take Jake What does Take mean? A singular (one) recording of audio. A take is a singular (one) recording of audio. This is why people say "recorded in one take" during a recording session. A lot of music is recorded in multiple takes. Especially using the punch in/punch out method. Example(...) Read More
- Tape Deck Tape Deck (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /tayp-dek/ Also spelled or known as: Tape-Deck Plural: Tape Decks What does Tape Deck mean? What is a Tape Deck? An analog audio recording device that records audio by encoding electrical audio signals onto magnetic tape and plays it back. A tape deck is an analog audio recording device that records audio by encoding electrical(...) Read More
- Tape Machine Tape Machine (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /tayp-mash-een/ Also spelled or known as: Tape-Machine Plural: Tape Machines What does Tape Machine mean? What is a Tape Machine? An analog audio recording device that records audio by encoding electrical audio signals onto magnetic tape and plays it back. A tape machine is an analog audio recording device that records audio(...) Read More
- Tape Recorder Tape Recorder (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /tayp-re-kor-der/ Also spelled or known as: Tape-Recorder Plural: Tape Recorders What does Tape Recorder mean? What is a Tape Recorder? An analog audio recording device that records audio by encoding electrical audio signals onto magnetic tape and plays it back. A tape recorder is an analog audio recording device that(...) Read More
- Tempo Tempo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /tem-po/ Related: BPM What does Tempo mean? The rate of speed of a sound or musical piece. Tempo is measured in BPM (Beats Per Minute). Tempo Synonyms: BPM, Beats Per Minute Example sentence: "Ask the engineer if he knows the tempo." Use the Tempo Tapper Read: What is a Tempo in music? Read More
- Tenor Tenor (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ten-orr/ Related: Countertenor, Baritone, Alto What does Tenor mean? The highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. Tenor is the highest natural adult male singing voice; someone with this singing voice. A tenor is a singing voice between baritone and alto or countertenor. Example sentence: "The(...) Read More
- The Lab The Lab (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /the-lab/ Also spelled or known as: Lab Related: Lab What does The Lab mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. The Lab is slang for the Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and(...) Read More
- The Yo The Yo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /the-yo/ Also spelled or known as: Yo Related: Yo What does The Yo mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Yo The Yo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /the-yo/ Also spelled or known as: Yo Related: Yo What does The Yo mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Stu The Yo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /the-yo/ Also spelled or known as: Yo Related: Yo What does The Yo mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Studio The Yo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /the-yo/ Also spelled or known as: Yo Related: Yo What does The Yo mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Lab The Yo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /the-yo/ Also spelled or known as: Yo Related: Yo What does The Yo mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Recording Studio The Yo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /the-yo/ Also spelled or known as: Yo Related: Yo What does The Yo mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- The Lab The Yo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /the-yo/ Also spelled or known as: Yo Related: Yo What does The Yo mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Booth The Yo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /the-yo/ Also spelled or known as: Yo Related: Yo What does The Yo mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. The Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything(...) Read More
- Threshold Threshold (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /thresh-old/ What does Threshold mean? A control on a compressor, noise gate, or other devices that determines when the compressor will start compressing. Threshold is a control on a compressor, noise gate, or other devices that determines when the compressor will start compressing (a specific dB level). Example sentence: "What is(...) Read More
- Tonal Balance Tonal Balance (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /tone-ull-bal-ans/ Also spelled or known as: Tonal-Balance Related: Balance What does Tonal Balance mean? The relative level of two or more sounds, voices, instruments, etc. Tonal Balance (also known as Balance) is the relative level of two or more sounds, voices, instruments, etc. Balance is important in audio because it(...) Read More
- Tone Tone (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /toen/ Related: Timbre, Room tone, Pure tone What does Tone mean? A single frequency. A tone is a single frequency. Tone synonyms: Timbre, Frequency Example sentence: "I really like her tone." Read More
- Tone Generator Tone Generator (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /tone-gen-e-rate-err/ Also spelled or known as: Tone-Generator Related: Tone What does Tone Generator mean? A device that generates a tone. A Tone Generator is a device that generates a tone at various frequencies, used to align a tape machine, pitch correction purposes or for other testing purposes. Example sentence:(...) Read More
- Top-End Top-End (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /top-end/ Also spelled or known as: Top End, TopEnd What does Top-End mean? The higher range of audio frequencies above 6kHz. A reference value. Top-End (also known as highs) are the higher frequencies in a sound – typically above 6kHz. Top-End Synonyms: High-End, Highs, Treble, Air Example sentence: "I like how the top-end is(...) Read More
- Track Track (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /trak/ Related: Tracking, Audio Track What does Track mean? 1. A single audio channel. 2. A full song or recorded sound. A track can either mean a singular audio channel in the production process or a a full song or recorded sound. Example sentence: "We just bounced the new track." Read More
- Tracking Tracking (noun, verb) Type: noun, verb Pronunciation: /track-in/ Also spelled or known as: Trackin' Related: Track, Tracks, Multitrack Recording, Multitracking What does Tracking mean? Recording individual tracks or songs, on computer, recorder or tape. Tracking (also called multitrack recording or multitracking) is the process of recording a collective of sounds onto(...) Read More
- Transient Transient (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /tran-sient/ What does Transient mean? The very beginning of a sound. Transient is the initial beginning of a sound, also known as the sounds attack, where the audio goes from near silence to sudden loudness Read More
- Transport Transport (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /trans-port/ Also spelled or known as: Trans-port Transport controls: Record, Play, Pause, Mute, Stop, Rewind, Fast-Forward What does Transport mean? A section of a DAW that contains the record, play, pause, stop, and other buttons. Transport is the area in a DAW or sequencer that contains the playback controls (e.g. record,(...) Read More
- Transport Controls Transport Controls (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /trans-port-kon-trolls/ Also spelled or known as: Transport-Controls Singular: Transport Control Transport Controls: Record, Play, Pause, Mute, Stop, Rewind, Fast-Forward What does Transport Controls mean? A section of a DAW that contains the record, play, pause, stop, and other buttons. Transport Controls (also(...) Read More
- Treble Treble (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /treb-ull/ Opposite: Bass What does Treble mean? The higher range of audio frequencies above 6kHz. A reference value. Treble are the higher frequencies in a sound – typically above 6kHz. Treble Synonyms: High-End, Top end, Highs, Air Example sentence: "Can you please turn up the treble." Read More
- Tuner Tuner (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /toon-er/ Related: Tune What does Tuner mean? A device that listens to audio to measure if it's in tune. A tuner is a device that listens to audio to measure if it's in tune. Example sentence: "It's not hard, just use the tuner.." Read More
- Tuning fork Tuning fork (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /tune-in-fork/ Also spelled or known as: Tuning-Fork What does Tuning fork mean? A two-pronged metal tool used to make sure an instrument is in tune and has the right pitch. A tuning fork is a two-pronged metal tool used to make sure an instrument is in tune and has the right pitch when a note is played. Tuning fork Synonyms:(...) Read More
- Turntable Turntable (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /turn-tab-ull/ Plural: Turntables What does Turntable mean? What is a Turntable? A flat, circular, and revolving surface on a record player on which the record is played back. A turntable is a flat, circular, and revolving surface on a record player on which the record is played back. A popular turntable is the Technics(...) Read More
- Tweeter Tweeter (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /tweet-err/ What does Tweeter mean? A speaker designed to reproduce high frequencies around 10-20kHz. Tweeter is a speaker designed to reproduce high frequencies around 10-20kHz. The tweeter is typically above the main cone on a pair of studio monitors. Example sentence: "I got a new tweeter for the studio." Read More
- Unidirectional Unidirectional (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /u-nee-dy-rek-tion-al/ Also spelled or known as: Unidirectional Microphone, Unidirectional Pattern Related: Cardioid What does Unidirectional mean? A type of microphone with a heart-shaped pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it. A Unidirectional (also known as "Cardioid") microphone is a type(...) Read More
- Unidirectional Microphone Unidirectional Microphone (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /u-nee-dy-rek-tion-al-micro-fone/ Also spelled or known as: Unidirectional, Unidirectional Pattern Related: Cardioid Microphone What does Unidirectional Microphone mean? A type of microphone with a heart-shaped pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it. A Unidirectional (also known as(...) Read More
- Unidirectional Pattern Unidirectional Pattern (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /u-nee-dy-rek-tion-al-pat-ern/ Also spelled or known as: Unidirectional Microphone, Unidirectional, Cardioid Pattern, Cardioid Microphone, Cardioid Related: Cardioid Pattern What does Unidirectional Pattern mean? A heart-shaped microphone pickup pattern that picks up sounds in front of it, but not behind it. A(...) Read More
- USB USB (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /u-s-b/ Also spelled or known as: U.S.B., U-S-B What does USB mean? Universal Serial Bus. USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. A USB socket is on many computers and devices that allow things to be connected to a computer and transfer MIDI information. Example sentence: "Does your computer have a USB?" Read More
- VBR VBR (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /V-B-R/ Also spelled or known as: V-B-R, V.B.R., V B R What does VBR mean? Variable Bit Rate. VBR stands for Variable Bit Rate. Opposite of CBR (Constant Bit Rate), VBR (Variable Bit Rate) refers to the encoding of an MP3 or lossy audio file bit rate changing with the type of content in the file. VBR is great for(...) Read More
- VCA VCA (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /V-C-A/ Also spelled or known as: V-C-A What does VCA mean? Voltage Controlled Amplifier. VCA stands for Voltage Controlled Amplifier. Voltage Controlled Amplifier. The section on an analogue synth that controls the ADSR envelope and the volume, the gain is affected by an external voltage fed to it. Read More
- VCA Compressor VCA Compressor (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /V-C-A-kom-press-or/ Also spelled or known as: VCA-Compressor Related: VCA What does VCA Compressor mean? An analog compressor that uses a VCA control to apply compression. VCA compressors are usually fast-acting (at least in comparison to opto-compressors), a wide dynamic range, and low distortion. Example sentence:(...) Read More
- VCF VCF (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /V-C-F/ Also spelled or known as: V-C-F What does VCF mean? Voltage Controller Filter. VCF stands for Voltage Controller Filter. VCF is the section on an analogue synth that controls the filter and the filter ADSR. Read More
- VCO VCO (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /V-C-O/ Also spelled or known as: V-C-O What does VCO mean? Voltage Controlled Oscillator. VCO stands for Voltage Controlled Oscillator. An oscillator on an analogue synth. Read More
- Velocity Velocity (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /veh-law-sit-e/ What does Velocity mean? A MIDI parameter for each note that is played. Velocity is the force at which a note is performed and recorded. Velocity usually determines the loudness of the notes. It can also be used to modify other parameters on synthesizers. Example sentence: "I tweaked the velocity a bit." Read More
- Verse Verse (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /vers/ Plural: Verses What does Verse mean? A section of storytelling, lines, or bars in a song. A verse is a section of storytelling, lines, or bars in a song. Most songs have two verses. Example sentence: "We are paying Kendrick Lamar for a verse." Read More
- Vibrato Vibrato (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /vi-bra-toe/ What does Vibrato mean? An effect created by modulating the pitch of a sound with an LFO at a small amplitude. Vibrato is an effect created by modulating the pitch of a sound with an LFO at a small amplitude. This creates a wavy sound. Example sentence: "Did you take the vibrato off?" Read More
- Vihuela Vihuela (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /veh-way-lah/ What does Vihuela mean? An obsolete 15th-century fretted plucked Spanish stringed instrument. A Vihuela (also known as "vihuela de mano") is an obsolete 15th-century fretted plucked Spanish stringed instrument, that is shaped like a guitar but tuned like a lute. Example sentence: "The museum is trying to get a vihuela." Read More
- Vina Vina (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ve-na/ What does Vina mean? An Indian stringed musical instrument. A vina is an Indian stringed musical instrument. A Vina. Saraswati Vina, gourd, wood, ivory and lac, painted and gilded with six ivory pegs and metal wire strings, steel frets set into wax beds, length 117cm, South India, with ivory decoration possibly from(...) Read More
- Viola Viola (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /ve-oh-lah/ What does Viola mean? The tenor instrument of the violin family. A viola has four strings. A viola is the tenor instrument of the violin family. A viola has four strings. Violin family: Violin, Viola, Cello Example sentence: "She was a really good viola player." Read More
- Violin Violin (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /vy-oh-lin/ Related: Violinist, Fiddle What does Violin mean? A four-stringed instrument played with a bow. A violin is a four-stringed instrument played with a bow. A violin has a shallow body and is played with a bow by holding it under the chin and moving the bow over the strings. Violin synonyms: Fiddle Violin family:(...) Read More
- Violinist Violinist (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /vio-lin-tist/ Related: Violin What does Violinist mean? Someone who plays the violin; a violin player. A violinist is someone who plays the violin. A violin player is known as a violinist. Example sentence: "Sarah is a really good violinist." Read More
- Virtuoso Virtuoso (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /vir-too-o-so/ What does Virtuoso mean? A really good or skilled musician. A virtuoso is a really good or skilled musician. An example would be a piano virtuoso; a pianist. Example sentence: "My girlfriend is a virtuoso violinist." Read More
- Vocal Vocal (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /vok-all/ Plural: Vocals Related: Vox What does Vocal mean? A recorded audio by someone. Example sentence: "Let's do a quick vocal." Read More
- Vocal booth Vocal booth (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /vok-ull-booth/ Also spelled or known as: Booth Related: Vox, Vocals, Booth Plural: Vocal booths What does Vocal booth mean? An enclosed space with soundproofing and isolation designed to record vocals in. Vocal booths (also known as "the booth") are usually acoustically treated and inside of a recording studio(...) Read More
- Volume Volume (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /vol-uum/ Related: Input Gain What does Volume mean? The amplitude of a sound or the sound pressure level (loudness). Volume is the amplitude of a sound or the sound pressure level (loudness). The volume is a parameter that can be adjusted on a device. Volume synonyms: Input Gain Example sentence: "Can you please turn up the(...) Read More
- Vox Vox (noun) Type: noun, abbreviation Pronunciation: /vox/ Also spelled or known as: Vocals What does Vox mean? Vocals. Vox is short for vocals. Vox synonyms: Vocals Example sentence: "I'm gonna send you the vox tonight." Read More
- VST VST (noun) Type: noun, acronym Pronunciation: /V-S-T/ Also spelled or known as: V-S-T, V.S.T, V S T Related: Virtual Studio Technology What does VST mean? Virtual Studio Technology; synthesizer and effects unit plugins that integrate with Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs). Example sentence: "What VST is this? I like it." Read More
- WASAPI WASAPI (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /W-A-S-A-P-I/ What does WASAPI mean? Windows Audio Session API. WASAPI stands for and means "Windows Audio Session API". WASAPI is Microsoft’s multi-channel audio interface for communication with audio devices, i.e. an audio driver. Read More
- Watt Watt (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /waht/ Plural: Watts What does Watt mean? Unit of electrical power. Watt is the unit of electrical power. Example sentence: "Can you tell me in watt measurement." Read More
- WAV WAV (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /wave/ Plural: WAVs Related: Waveform What does WAV mean? WAV, or Waveform Audio File Format, the standard format for audio files. WAV Synonyms: .WAV Example sentence: "We sent the WAV file to the label." Read More
- Waveform Waveform (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /wave-form/ Also spelled or known as: Wave form Related: Wave, Wavelength, Sound wave Plural: Waveforms What does Waveform mean? The shape of a sound wave. A waveform is a curve showing the shape of a sound wave. Example sentence: "The waveform looks likes a pattern here." Read More
- Wavelength Wavelength (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /wave-length/ Also spelled or known as: Wave length, Wave-length Related: Wave, Waveform What does Wavelength mean? The length of the wave. The shorter the wavelength, the faster the wave is. Example sentence: "The 808 has a short wavelength." Read More
- Wavetable Wavetable (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /wave-taib-ull/ Related: Wavetable synthesis, Wavetable synths What does Wavetable mean? A collection of waveforms that can be scanned through, blended with one another, and modified. A wavetable is a collection of waveforms that can be scanned through, blended with one another, and modified. Read More
- Wavetable Synthesis Wavetable Synthesis (noun) Type: noun, effect Pronunciation: /wave-taib-ulll-syn-tuh-sis/ Related: Wavetable What does Wavetable Synthesis mean? A form of synthesis similar to subtractive synthesis. Wavetable Synthesis is a form of synthesis similar to subtractive synthesis. Xfer Serum, NI Massive and Ableton Wavetable are three very popular Wavetable(...) Read More
- Wet Wet (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /wet/ Also spelled or known as: Wet sound, Wet-sound Opposite: Dry What does Wet mean? Processed sound; a sound with effects on it. Wet sound is vocals or sounds with effects and things done to it. A Dry/Wet knob is used to blend signals. Example sentence: "All the vocals are wet now." Read More
- Wet/Dry or Dry/Wet Wet/Dry or Dry/Wet (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /wet-dry/ Also spelled or known as: Dry/Wet Wet-Dry Related: Wet sound, Wet, Dry sound, Dry What does Wet/Dry mean? Dry: Unprocessed sound; a sound with no effects on it. Wet: Processed sound; a sound with effects on it. Dry sound is vocals or sounds recorded as is. Wet sound is vocals or sounds with effects and(...) Read More
- Wet sound Wet sound (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /wet-sund/ Also spelled or known as: Wet, Wetsound, Wet-sound Opposite: Dry sound What does Wet sound mean? Processed sound; a sound with effects on it. Wet sound is vocals or sounds with effects and things done to it. A Dry/Wet knob is used to blend signals. Example sentence: "The single is now a wet sound, i'm going to(...) Read More
- White Noise White Noise (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /white-noise/ Also spelled or known as: White-Noise Other Noises: Pink Noise, Brown Noise, Quantization Noise What does White Noise mean? A noise produced by many synthesizers from playing the entire frequency spectrum at once. White Noise is a noise produced by many synthesizers from playing the entire frequency spectrum at(...) Read More
- Whole Note Whole Note (noun) Type: noun, music notation Pronunciation: /hole-note/ Also spelled or known as: Whole-Note, WholeNote Related: Whole Rest What does Whole Note mean? A note that takes up an entire measure in 4/4 time. More notes: Half note, A note, B note, C note, D note, F note A Whole Note (used in music notation) is a note that takes up an entire measure in 4/4(...) Read More
- Whole Step Whole Step (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /whole-step/ Also spelled or known as: Whole-step What does Whole Step mean? A change in pitch equivalent to two half steps, or the difference in pitch between two piano keys. Whole Step is a change in pitch equivalent to two half steps, movement of two notes in a given direction, or the difference in pitch between two piano(...) Read More
- Woofer Woofer (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /woof-err/ Related: Subwoofer What does Woofer mean? A loudspeaker that is designed to reproduce bass frequencies only. Woofer is a loudspeaker that is designed to reproduce bass frequencies only. Woofer reproduces the low-mid frequencies, usually from ~20Hz up to ~500Hz. Similar to a subwoofer but with a higher range. Example(...) Read More
- Work Work (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /work/ What does Work mean? Any creation that can be copyrighted. Work is any creation that can be copyrighted. A work can be musical, visual, literary, etc. Example sentence: "I love his work, that's why I hired him." Read More
- WOW WOW (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /WOW/ What does WOW mean? A filter that creates formants. WOW is a filter that creates formants. The plugin created by Sugar Bytes is used to create formants. Creator: Sugar Bytes Read More
- XLR XLR (noun) Type: noun, abbreviation Pronunciation: /x-l-r/ Plural: XLRs Also spelled or known as: X-L-R, X.L.R., X L R What does XLR mean? External Line Return; A cable with three prongs for microphones. XLR stands for External Line Return. Example sentence: "Can you hand me the XLR on your right." Read: What is a XLR? What does XLR do or stand for? Read More
- Yo Yo (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /yo/ Plural: Yos Also spelled or known as: The Yo Related: The Yo What does Yo mean? Studio; A specially designed space for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and anything related to audio. Yo is slang for Studio. A studio is a specially designed for audio recording, audio production, mixing & mastering, and(...) Read More
- Zero-crossing Zero-crossing (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /zee-ro-kross-in/ Also spelled or known as: Zero Crossing What does Zero-crossing mean? A point on a waveform that passes through the central zero line (complete silence). Zero-crossing is a point on a waveform that passes through the central zero line (complete silence). Example sentence: "When did it reach zero-crossing?" Read More
- Zone Zone (noun) Type: noun Pronunciation: /zo-own/ What does Zone mean? The keyboard mapping assigned to a sample or group of samples and controls pitch and velocity. A zone is the keyboard mapping assigned to a sample or group of samples and controls pitch and velocity. In the context of KONTAKT for example, loading a C2 piano sample into KONTAKT will automatically assign the(...) Read More
The world of music production can be complex and overwhelming, but with the right knowledge and vocabulary, you can navigate it like a pro. The terms and concepts we’ve covered in this glossary are just the tip of the iceberg, but they provide a solid foundation for anyone looking to get started in the field. Whether you’re an aspiring artist, producer or an experienced engineer, having a strong grasp of recording studio terminology is essential for achieving the best possible results in your music production work. We hope this glossary will serve as a useful reference tool as you continue to explore the exciting world of music production.